
Chapter 2 Black Hole

Everyone know that black hole is the most violent think in space. It is because everything which goes into the black hole never comes. The biggest question is that what happens inside a Black hole. We all know that black hole really exist in space but who knows that what happens after and inside the black hole? I am not scientist but I really things that I can solve the mystery of black hole. I thought that if anything goes inside a Black hole can have a Time travel. Like, a scientist who said that black hole has a layer in which everything burns. But I thought that it is fake. I thought that if a thing goes inside a Black hole can go to future or past. I thought that there are two things that can happen in a black hole. First is that the things which goes into a black hole can go to to another world means at time travel can happen or or second thing is that the black hole has an another world inside him.

Everything is possible in this world and even a small child can explore everything.

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