
The Third Reich: The Return of the King

On November 11, 1918, when the unconditional surrender agreement was handed over to the French Marshal, the Second Empire became history. When the Allies were sharpening their knives and planning to feast on the corpse of the Second Reich;When the Kingdom of Bavaria, Württemberg, and Saxony tried to split the empire;When all Germans are worried about the dark tomorrow. The German army in the Bastogne area fired the last shot of World War I!Standing on the front line strewn with corpses of French soldiers, looking at the enthusiastic eyes of thousands of soldiers behind him, Lin Yu vowed to rebuild the empire in this life and restore the honour of the empire with iron and blood! (from Faloo)

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"So, what do you mean, are we standing by and ignoring the people's cry for help?"

The President of Gaul was somewhat hesitant. He always felt that it was unethical to abandon allies like this. Moreover, it was not in the interests of the Gauls to sit back and watch the pineapples be destroyed by Hans, and then watch Hans' strength grow.

Therefore , it was not in the interests of the Gauls! , The President of Gaul is conflicted. He hopes to send troops to intervene, but he is unwilling to fight a full-scale war with Hans. He hopes to save the pineapple, but he does not want to pay a high price for such a good thing!


"Of course not. In fact, the Sun Never Sets has already sent General Haig to take command in Eastern Europe. I think they will try their best to open the German encirclement and try to get Hans back to the negotiating table. Bar!"

Marshal Foch was more concerned about the affairs of his old partner General Haig. Before the latter went to Eastern Europe, he sent him a special telegram inviting Marshal Foch to go to Eastern Europe with him. However, at that time, the Gallic government had not yet done anything about it. After making the final decision, Marshal Foch couldn't leave for the time being, so he declined the other party's invitation!

Marshal Foch admired the efficiency of the Sun Never Sets Empire for being able to make a decision and start taking action in such a short period of time. At least

, with the procrastinating style of the Gallic government, it is impossible for them to make a decision in such a short time!

"So, what can we do about this?"

After hearing what Marshal Foch said, the Gallic President immediately asked with concern.

Although his words meant that he wanted to do something, Marshal Foch understood the underlying meaning: What benefits can the Gauls get from this? ?

"We can control Hans and prevent Hans from overexpanding his strength!"

This is the main goal of Marshal Foch, and he believes that this is also the main goal of the Gallic government!

As expected, after hearing these words from Marshal Foch, the Gallic President was relieved!

"Well, if that's the case, let's send troops from Eastern Europe and shoulder the important task of rescuing Pineapple together with the people who never set!"

What the President of Gaul said was sanctimonious, but the people present were all human beings. How could they not hear the implication behind his words?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, I will personally go to Eastern Europe to command this battle!"

Marshal Foch's eyes ignited with blazing flames, and his fighting spirit was completely aroused!

"I want to see how much this guy named Mainz weighs!"


"General, the Gauls and the Men on whom the Sun Never Sets finally take action!"

On the Posen front, after Himmler arrived from East Prussia, he immediately reported to Mainz the latest developments in the Sun Never Sets and Gaul.

Although before the war broke out, Mainz had predicted that these two Each country will definitely intervene in this war, but when the moment finally comes, Himmler can't help but feel a little nervous!

The Sun Never Sets and Gaul are very powerful. The world's traditional powerful countries have great reputations. The names of these two countries alone are enough to make the whole world fight for it.

If you want to fight against such two powerful countries with the power of one country, if you are not worried at all, then it must be in the world! Self-deception!

Moreover, in the First World War, the Sun Never Sets and Gaul were the final victors. Hans had been defeated by them. This kind of psychological advantage of the victors also made the Hans people face difficulties. When facing these two countries, I couldn't help but feel lacking confidence!

This is normal, and Mainz did not blame Himmler for this.

However, unlike Himmler, Mainz was not afraid of these two. A country, because the First World War has proved that Hans has enough strength to fight one against two or even one against three!

Facing the two-sided attack of the Sun Never Sets, Gaul and the Bear, Hans still has no strength. Any disadvantage.

Even if they didn't care about the stupid counterattack, they could defeat Mao Xiong in the east and force Mao Xiong to withdraw from the war.

If the Yingjiang people didn't intervene in the end, It's still unclear who will win!

During World War I, the contradictions within Hans were actually quite prominent.

Workers, politicians, the bourgeoisie, and the Junker aristocracy all acted in their own ways, completely destroying the unity within Hans.

If there had not been so many internal and external troubles, Hans would have been able to hold on for a while longer even if Eagle Sauce had participated in the war.

In that case, the Sun Never Sets and the Gauls might have taken the lead.

Can't help it, even if they can't win the war in the end, they can at least get a relatively decent ending, which will not be as miserable as in history!

At this time, under the iron fist of Mainz, all the people within Hans can't help it!

The factions have been weakened and attacked, the labor movement has been underestimated, the bourgeoisie has taken refuge in Mainz, and Mainz itself represents the interests of the military, and the influence of the Junker aristocracy has been reduced to its lowest point at this time!

, Hans is much more united than during the First World War.

The entire country is like a highly integrated machine, operating efficiently and stably.

Under this situation, Hans's war potential is even greater! It is not comparable to the World War I at all!

Moreover, after the painful lessons of the First World War, the entire Hans knew clearly from top to bottom that once they were defeated and surrendered, what awaited them would definitely be worse than the World War I! With harsher punishments, their fate will definitely be even more miserable! In this case, there is no benefit in surrendering.

Only by persisting, fighting to the death, and winning is in the interest of the people and the country!

, Hans will never surrender this time, even if they fight to the death, they will not retreat even half a step!

Such unprecedented unity, such firm will to resist and determination to fight, such efficient national mobilization!

This is something that even the mustaches of the Third Reich could not do during World War II, but it was done in the hands of Mainz!

In order to defeat the Third Reich, which failed to fully exert its strength, the Allies paid tens of millions of casualties. At this time, how much price did the Allies have to pay to conquer an enemy that was more tenacious than the Third Reich?

Moreover, the Allies during World War II were much more powerful than the Allied Powers today. What the Allies could do, the Allied Powers may not be able to accomplish!

It is precisely because of this confidence that Mainz has no worries about the two countries of Never Set and Gaul!

What's more, what they are engaging in at this time is not a full-scale war, but is sending European intervention forces over to try to open the German encirclement and rescue the surrounded Bolan people.

What they did was actually a sign of cowardice!

If these two countries are not afraid, why not directly attack Hans' homeland?

You know, both countries are to the west of Hans. If they really want to fight Hans to the death and fight a full-scale war, they will not directly attack Hans's territory in the west, but instead go to the enemy thousands of miles away. Coming from Eastern Europe and attacking the German army from here, this move is too irrational, right?

Therefore, the sun never sets and the behavior of the Gauls has only one reasonable explanation!

They are afraid!

"The enemy is already frightened, so there is nothing to worry about in this battle!"

From a grand strategic point of view, Mainz has achieved its goal.

However, strategically, it despises the enemy, but tactically, it must pay attention to the enemy.

Especially in the two major cities of Haig where the sun never sets and Foch in Gaul. Under the personal control of the meritorious general, the German army in Silesia is bound to be under great pressure

"Tell Manstein to hold on for five days. Within five days, after our army has eaten the Polish army in the encirclement, we will rush to his aid!"

Mainz's words are tantamount to a death sentence for the more than 1 million Polish troops surrounded!

Since you are unwilling to surrender, I have to send you to meet God!