
Chapter 202: Rowen, Part 1

Practice was a bitch today. We're finally starting to gel again after Santos's sudden departure, but it hasn't been without growing pains. Our record has dropped into the shitter, but hopefully, we can pull it together for play-offs. The season is long enough, so we have time.

Kicking the door shut behind me, I drop my bags on the floor and head straight for the kitchen. Tiffany drank most of the broth to my mom's chicken noodle soup - it's the only thing she can really hold down, and even then, not always - but that leaves all the hearty stuff for me to eat. With as hungry as I am after practice, none of it is going to waste.

Popping the Tupperware of leftovers in the microwave, I thank my lucky stars my parents are moving here. Yeah, we have separate lives, but if I know one thing, they'll implement family dinners once a week. That means home cooking for this growing boy.