
The Third Reich: The Return of the King

On November 11, 1918, when the unconditional surrender agreement was handed over to the French Marshal, the Second Empire became history. When the Allies were sharpening their knives and planning to feast on the corpse of the Second Reich;When the Kingdom of Bavaria, Württemberg, and Saxony tried to split the empire;When all Germans are worried about the dark tomorrow. The German army in the Bastogne area fired the last shot of World War I!Standing on the front line strewn with corpses of French soldiers, looking at the enthusiastic eyes of thousands of soldiers behind him, Lin Yu vowed to rebuild the empire in this life and restore the honour of the empire with iron and blood! (from Faloo)

DaoistLbwMKl · Quân đội
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Eastern Europe, Jifu City, the capital of Ermao.

In the Soviet general headquarters on the Western Front, Tukhachevsky was discussing the next battle plan with his subordinates.

At this moment, a soldier hurriedly walked in:"General, here is a telegram clearly sent to you!"

"Clear code?"

Tukhachevsky felt a little surprised. How could anyone use clear codes to send telegrams these days?

Especially using clear codes to send telegrams to Mao Xiong's generals. This thing sounds indescribably weird!

About telegrams , especially clear code telegrams, this kind of thing has always been a huge shame for Mao Xiong!

During the First World War, telegraphs played a major role in the armies of various countries. It was with the help of these telegrams that the commander-in-chief of each country The Ministry can quickly and effectively convey orders to the front-line troops, allowing them to adjust tactics in a timely manner and implement the latest orders.

Countries attach great importance to telegrams because they convey the most important information. Of course, it is precisely for this reason. Therefore, countries also attach great importance to monitoring the enemy's telegrams, trying to steal some useful information from the enemy's telegrams.

In order to protect their own secrets and prevent enemy eavesdropping, countries all monitor the contents of the telegrams when sending them. Coding means using special codes to replace the original words with agreed-upon specific words, so that even enemies who have monitored the contents of the telegram cannot distinguish one's own truth from the irrelevant and complex information center. Intention!

This situation is very common in Western European countries, including the three countries of Gaul and Hans, and even Italy in the south attaches great importance to protecting the contents of its own telegrams.

However, everyone is strictly guarding against it. , a strange thing appeared, that is, the furry bear!

Although the furry bear is also a European country, it is far away from the mainstream countries in Western Europe because it is located in Eastern Europe. In addition, the image of the furry bear has always been simple-minded and well-developed limbs. The image of a martial artist with no manners and vulgarity made the European countries have a bad impression of the Mao Xiong people.

As a result, over time, the industrial strength and technology of the Mao Xiong began to widen the gap with Western Europe. , when Western European countries began to set off a wave of industrialization, Mao Xiong was still immersed in the serfdom and feudal countries. Even after the Russo-Japanese War, Mao Xiong learned from the pain and carried out a certain amount of industrialization. This time was really too long. A little shorter!

The telegraph is a new thing, and the Mao Xiong people don't know enough about it. The number of telegraph operators is seriously insufficient, and their technical level is also very poor.

Therefore, when sending telegraphs to the front line, Mao Xiong is either. Either use a very old cipher that has almost no secrets for all countries, or simply send the telegram in clear code without encryption.

As a result, the German army has a bear expert named Hoffman, who intercepted the telegram! Xiong's telegram seized the opportunity for each of Mao Xiong's troops to fight independently and helped the German army win the Battle of Tannenberg. The

Russian army lost two armies and more than 300,000 men in the Battle of Tannenberg. Troops, Mao Xiong lost the ability to continue attacking in the early stages of the war. This battle had a profound impact on the pattern of the Eastern Front battlefield, and the Mao Xiong people did not encrypt their telegrams and directly used clear codes. It was widely circulated among countries and became an irrefutable proof of the backwardness and ignorance of the Woolly Bear people.

It was precisely because of such a thing that Haczewski was stunned for a moment when he heard someone sending him a telegram in clear code, and then became angry. Woke up!

"You must find out for me who is the bastard who doesn't follow the rules and dares to send a telegram in clear code!"

The use of clear code telegrams by the Russian army in World War I has always been a shame for Mao Xiong. At this time, someone went against the trend and committed the crime. Tukhachevsky was naturally extremely angry. If this kind of thing spreads, I am afraid that it will be repeated by other countries around the world. Laugh at it for a hundred years!

"General, general, this telegram is not from China!"

When the messenger saw that his Marshal was angry, he suddenly became trembling with fear.

Although Marshal Tukhachevsky was not old, he was a man who came out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, and he had a strong murderous aura. In front of him, this ordinary messenger felt as if he was in an ice cellar, and his whole body was surrounded by cold air!

"Not from China? You mean this is a telegram from abroad?"

After hearing the words of the messenger, Marshal Tukhachevsky was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting such a situation.

"Yes, that's it!"

The messenger felt the suffocating feeling fade away like a tide. He breathed a sigh of relief, secretly wiped his sweat, and said quickly

"Okay, show it to me!"

Tukhachevsky's curiosity was completely aroused. He couldn't figure out who wanted to send him a telegram?

He didn't seem to have many friends abroad?

Marshal Tukhachevsky took it. After taking a look at the telegram, he laughed out loud:"It turns out to be this guy!"

The telegram was sent in the name of Major General Hans, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mainz. The other party identified himself at the beginning of the telegram, which saved Tukhachevsky the effort of guessing.

"The Germans didn't know our telegram code, so they could only send us telegrams in plain code. Looking at it this way, it seems that this plain telegram was not intended to humiliate us!"

Tukhachevsky thought for a moment and felt relieved. Hans and Mao Xiong were from two different countries. They did not have a set of agreed passwords to use, so they could only send telegrams in plain code. It should not be the case that the other party did this. Deliberately, but out of necessity!

And in the telegram sent from Mainz, Tukhachevsky's guess was quickly confirmed.

"General, what did the German army say in the telegram?"

Zhukov, the cavalry battalion commander who had been promoted to major, ran over to join in the fun and asked curiously.

"No, see for yourself!"

Tukhachevsky handed the telegram to him openly and asked him to check it himself.

Although this telegram can be regarded as a private telegram sent to him by Mainz, Marshal Tukhachevsky's status is quite special. , he is the marshal of Mao Xiong and the commander-in-chief of the Western Front, so it is impossible for him to hide this telegram from others.

In that case, it will be suspected by others. Be fair and aboveboard, anyway, there is nothing wrong with the content of this telegram. Marshal Tukhachevsky thinks that there is nothing to criticize about his behavior.

"Bah, these Hans guys actually want us to cooperate with them. I think they are dreaming!"

Major Zhukov didn't have a good impression of Hans. After all, he had participated in the First World War, fought against the Hans on the battlefield, and witnessed many comrades died tragically at the hands of the Hans. Having such an experience, it was naturally impossible for him to treat the Hans. Hans doesn't have any good feelings anymore!

"Cooperating with them is not a problem. However, we can take advantage of the opportunity of the Hans to involve the main force of the Allied Forces from the front and send troops to the Black Sea region of Eastern Europe to regain our homeland. I think Moscow will definitely agree to this proposal. of!"

Marshal Tukhachevsky quickly forwarded this telegram to Moscow and put forward his own suggestions:

He believed that the main force of the Polish army had been annihilated by the German army at this time. In the next period of time, the Allies will definitely They have absolutely no time or energy to take care of the affairs of Eastern Europe after fighting the Germans. In this case, when the enemy has no time to care, Mao Xiong should take the opportunity to go south, occupy the homeland they lost in World War I, and restore the empire to its original state. territory!

This proposal was quickly approved by Mao Xiong's top management. On February 6, Mao Xiong began to send troops from Jifu.

However, they did not follow Mainz's request to attack Lviv directly. Heading east, we attacked Odessa, the important stronghold of the Allied Powers on the Black Sea!