
Chapter 208: Tiffany, Part 1

I miss going out. Not to parties or anything special. Just going out in general. To dinner or a concert or Discovery Green to hang out. It's something Rowen and I used to do all the time when our schedules coordinated.

Tonight is a rare night that we're both off work and commitment free, but instead of going anywhere, we're sitting on the couch binge watching FaceOff. Again. As much as I enjoy our newest favorite show, I'm restless. We've done this for too many weeks in a row.

Sighing, I lay my head back on the couch and drop my hand onto my now protruding belly. It seems like it took forever to finally start showing, to the point that I was starting to question if there was really a baby in there or not. But there's no hiding it now. Nor do I fit in any of my clothes. I never got to wear my new silk sundress before I grew out of it. Stupid, fucking, giant boobs.