
Taking Mr. Brief, Bulma, and Bulla to Paradise

The next morning Mr. Brief and John were sitting at the kitchen table drinking some coffee when Bulla enters full of energy seeing both her grandfathers.

"Grandpa," says Bulla as she jumps at Mr. Brief.

"Hoho, how is our little angel doing today?" asks Mr. Brief catches her in his arms.

Bulla looked at John and didn't know how to call him since he looked so young compared to Mr. Brief. John didn't say anything thinking that Bulla needed to come to terms with it since they just appeared out of nowhere yesterday.

Soon Bulma joined them as she sees both sitting at the table while Bulla is in her father's hands when she asks, "Where are mother and Nesiara?"

"They left in the morning to do some shopping. We don't want our guests to wear the same thing every day," says Mr. Brief answering Bulma's question.

"And why didn't John join them then?" asks Bulma as she points at John.

"I am going to help your father with the space pod for a while before dealing with our problem and your training," says John as he looked at Bulma when Bulla heard training and looked in John's direction.

"Am I going to train as well?" asks Bulla excited as John smiles.

"Yes, you have many more powers than you might think Bulla. For example," says John when he cloned himself and both say at the same time, "You can do this after some training."

Bulla has sparkles in her eyes seeing John clone himself while Mr. Brief is more curious about how John did that.

John dissolved the clone by his side when he stretches his hand out and a blue sphere appears in his hand before he says, "You were born with Chakra since you are Bran's daughter. It might be weak right now but after some months of training, you will be able to do something like this."

John then dissipates the Chakra before he walks to a wall and walks the wall up before standing upside down from the ceiling while saying, "You have many great-granduncles that are legends in using both Ki and Chakra at the same time. I fought some copies of them and let me tell you that they could have easily beat us."

"They are that strong?" asks Bulla excited as John nods before he removes the Chakra from his feet and makes a flip to land on his feet like a cat.

"That's how you start training Chakra but before you learn that you will learn a technique that is beneficial for everyone that learns it," says John as he walked towards his granddaughter and petted her head.

"But our most powerful weapon is right here," says John hinting at her brain.

"If you can't outsmart your enemy he will outsmart you. That's why our brains are our most dangerous weapon. There are many techniques out there that can reverse every situation but you need to know how to use them and for that you need to understand the situation you can use them," says John as Bulla looked at him confused when John smiles at her.

"Just don't become like Goku or Gabriel," says John as he sat back down while saying, "Become more like your aunt Yui. She is leading a company and a school at the same time while being one of the strongest people scattered around Universes. Maybe I will take you to her so you can meet your cousins as well."

"Yui isn't Bran's twin sister, right?" asks Bulma curious as John nods.

"She is the oldest of the sixth going by when they entered our family but the oldest in years is my youngest Leon. He is older than our whole family together. He was kidnapped by my grandfather and Logan when he was born. We found him later on trying to sacrifice himself to destroy a vicious cycle. We stopped it and finished it," says John as he takes a picture out with the whole family on it.

"Now there is also Trish and Xion. They are adopted by me and Nesiara," says John pointing at them before putting the picture away.

Bulma saw another picture of John before in which he was quite the giant when she asks, "What happened for you to change between the time those two pictures that you look like that?"

"Long story short, I died," says John which surprised them.

"I sacrificed myself trying to avoid the death of my descendant. But I didn't die really. I arrived at a Realm in which I met two people that were awaiting me. From them, I received my eyes and hair as well as a weapon that I can't call at the moment. But let us stop talking about ghosts and concentrate on the present," says John as he already has made a training program for all of the non-Saiyans in the group.

"What about our guest?" asks Bulma talking about Raditz.

"We will straighten him up in no time. We did quite a good job with our children and some of our friends," says John as Bulma and Mr. Brief didn't want to imagine it.

"But we should go back to work," says John standing up when Mr. Brief looks at him confused.

"I will be hitting the bed. I was working the whole night on it and need some sleep. Bulma, why don't you help your father-in-law with it while I rest," says Mr. Brief as Bulla puffed up her cheeks looking angry that John will be working instead of playing with her.

"Maybe I should spend some time with my granddaughter before thinking about work," says John which seemed to make Bulla happy when John picks her up and says, "How about I show you some of the pets I am holding."

"Oh, your wife mentioned that you have some exotic animals as I have," says Mr. Brief excited as Scratch appears on his shoulder.

"Not all are my pets but all of my grandchildren received the same pet from me. They get them as babies so they can bond with it," says John as he grabs Mr. Brief and looks at Bulma to touch him on the shoulder.

Bulma touches his shoulder and Justice transports them to Paradise. They were standing before the Mansion, Bulma and Mr. Brief were surprised to see the Mansion in Paradise.

"Where are we?" asks Bulma as she couldn't feel anyone else except for them.

"We are inside Justice. We call this place Paradise or at least Logan named it when he received it," says John as he puts Bulla down and he guides them into the courtyard.

Inside the courtyard, Ronnie was awaiting them. He recognized John by his smell before he smelled on the other three before John says, "They are family, Ronnie."

The Mabari barks as if telling him that he understood him when Mr. Brief asks, "He is quite intelligent."

"He is, but don't be confused by his look. He is a Cerberus that can tower over us if he sees us as a threat since he is the Guardian of Paradise and Leader of all the beast living in Paradise," says John as he petted the Mabari.

"Can you call Thor and tell him to bring one of his pups? We will await you here," says John as Ronnie barks before leaving the courtyard.

He rushed into the distance as he grew bigger and bigger making the group see a giant Hellhound running towards the mountains.

"Can you control such a beast?" asks Bulma nervous as John chuckles.

"Only one person can control Ronnie and that is his owner," says John not making Bulma feel reassured as John smiles and says, "Don't worry about Ronnie. He is calm and never gets into conflict since no one can overpower him except you are his owner or Logan."

"And who is his owner?" asks Bulma as John looks at her.

"Abigail Hawke, Logan's wife and the person known as the Goddess of Life and Death. She is standing over every being since even Logan doesn't want to see her angry," says John with a smile as he opened the door to the mansion.

"But we should enter it will take some time before Ronnie arrives with Thor and his pup," says John as he entered the mansion with the others who found a blue cat looking at them.

"That cat is on fire," says Mr. Brief surprised as the cat walked towards them.

"I am not on fire. My fur is made out of it," says Matatabi as she jumped onto John's shoulder.

"The cat can talk!" shouts Bulma surprised while Bulla had sparkles in her eyes because of the excitement she was feeling.

"Matatabi isn't a normal cat but one of the Tailed-Beasts. Outside there are another eight living in the wilderness enjoying themselves," says John as Bulla was stretching her hands towards Matatabi.

"Oh, she is quite the brave one," says Matatabi to everyone before she jumped into Bulla's hands.

Bulla wasn't feeling the heat from the blue flames as Mr. Brief and Bulma were surprised because Bulla should feel her hands burning up but nothing was going on.

"Bulla is fine because she seems to have inherited Nesiara's body type," says John as they looked confused at him.

John stretches his hand out towards them when lightning begins to appear around his hand when he says, "I have a lightning body while Nesiara's body is made out of flames. We are almost immune to attacks of our own element. You should have seen Nesiara drop a sun onto our enemies before."

"A sun? Do you mean the big yellow star?" asks Mr. Brief as John nods before his hand stopped radiating lightning.

"Yes, but do you want to read some books while we wait for Ronnie to return with Thor?" asks John as Bulma and Mr. Brief were confused when John looked at Bulla and continues, "And maybe a little game for our Bulla."

"You have books in this mansion?" asks Bulma as John nods while smiling.

"Of course, we even have a gravity room and a Hyperbolic Time Chamber in this mansion. But let us go to the Library," says John as he guided them there.

Once he opened the door they were surprised as the room was far too small with the doors being almost next to another only to find a giant library behind the door.

"How is this possible?" asks Mr. Brief seeing how big the library was.

"Magic," says John as he took some steps taking a game from the shelf for Bulla when John says, "Runes expand this room since this room contains every book ever written in here. Maybe some books from my world can help you improve your skill even further."

"We can really?" asks Bulma to make sure that they could read the books inside this library.

"Yes, but never enter the forbidden section. I and Nesiara had to reinforce the defenses inside it after the incident with Bran," says John warning them while Bulla took the game and started playing with Matatabi and John while Mr. Brief and Bulma began to read some books waiting for Ronnie and Thor.

Hope you like it.

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