
Continuing the Quest

As the darkness surrounded him Jake gradually opened his eyes.

As soon as they were open he looked around surprised by his surroundings.

When he was finally done frantically looking around he calmed down a bit and started to look around for an exit while floating there.

Finally after floating for a few hours he saw a light, excited by this he started to swim towards the light almost like he was in water.

After he arrived there he reached out to the light and suddenly he sat up on what appeared to be a couch.

Looking around he saw no one around.

Jake: ' Why am I on a couch?' He thought to himself as he looks around the room that he recognizes as the Princess's.

As he looks around he remembers what happened and distressed by the thought that he failed his very first quest he looks at the quest screen.


Active Quest

Difficulty: F

Befriend the Princess of Arche

Time remaining: 2 days 14 hours

The princess seems lonely why not help her by being her first friend?


20 exp.

Random skill

+2 reputation with the kingdom of Arche


-3 reputation with the kingdom of Arche

Increased prices when purchasing items in Arche



Relieved by the fact that he still had time to complete the quest he decided to lay back down.

As he laid there he thought of his failure before he realized he now had a better understanding of the ground floor by the castle gate.

Jake: " System can you map out the best route to exit the castle now?" He asks the system.

System: ' Yes now that I have the layout of the front castle entrance.' It says answering Jakes question.

Jake: " Good, can you start looking for a route out then?" He asks eager to finish the quest.

As he waits for a response he suddenly hears someone speak from behind him.

Familiar? voice: " Who are you talking to?" The voice asks.

POV change...

Princess: 'It has been quite a few hours since that boy passed out. what was his name?' She thought to herself curious about the boy who appeared in her room.

As she thought to herself she walked into her room.

When she arrived within the room she saw the boy awake and talking to himself.

While walking towards the boy he seemed to talk to someone or something.

As she listened she decided to ask.

Princess: " Who are you talking to?" She asks waiting for an answer.

Third person POV...

Jake jumps at the voice before seeing a girl with straight brown hair, fair skin that looks as white as snow, and the same set of clothing that was almost the same as what she was wearing yesterday.

Jake: " Don't surprise me like that!" He says surprised by her sudden appearance.

Princess: " I will not apologize for appearing in my own room." She says calmly.

Jake: " Fine, Whatever!" He says annoyed dismissing the past events.

Jake: " So what do you want?" He asks impatiently.

Princess: " I just wanted to see if you were awake..."

Jake: " Jake, Jake Augustine." He says filling in the end of her answer with his name.

Princess: " Alexandra Arche." She answers as if this was a long overdue introduction.

Jake: So Alexandra why did you help me up here?" He asks curiously with a hint of sarcasm.

Alexandra: " Do not address me in such an informal manner, call me princess Alexandra." She says annoyed by his lack of formality.

Jake: " Sorry, I meant her royal highness princess Alexandra." He says while rolling his eyes.

Alexandra: " What is with that sarcastic tone!" She says frustrated.

Jake: " I'm sorry it's just that I don't really have that much respect for your authority in this kingdom." He says bluntly with a deadpan expression.

Alexandra: " Well I will make you respect me by showing you how much people adore me!" She says frustrated by the boys response.

Jake: " Sure" He says calm.

Alexandra started walking out of the room dragging Jake with determined to show him what kind of person she is to this kingdom.

Jake POV...

Jake: ' Heh well that's a good way to get her to take the initiative in this quest."

I thought to myself internally smirking.

Jake: " So what are you going to show me first?" I says curious.

Alexandra: " I am going to show you the staff and you can ask them what their opinion is of me." She says with her head held high with a proud expression on her face that made it almost look like her nose was standing straight up confidence.

Jake: " Great so what am I going to say so it doesn't sound like you requested me to ask?" I question.

Alexandra: " hmm, just ask if they think the princess is nice maybe?" She says not sure how to answer my question.

Jake: " Okay." I say making an ok sign with my hand.

Third person POV...

As they finally arrived near a group of maids Alexandra nudges Jake to ask while she hides.

When Jake walked up to them and asks the question they respond positively saying things along the lines of she treats them as equals as well as goes out of her way to help.

As Jake walks back to Alexandra she smiles smugly.

Jake: " So where should we go now?" Jake asks somewhat curious.

Alexandra: " Hmm, I don't really know" She says.

Jake: " Well since you're unsure how about the town?" Jake suggests.

Alexandra: " Are you sure? I mean you passed out on the ground the last time." She says unsure about going.

Jake: " That was a one time thing!" He says embarrassed that he passed out in front of her when he was acting so confidently.

Alexandra smirks and laughs at his reaction.

Jake: " Hey don't laugh!" He says even more embarrassed by her reaction.

Alexandra's laugh dies down as she responds.

Alexandra: " It would be great to show you what the people outside of this castle think of me but I am not allowed out of the castle for my safety." She says somewhat downtrodden.

Jake: " Well why not go to the village it's not like you'll be abducted if you're in something that is a bit more casual." He says pointing towards her flashy dress.

Alexandra: " I guess that would be fine." She says somewhat unsure.

Jake: " Well come on then lets get you into something more casual then!" He says somewhat cheery.

Then he thinks about if she would have any clothes like that.

Jake: " Wait would you even have something like that?" He asks her.

Alexandra thinks about it for a second before answering Jake.

Alexandra: " I think I have an outfit that would be suitable for this." She says as she gestures for Jake to follow her when she starts walking.

Jake follows curious to see what she has for this.

As they arrive at the door to her room Alexandra stops in front.

Alexandra: " Stay here while I change." She says calmly before entering her room and closing the door.

Jake: " Okay!" He says not getting a chance to respond until the door was closed.

Time skip 15 minutes...

As he was waiting there he decided to interact with his mana but couldn't find anything useful to do with the energy.

While he was wondering what he could do with mana the door suddenly opened.

When it opened he saw a girl in baggy shirt, pants , and a cloak with a hood that is large enough to obscure their face.

Jake: " Princess is that you?" He asks assuming this was the outfit she was talking about.

Alexandra takes off her hood to confirm her identity.

Alexandra: " Yes it is me, what do you think of the outfit?" She asks nervous about how well it would work in public.

Jake: " It looks fine." he says reassuringly.

Alexandra: " Well then let's go!" she says eagerly as she wanted to try out her outfit.

As Jake was about to walk Alexandra grabs his arm and drags him towards the path to the castle gate.

Jake: ' Let's hope it goes better than last time.' He thinks to himself while being dragged.