
The Ties that Bind

"Nature is unkind: It treats all things impartially." Well so does the Devil. Abnormals, beings that came about by way of nuclear radiation after the attempted eradication of the human race, are divided into Classes and Types. Types are what abilities the Abnormal possesses. Classes are how powerful an Abnormal is. The most docile powers belonging to Class 1 and the most extreme claimed by 10. Despite being the son of the Great Devil King Lucifer, Kaiser, an Abnormal, was locked in a high security institution from birth, suffering experiment after experiment. Life was a fight from the moment he began breathing. Other Abnormals are locked away in the institution as well, suffering demented torture and extreme brutality. Kaiser learns about his condition through a scientist named Maria, he conspires to escape with the friends he was allowed to make for observational purposes. Will Kaiser be able to make it out alive? And if he does... What's waiting for him out in the radiation soaked world? "Even in the darkest hour, I shall be there for you, by your side." How far will a person go for the ties that bind?

KiaYanna · Võ hiệp
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28 Chs

Chapter 24: His Flames, Their Promise

I stared at Ambrosia as I tried to think about which power to use to get her collar off.

"The elements?"I suggested.

"No that wouldn't work. If it did don't you think she'd be awake by now because I'd have used them." Arabella sighed.

"I could...I don't know."I was at a loss. I didn't want to use any of my other powers.

"Well think of something or else she won't ever wake up!"Arabella said exasperated.

"I could use my flames."I said slowly.

"The flames of Hell?"Arabella looked at me skeptically.

"No, my flames..."I said bitterly. "The flames of my father."

I concentrated, then suddenly I was engulfed in bright blue flames. Arabella gasped as she took in the sight before her.

"Those should be more than sufficient enough to melt that collar."

"Are you sure?"I didn't let myself get too excited.

"Do you know how to control your flames?"Arabella asked, looking me up and down.

"I was put through control classes and experiments."

"So is that a yes?"She looked bewildered.

"I've been given all the means necessary to know how control them, but I..."

"You what?"She huffed.

"Deep down I always knew."I started slowly. "I always knew what these blue flames meant."


"When we were little they told us stories and one particular story so happened to be about the blue flames and how they were a sign of the Devil and how they were exclusive to him."

"So you knew?"

"I was left with my thoughts often to ponder the possibilities...It was a torture in itself and they knew it."

"Kaiser..."Arabella gazed at me with soft eyes, then her demeanor changed, "Get over yourself! Can you control the damned things or not?"

Suddenly the feeling over took me and I felt venom in my heart and soul. "Let's find out."I smirked and threw a flaming blue ball at her. Zeke tensed up and jumped to her, wrapping his arms around her body.

She shielded her face and screamed, but then stopped. "It's... warm and gentle..."She let her arms fall to her sides.

"How dare you test your flames on Arabella!"Zeke glared.

"I- I don't know what came over me."The feeling dwindled before subsiding.

"Throw it at that plant!"She said excitedly.

I threw my flames at the plant, but nothing happened.

"I'd rather not kill if I don't have to."I admitted.

"Then throw it at the rug!"She was becoming annoyed again.

I threw it at the run and commanded te flames to burn and they did. I ordered the flames to die out.

"Throw them at her!"Arabella got excited again.

I hesitated, "I..."

"Do it!"She hissed.

"Don't order me around!"I hissed back.

I walked over to Ambrosia and sat down beside her. I let my hand hover over her collar and it exploded to life in blue flames. Slowly it melted away.

Ambrosia's eyes fluttered open, revealing a light green left eye and a brown right eye.

"Y-you..."She looked up at me, her alto voice was like silk and it was everything that was good in the world.

"Ambrosia..."I felt something well up in my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.

She appeared to be in shock, tears streamed down her cheeks. "I've finally found you."She sniffled, wrapping her arms around me.

"Wait...What do you mean?"I was taken aback.

"Don't you remember?"Ambrosia looked at me with a pained look.

"Remember what?"

"You were on the verge of death, your father sealed you away 10,000 years ago. I've been looking for you ever sense."

"Why? Why would he seal me away?"

"Because you fell in love with me."She looked ashamed. "Because you fell in love with the daughter of God."Her eyes trailed off, looking everywhere but mine.

"Then why do I have memories of growing up in the lab?"My head was getting heavy and I was becoming disoriented.

"Those memories were manufactured... I don't know how he did it, but he did."

"We have to break the curse inflicted on us by our parents."

"W-what curse?"

"If we kiss you have seven days before you lose your memories and you die, only to be reborn again into another body."

"Then how did you know it was me?"I was confused.

"Because you always look the same and you always have that marking."She caressed my cheek where the three crosses resided.

"That makes no sense."I wasn't grasping the situation very well.

"I've spent multiple lifetimes searching for you."She said quietly. "The number of people I've watched grow old and die is immeasurable..."She clenched her fist. "But after all that loss, after everything I've done both good and evil.. It all means something now...that I've found you again."The tears turned black as they streamed down her cheeks.

"Why me?"Suddenly I was angry at her. "Why didn't you find someone else!?"I yelled. "Someone else to love! You could have saved yourself all this pain and suffering and heartache, if only you'd found someone else to-"

She glared at me, then slapped me. "Because we made a promise."

"A promise?"I was overwhelmed by my emotions. "What promise?"

"A promise to always be by each other's side."She looked up at me, those heterochromic eyes peered into my soul. It comforted me, just her presence alone was enough to calm the raging storm within my soul.

"And I'll always keep that promise to you..."She said softly, leaning in towards my face. I thought she as going to kiss me, I prepared for it. I wanted it. I craved it. I've never desired something so bad in my entire life. But then I felt soft lips on my forehead.

"I'm sure this is all overwhelming for you..."She said gently with a smile. "Let's start slow."