
Chapter 203: Rowen, Part 2

"I know this is a bedpan," the nurse jokes, handing the plastic bowl to me. "But around here we use them for morning sickness. Keep it handy just in case you need it. The doctor will be here in just a couple of minutes. My name is Karen, if you need me."

Karen leaves and I collapse into the chair next to the bed, pulling it forward where I can hold hands with my wife.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like shit."

I chuckle, glad she hasn't totally lost her feisty nature. Stroking back her hair, I can't help but feel relief that we're here and she's going to be taken care of. "I probably should have asked this before, but did you call in sick? Do I need to call Caleb?"

She shakes her head gently. "I already called. There's no way I'm getting this promotion Rowen. Not now."

"Hey. You don't know that. Your interview went great."