

Aryan's pov 

Hey it's me Aryan Namikaze. It's been already been five months since I arrived in this world. I have been learning to fight  and , to read and write english again cause I don't remember it for some obvious reasons. As for my progress it's been pretty decent I am able to use my kekkei genkai pretty well now using shadow clones , transformation jutsu , substitution jutsu and fire ball jutsu is nothing for me . And why the hell am I talking to myself first thing in the morning🤔🤔. Well I read that it's nice to talk to yourself with ones in a while. well it's now time to go downstairs. 

" Hi mom, good morning " I said while waving my hand to her. 

" Good morning Aryan, come on here and get ready for breakfast " Mom said to me as she was preparing the table for breakfast. 

" Well you look very bright today, mom " I said it in a teasing tone. Well why wouldn't she have had a great night with dad yesterday night. But the problem is that when they have a good night I have don't get a peaceful sleep and even if I am a 4 and a half years old physically. I am still 18 years old mentally so it's hard so me to even sleep even after they finish. Well atleast now a days it's are not as bad as dad's birthday. That day felt like forever I thought they going to go on whole night . now they go for like half or one hour only. 

" Well I am in a good mood today now come here fast and eat your breakfast otherwise it will get cold. " Mom said as she had completed serving the breakfast. 

" Ya I am coming . Did dad leave for work early today? " I asked while sitting for the breakfast  

" Ya he went early today cause it's a special day for  you today, isn't it ? He wanted to be there for you during that time. '' Mom told me as I started eating breakfast. 

" Yes it is ." I replied to her. 

Author's pov 

It was afternoon and there was a doorbell at the house. Kushina opened the door and there was Minato and Kakashi . 

" I am back. " Minato said. 

" Thanks for having me, " Kakashi said. both of them said this while entering the house at the same time. 

" Welcome back, " Kushina said. 

" Is Aryan ready for his sparring? " Minato asked Kushina. 

" Yes he is , he sees very excited for today sparing " Kushina said with a concerned look. 

" Don't worry Kushina, both you and I will be there and if it's Kakashi he will be fighting, it's not something we should be worried about. And this is for him and it will benefit him in the future " Minato reassures Kushina as she was concerned about Aryan. He might be a genius but he is still a kid that was one of the main Kushina concerns. 

" Aryan let's go it's time for us to go let's go " . 

Minato said to Aryan. 

" Yes dad, I am coming " Aryan said while coming downstairs. 

" But where are we going dad, for the sparring ?" Aryan asked Minato. 

" You will see, " Minato said to Aryan. 

After that the whole family and Kakashi locked the house and started going to a certain location. 

( Just in case you are wondering where is naruto. he is with Kushina in that baby carrying  bag on back. ) 

Yes I think this is the same place I think it is. This is the place where Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura took their bell test.  I didn't even Imagine I would see this place in reality. No Aryan, it's not the time for you to get excited, it's time for me to show what I have learned since I started learning to fight in this world. Aryan thought this as they arrived at the destination. 

" Don't worry Aryan, I will go easy on you, " Kakashi said as he was joking. 

" Yes I would like you  too " Aryan said it back as he smiled and started to walk to his position. 

" So let me explain to the rules that if the sparring of Aryan landed even a single hit in Kakashi he wins but if Kakashi immobilizes Aryan or Aryan accepts defeat he loses. " Minatk explains the rules and looks towards both of them and their nodes. 

" one.... two... three..... go " Minato said as he backed off from them. 

" Clap" Aryan claps and starts with the shadow clone jutsu right away. There were three clones and one original body of Aryan in total. All of them started running  . " Ahhhhhhh" three of the clones shouted as they approached Kakashi first. 

All three of them approached him from three different angles. 

The two which were approaching him from right and left were aiming for Kakashi's upper body while the one approaching from the front went for the legs with his kick. 

" Oh approaching me form three sides, impressive Aryan, " Kakashi said as he looked at his clones. 

" But they are not enough to defeat me ." Kakashi said as the clones were close enough for him, he kicked the two clones which were coming from the two sides and pressed down the one who was coming for his legs, causing all of them to disappear . But as he was above Aryan's clone, Aryan came running from behind the clone with a punch aimed at Kakashi's face. 

" All of the clones were decoy, " Kakashi said as he was surprised . As the punch was about to land, Kakashi landed a blow with his kick on Aryan. 

Aryan went a couple of feets back due to these kicks. 

But even after seeing this Both Minato and Kushina had a soft smile on their faces, they definitely saw something which Kakashi didn't know. 

After Kakashi walked up to Aryan he asked. 

" So ready to give up yet ?" . 

" pufffff " and there was a log instead of Aryan. 

" What substitutions jutsu when di... " As Kakashi was in the middle of his thoughts he heard a sound. 

" Clap , Fire style : Fireball jutsu '' Aryan said as he was already behind him by the time Kakashi realised what happened. 

He jumped as he wanted to avoid getting hit by Aryan's jutsu.  As he Jumped Aryan said " Yes he is definitely where I wanted him to be. 

" Clap " Another shadow clone appeared. 

" What is he planning to do now ?" Minato thought as he watched carefully. 

"Clap " Another clap but this time one of them transformed into a kunia. 

" Ok bro this is our best shot, let's go now " Aryan said as he threw the transformed kunai into the air toward Kakashi. 

" Oh so , you were planning to attack me in the air from the start , but that kunai you should have aimed it better at going above my head, '' Kakashi said as  he started to fall down from his jump. 

" Now " Aryan shouted. 

" phuffff" the kunai transformed back into Aryan and he clapped in middle of the air. Fire style : Fire ball Jutsu. 

" He used fire ball jutsu in the middle of the air, so Kakashi won't be able to  avoid it, well planned Aryan, '' Kushina thought to herself. 

" It's a good move, Aryan, but will that be enough " Minato thought. 

Kakashi looked towards the Fire ball and got hit by it. But as soon as he got hit by it " phuffff" there was a wooden log instead. " Don't you think that you are the only one with substitution jutsu. " Kakashi said as he appeared behind the Aryan on the ground. hit a weak chop on his neck so that he would fall unconscious. 

" phufffff" the clone disappeared the one in the air was the real Aryan. 

" No save him, he will fall on the ground ." Kushina said to Minato as she didn't see the bigger picture. 

" There is no need to worry, Kushina looks carefully. '' Minato pointed at the fireball that Aryan made. 

The fire ball kept going and hit on the ground to cushion the fall from above. Aryan landed safely on the ground. But he was taking deep breaths as he was tired from all the attacks he made. 

This is not good at this rate. I will be out of chakra, I only have enough chakra to last one more attack so this will be a all Or nothing attack. Aryan thought.

" It looks like you only have one attack left in your Aryan, so make it count ok. " Kakashi said to Aryan. 

Aryan nods and claps this time it was again shadow clone jutsu . All four of them shouted and ran towards Kakashi. 

" What are you planning this time, Aryan? " Kakashi thought. This time Kakashi didn't think too much of Aryan shouting. Last time he was able to cover the sound of clapping with this shouting, but this time all four of them were in Kakashi's eye sight . 

so he didn't think about it that much. It just looked like Aryan was desperate to land a blow on  Kakashi as he was charging aimlessly towards Kakashi. Kakashi made quick work of them and he walked up to the original Aryan who was behind all of them gasping for more air. He was extremely tired. " So are you gonna give up now? " Kakashi said as he walked towards Aryan. 

" Never " Aryan said in a low tone. 

" You can't do anything now, see Aryan. It's nice to not give up but you must know your limits and give up someti.... " Kakashi was interrupted in the middle as the Aryan he thought was real disappeared as it was just a clone. And suddenly a rock below Kakashi transformed into Aryan . Aryan clapped immediately and said Fire style : fire ball jutsu. 

It was at point blank range there was no way Kakashi would have been able to avoid it. It hit Kakashi but Kakashi was already prepared was for a surprise attack from Aryan, he used substitution jutsu just in time and escaped. 

" I knew it wouldn't work " Aryan said as standing all exhausted from the fight and he started to fall down. Kakashi appeared in front of him and Aryan fell on his back with his chin on his shoulder. 

( yes this is the same pose with Kakashi and Naruto).

 You did well Aryan... 

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