
The Third Prince

A man dies tragically but discovers he's been reincarnated in a fantasy world resembling the novels and mangas he read on Earth. Resigned to live a quiet life, he adapts quickly to his new surroundings, but his plans are disrupted when he realized he reincarnated as a prince. As royalty, he's unable to live the peaceful life he desires. Will the man be able to overcome the constraints of his position or be forever bound by his title? *The Protagonist just do whatever he wants if he feels like it but he's not perfect. Sometimes good sometimes bad.* *MC will not hesitate to resort to violence if someone dare to mess with his 'peaceful life'* *This story has plenty of Time Skips* *This Novel is made by an idiot*

Bankets · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Chaos (4)

'What the hell am I doing?'

Voltaire asked himself. Right now, his incapability to the situation is all he could think of.

He's not even aware that Meagus saved him, nor aware that he already moved to one corner of the room.

His mind is telling him to fight back but, his body wouldn't listen to his demands.

The peril he's in is a first for him, so he understand why his body and mind can't react properly.

However, he doesn't want to stay passive in this kind of situation because he knew that's not the right thing to do.

'I didn't trained my power to the best of my ability since I got it just so I can run with my tail between my legs in this kind of difficulty.'

Everything in this world that Voltaire has encountered so far are within his expectation of what an alternate world should look like.

Medieval settings, royals, nobles, magic, and those creature that he can only see from mangas and animes in his past life exists in this world.

Though, he's yet to see those creatures.

That is why, Voltaire expected that his second life is far from smooth sailing. He knew he would come across and face against the darkness of this world. At the same time, he expected himself overcoming these obstacles to make him grow stronger.

Voltaire was born in a diamond platter in this world while maintaining his memory of Earth. Received the goddess blessings despite being a baby. And on top of that, he has better grasp of magic compare to kids his age.

Isn't that the very obvious pattern of someone who's given a second chance to another world to become a protagonist?

Up until now, Voltaire treated himself as such. He thought the world revolves around him.

He underestimated this world and only perceived it as something to make him grow.

At last, this chaos would be his first combat test since coming to this world. If he successfully conquered it, there's no doubt he will grow stronger.

However, the reality isn't as obnoxious as he was. People are actually dying in front of him. By simply seeing it, his body seemed to be paralyzed.

He realized he made a huge mistake underestimating the dangers of this new world has to offer. However, that doesn't stop him from thinking he's some sort of character from fiction.

'I can't change the past, but I can surpass the past. I'll make sure to bounce back by overcoming this first hurdle.'

Steeling himself, Voltaire finally calmed down and returned to his senses.

"Wh-what happen?." His mouth fell agaped subconsciously, astonished by the scene in front of him.

The situation he remember started when his mother vanished followed by the acolytes killing the priest.

Everyone was panicking including him and now here he was. In a corner of a room, together with other children and people who seems to be unblessed unscathed.

'How did that happen?'

He then changed his gaze towards the knigts in front of him. Somehow they're making something like a wall with their huge body surrounding them.

And then, the knights move sideways slightly making a small gap. He saw Vivienne and a noble-looking guy passed through that gap and enters the man-made barrier.

However, what caught his attention is what he saw through that gap before it closes.

'The nobles are fighting back?!' Voltaire exclamained inwardly. 'Not only are they fighting back, they're actually having the advantage."

As someone who can think since being born, Voltaire already experience how crude and sketchy the nobles are when it comes to politics.

He saw some of them a few times coming to the palace and making some kind of political talks with his parents.

He doesn't know how much time passes, but seeing that the nobles are taking action against the acolytes made Voltaire raised his impression of them quite a bit.

'It's my chance! If I joined them against the acolytes, I'm sure this bitter feeling I have will disappear.'

Being optimistic of this opportunity to redeem his stupid past self, Voltaire tried to step forward.

However, his body wouldn't listen to his demands. He already took his composure back but his body still stiff as if he was frozen.

'Why? Am I still afraid? Or am scared because of my instincts as a hopeless child?'

Voltaire raises his eyebrows slightly, his face showed a despondent expression.

Whatever the case, he couldn't force himself to even move his feet one step closer.

He clenched his fist tightly in frustration, his fingernails started to penetrate the skin on his palm, and few amount of blood started to drip down from it.

No one notices it as he was in the middle of the crowd of children.

'Damn it! Damn it! Damn it to hell!'

Voltaire wanted to scream but even his voice doesn't want to move out from his body.

"Let's get started."

He heard a familiar voice. Voltaire turned slowly to the direction of that voice.

It's Vivienne. The Head Maid of the royal palace and someone who's very close to him.

Vivienne looked at the children with pitying eyes.

Vivienne's hands formed a gesture as if she's praying.

"Dreamland's Blessings."

Her voice was so gentle and caring.

And then Voltaire saw her eyes glow and Mana started to envelopes the place like a mist where all children gathered.

Vivienne extends her right hand forward with her palm facing the floor. While her left hand stayed on her chest.

The purple mana at least in Voltaire's perspective started to regroup on top of all the kids' head including him until it changes color to black and materialized as a small sphere very similar to his bullet.

'So graceful.'

Voltaire mused inwardly.

He already lose interest in helping the nobles. Right now, Vivienne's graceful and efficient way of using mana is all he could think of.

As someone who only learned to use mana from his instincts and imitating his older siblings, this is the very first time he saw someone using mana so effectively. There was no waste. Every ounce of mana were used to form the spheres equally.


He thought to himself. Indeed, why is it black?

Despite knowing that Vivienne is a Ranger, Voltaire never had the chance to know what her attribute are until now.

One of the books he had read stated that when mana materialize and its color is black, it simply means the user has a dark attribute.

'...She has... A dark attribute?'

Voltaire started to sweat unknowingly.

Dark attribute is one of the rarest attribute. It's also a mysterious attribute with a lot of variety.

The power is different from person to person who holds this attribute.

Although, one thing is certain about this attribute; It can affect other people in all aspects. Be it physically, emotionally, or mentally.

"With this, the children will forget what happen today when they woke up."

Voltaire heard the words that escaped Vivienne's mouth.

'What does she mean?'

While he's rummaging on his brain to understand her words. Vivienne pointed to the ground and the floating black spheres fell on the children's heads. It vanished when it completely touched the heads.

The kids fall on their feet one after another and the servants and parents did their best assisting them so they won't hit the ground.

"Are they really asleep?"

Meagus asked.

"Check it for yourself," Vivienne replied in a low sigh. "Hah. I'm feeling dizzy. I'm really getting old. Back in my prime, the magic I used was not even enough to drain me physically even if I use it consecutively unlike my present self."

Vivienne stumbled for a moment and another servant helped her regained her footing.

"Thank you."

Meanwhile, Meagus followed her words and checked his daughter.

"Indeed. She was sleeping," He let out a relaxed tone seeing his daughter sleep with a peaceful face. "I'm really grateful to you, Lady Vivienne."

"What about the prince?"

Vivienne asked.

Meagus changes his gaze and his eyes started to open wide subconsciously.

"...He is still awake?"

The words escaped Meagus lips before he could fully understand what's going on.

Voltaire is on his knees and seems to be fighting Vivienne's power.


Vivienne exclaimed. It's impossible for a child merely three years of age to be unaffected by her power. So obviously she's surprised by this unexpected development.

Unless, if a kid has more mana than her, more powerful than her, has a strong mental fortitude, or already adept at controlling his mana.

However, all of this are beyond impossible. A three-year-old who only received the blessings just the same day and already capable of that has never been existed in the course of history.

As for mental fortitude, someone can train it to the maximum with real-life experience. But how can the prince who's barely a child has it?

Whichever it might be, there's no doubt that it's a sign of one in a million genius.

'The youngest prince never fail to surprise me time and time again.'

Vivienne thought with a smile on her face.

With the assistant of a female servant, Vivienne reaches Voltaire.

She gently caress the prince's struggling face.

"It's alright young master. You can fall asleep. Once you wake up, everything will be fine and you will forget all the bitter memory this day has brought you."

Her low and soft voice was so soothing that Voltaire felt at ease.

'If that's the case... I guess it's not bad to succumb to her power and fall asleep...'

He thought. He started to halt himself from opposing Vivienne's power.

Once he did it, all he could feel is drowsiness. A drowsiness that makes him feel the warm similar to her mother.

His eyes are reaching its limit. He could fall asleep at last any moment now.

"Vivienne," A calming voice escaped his lips. With a smile, he continues. "Mother would be fine, right?"

Vivienne already expected it but she was still amazed how much Voltaire is worried for Mathilda's safeness.

Even now, she knew Voltaire's safety is all Mathilda could think of wherever she is.

'Like mother, like son they say. I guess that's true for the both of them.'

"Don't worry. Your mother is hella strong."

Vivienne calmly replied with a fist.

Hearing her reply, she saw Voltaire wear a proud and satisfied face as if to say 'I knew it' before completely lost his consciousness.