
The Tickling Torturer

One more mystery to solve and it's probably worth your while... She saw her parents get killed; was always raised with lies and has been planning her revenge for longer than she can remember because she knew the truth. Redhead, ruthless, heartless, beautiful and odious Merida Klein tickles all her father's ex-friends to death as a way of avenging her parents' demise. She hates blood-spill_ it traumatized her. She succeeds in eliminating her parents' murderers; however, her plans start getting mixed up when she gets to her last targets_ The Parkers_ she has yet another journey of revelations awaiting her. She also discovers a few things about herself, like the fact that she's not as strong and smart as she thinks she is, especially if its Parker she wants to take down. She still has a few lessons to learn and a few friends to make before she takes the crown. The million-dollar question is: will she take the crown or go down? She may also end up finding someone to love in the end. Who knows? Follow Merida as she avenges her parents' demise and as she meets barriers she never thought she would and, unfortunately, is unable to overcome. Cover by Shoeshoe Moshoeshoe, I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THE PICTURE IN THE COVER @NAtOrFRaNcie and @shoeshoemoshoeshoe on wattpad and WebNovel ~Shoeshoe Moshoeshoe

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13 Chs



She's been dead for two years now. That makes me seventeen.

Being a ghost came in handy in a lot of ways: I've studied quite a number of courses without wakening any suspicions within the past two years.

Now I've decided that it is time. That's why I have an eleven-year old hit-list in my hands whilst sipping hot cocoa.

Dad did promise that I'd be financially 'comfortable' for the rest of my life and frankly, he couldn't have said it any better… I am indeed_ comfortable… well at least financially.






A cocky smirk plays on my lips as I imagine my future from now.

I'll eliminate Greene first, he won't know what hit him. It's even better now that they've all went their separate ways and that all of them think that I'm six-feet under.

If there's one thing I respect in my awful life it's my name. In everything I do_ good or bad_ I never fake my first name. It's what you'd call ���dumb', but I know what I'm doing.

I, for one, have my ginger hair dyed black and straightened out; my hazel eyes, concealed under dark brown contact lenses. I also have my wide eyes slanted.

That should give me sufficient cover for my first mission.

I shall be referred to as Merida McNeill. I love the sound of it. It's not called fraud if you're a ghost. It's called 'borrowing names' plus, I'll return it once I've eliminated Greene and his family so there's actually no harm done.

I've been fantasizing about this day for all my childhood and almost all my adolescence and finally it's here.

The regal but cozy splendor of the Greenes' property didn't take me by surprise. As I'd expected, the gate wasn't closed and to my surprise wasn't even guarded.

Mayor Greene wouldn't refuse to shelter an orphan whose shelter has recently went bankrupt and eventually burnt to ashes now would he?

It would tarnish his 'perfect' reputation. He knows that, his wife knows that and his children know that. It's infuriating how he got to start a family and be a successful politician when my parents are dead because of him. Mom and dad didn't get a chance to live their lives like he's living his.

He'll pay for his betrayal, even if it costs me my life to take him down, I swear he'll pay, they'll all pay.

I did mention that the gate is open and there aren't any guards, which is a bit weird if you ask me. Anyway, it's a minus one problem for me.

After walking through the gate, I lightly knock on the front door and it almost immediately opens.

I'm welcomed by a female figure that towers me_ Mrs. Greene to be precise_ she is quite the looker and has a blond hair pulled back in a neat ponytail.

I manage to get a feigned shy smile out of myself.

"You must be Mrs. Greene, hi I am Merida McNeill." I politely introduce myself. And pull a hand out to greet her.

"Hi Merida, to what do I owe your acquaintance and where are the guards? They're supposed to have checked you in."

She shakes my hand and continues…

"I'm Helen by the way and you can come inside. I don't normally do this and given the fact that you know who I am_ you know why I don't accept unidentified visitors. I'll let you in though, you're just a kid."

Wrong move, well at least on her side. She doesn't know just how dangerous I am to her family, how I wish she knew.

Soon enough, however, she'll have a story to tell_ in hell I suppose because once I'm done with all of them, the world of the living will have long stopped being theirs.

"Come on in," she invites me inside and I follow her in, "make yourself at home."

After unfolding my figure on a cozy love couch that was positioned at the center of the living room' weird position if you ask me, I opened my mouth in an attempt to enlighten her about my 'troubles and needs'.

"To kill the suspense Mrs. Greene I_"

"Helen. Call me Helen." She interrupted.

"Uhmm okay Mrs. Gr_ I meant Helen."

"I... I am an orphan. I do know about my parents, but I haven't met them before. They_ abandoned me." I told her as I let out a depressed sigh with no attempt conceal how woebegone I am.

She holds her breath as she awaits the continuity of my sad tale.

"I've been in and out of foster homes in which I was abused, eventually, an orphanage_ one I still call a foster home_ took me in." I paused awaiting a comment, or at least comforting words from her.

She didn't disappoint. As I'd half-expected, she pulled me into a warm hug and gave me space to continue telling my tale.

"Having graduated from high school in the previous year, I was supposed to be enrolled in college in the current year; however, I'd been admitted in need-blind schools and I honestly didn't afford to pay for my tuition so I decided to take a gap-year and save up some money for college, but things started getting hectic back at the orphanage, Matron Maria died of a stroke, and eventually we found ourselves caught in a web of endless debts_ debts she had hidden from us during the days of her life.

Being the elder one, I was forced to use all my earnings and savings to aid my foster brothers and sisters with their basic needs, I wasn't earning enough money to raise four teenagers, five toddlers and three infants though; consequently, one of them, Lisa Shawn, dropped out of high school and got a job so that she could help me take care of the rest of the family.

Things started getting better until one day Lisa and I went home from work only to find our house burnt down to ashes." a tear escaped from my eyes and I quickly wiped it and inhaled a great deal of air.

I should get an award for that.

Mrs. Greene had 'concern' written all over her face. I knew I was pushing the right buttons. Her sappy story was quite similar to the one I provided, except_ she ended up marrying a wealthy politician whose blood I'd craved since my days of yore.

"Lisa was lucky enough to be reunited with her wealthy estranged great-aunt, but I wasn't so lucky." I added with a sad smile plastered across my face.

She gave me an encouraging smile and I proceeded…

"Please help me Mrs. Greene. I don't know anyone else whom I'd run to in all of Los Angeles if not the mayor's family, I fear what these other families may do to me. I'm willing to take anything, I could even be your housekeeper; once I'm back on my feet I promise that I'll leave. I conclude, pleadingly.

The silence in the living-room was quite deafening_ it's only after a minute or so that she opened her mouth to speak.

She couldn't say no to my request that much I knew. I happen to know much at times I know but it is what it is.

Mrs. Greene was Mr. Greene's personal maid when they first met. Her past isn't what you'd call 'charming': she's an orphan, just like Merida McNeill; she didn't get to go to college at all. At some point in her childhood she landed in a foster home in which she was sexually harassed.

Eventually, she reported the abuse; no one believed her, however. That got her kicked out and she ended up being homeless for a while. That's when she started getting 'piece jobs' as a waitress or maid whenever she was needed. That lifestyle earned her a living. At twenty-two, she was Mr. Greene's personal maid and he got her pregnant. The rest is history.

They don't, however, disclose this information to everyone.

Secrets are quite hard to keep from me, especially if they have to do with the Big Four, as I normally call them.

"I'm sure my husband will love having you here. Come let me show you the room you'll be utilizing," a feminine voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I fixed my gaze on where it was coming from.

Wait. Where am I?

Oh yeah… I'm at the Greenes' and Mrs. Greene is talking to me.

Flip! I didn't get a word of what she was saying. Dad would be so disappointed in me. It's only the first day of my mission and I'm already screwing up_ how charming!

"Thank you Mrs._ uh Helen, I really appreciate what you're doing for me." I articulate with gratitude, making sure she doesn't get to know that I zoned out of our conversation at some point.

Her brows slightly furrowed. Nevertheless, she gave me a sweet smile and unfolded her long figure from the couch she had gotten comfortable on.

She sashayed out of the living room and to the stairs, then she ascended them slowly. I followed discreetly.

I'm finally doing this.

"You seem like a sweet girl Merida, I hope you appreciate what my family is about to do for you and never forget_ at any time in your life_ just how generous we were to you." She politely let out with a slight smile as she opened a door that revealed a non-decorated, but fine room.

"I hope you like it here, the kids will be back from school soon so you can make yourself at home for now."

After those words she gently closed the door shut. I get settled in and once I was done I spread myself on the mattress of my new bed and faced the ceiling.

I just can't wait to get out of here_ it's suffocating. The worst is yet to come: these people have children. True, murdering all of them (particularly the kids) makes my revenge more meaningful but that doesn't change the fact that I hate kids.

As mean as it may sound, I'm not kidding, I detest those imps. I never got to be one so why should they? What makes them so worthy? I wish they'd also seen…

Their parents' blood…

They've never had to hear their mother's bewildered cry for help as her life was being blown out her.

Their fathers' life wasn't taken from him by the people whom he confided in.

All they know is getting gifts on Christmas if they were on their best behavior throughout the year. That's all they know.

They haven't seen the blood. They haven't and for that, I despise them_ all of them.

I'm snapped out my thoughts by a noise coming from downstairs. The hell-bringers are probably home now. That's my queue to leave the room eventually.

No sooner had I descended the stairs than a boy started to pull me by my leg.

"Scott. Manners. Don't frighten Merida," Mrs. Greene scolded.

"Hi I'm Scott Greene, this is my sister Jade," he zealously provides and points at his sister with his left-hand thumb.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Merida McNeill." I introduce myself with a blank facial expression.

Am I supposed to smile? Whatever. I mentally roll my eyes after my brief monologue.

Jade pulls me into a hug_ it runs in the family I see.

I hug her back.

I must say though, Jade is not quite the looker. And I wonder why the hell they even named her Jade. Isn't that name given to people who actually have 'jade' eyes?

Well…it is what it is.

"Jade is eight and Scott is six, in case you were wondering," Mrs. Greene informed me " their father is in Russia and will only be coming home next week so for the next few days it will only be the four of us." Concluding, she left the living-room and went upstairs.

"I'm having an early night, you guys can order pizza for dinner. Please make sure they're in bed by 10 p.m. Merida, it's a school night."

"Goodnight." She said and right after that we heard her bedroom door close.

"Merida can you help me fix my doll's hair?" Jade sweetly asked with her puppy eyes on, which were unfortunately doing the inverse of what they were intended to do_ this kid really shouldn't be wearing silly face. For goodness's sake, she's an eye-sore already!

"Not today Jade, Merida will be video-gaming with me." Scott boasted with a cocky smirk on his face and dragged me to the TV room.

Oh boy.

"No I asked her first!" Jade yelled.

"And dolls suck, I know she's cool unlike some of us in here?" Scott shrugged, mocked her.

"Uhm guys, I don't think that you should be having this argument." I interfere.

"But he started it!" Jade point out with a pout on her face

"That didn't need a response Jade, in case you didn't notice." Scott told her, without his smirk leaving his face.

This should be fun.

"Is anyone hungry?" I broke the tension.

"I thought you'd never ask," Scott enthusiastically responded as he took a run around the room,

"Woah, careful there buddy." I warned him.

"Okay I'll order us some pizza. Merida, you have got to try their new sausage-filled crust chicken and mayo." With excitement, Jade took her phone out and placed our order.

We all settled for video-gaming, I could tell that they were having fun.

In about an hour, our order was delivered and Jade used her allowance to pay the bill.

We all feasted on the pizza, played video-games a little more and went to bed afterwards.

My first evening was not bad, not bad at all.

I did promise to drop this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and comment, I’d love to know how you all feel about my novel; it also makes writing a lot more fun.

Once again, I’d like to thank you all for reading TTT and I hope you’ll all read it until its completed

I’ll be publishing the next chapter soon.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Love Shoeshoe

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