
Chapter 177: Tiffany, Part 1


Something jars me from my sleep, but I'm comfortable enough, I don't care to figure out what it is. The air in the room is cool, but the body behind me is warm. The contrast in temperatures is perfect, so I snuggle right back down into my pillows and doze off.

Until I'm jarred from my sleep. Again.

"Why the hell is your phone going off at the butt crack of dawn?" Rowen's voice sounds groggy and muffled from the blankets.

"It's not that early. It's" - I lean over to look at the clock - "8:06. Okay, yeah. That's early."

He pulls me back down for more snuggles. "Stop moving. I'm comfortable."

I let him resituate us, my little spoon fitting perfectly against his big spoon. I love sleeping next to him. He makes me feel safe and insulated from the world. Plus, that whole body heat thing.

My comfort is short-lived when my phone goes off again.