
The Tales of Giselle Lynette

In the world of ivory young Giselle's world changes when her family receives an unexpected invitation to a family gathering. Little does she know, this event will catapult her into a world of magic and adventure beyond her wildest dreams. As Giselle navigates the world, she discovers her own latent powers and forms unlikely alliances with fellow students at a prestigious magic academy. Together, they must unravel secrets, fight enemies, and harness their newfound abilities to protect those they love. Along the way, Giselle's journey of self-discovery leads her to unlock her true potential and become a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Rushana_Parr · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

The gift

"Oi, Giselle, wake up," Artemus's voice pierced through the haze of unconsciousness.

Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I squinted until my vision cleared, revealing Artemus hovering before me. "Good, you're awake. Guess what? You've successfully received your gift. Aren't you thrilled?" he exclaimed with evident delight.

Stirring from my position, I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. "I was successful?" I echoed, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what had transpired.

"Yes, congratulations," Artemus confirmed, his pride evident in his tone.

"The gift I bestowed upon you has merged with your soul, hence the intense pain you experienced," Artemus explained calmly.

"Merged with my soul? Isn't that dangerous?" I interjected, a hint of concern creeping into my voice.

Artemus's laughter filled the room. "Hahaha, indeed, it could have been dangerous. If the process had failed, it would have backfired on you," he admitted casually.

"What!? Why would you give me something so perilous?" I demanded, my voice rising with alarm.

"Calm down, Giselle. You're alive, and the procedure was successful. There's no need to worry. Besides, this gift is the most crucial asset within this dimension, absolutely vital for our cause," Artemus reassured me, his words laced with conviction.

I rolled my eyes at Artemus's cryptic response. "So, it merged with my soul. What happens now?" I inquired, eager for answers.

"Hmm, just say 'system'," Artemus instructed casually.

"Um, okay... system," I uttered tentatively, unsure of what to expect.

Instantly, a panel-like entity materialized before me, bathed in a soothing blue hue.

"System activated. Welcome, my master Giselle Lynette. I am the system, here to assist you in your journey towards strength," the blue panel announced in a calm, melodic voice.

"Huh, it can talk?" I exclaimed, taken aback by the unexpected development.

"Yes, I can communicate telepathically with you, as I am intricately linked to your soul. This connection enables me to not only speak with you but also to be aware of your bodily functions, emotions, and various other factors," the system explained, its explanation both fascinating and slightly unnerving.

"Um, that's... weird," I muttered to myself, processing the unusual situation.

"So, Giselle, do you like your gift?" Artemus interjected, breaking the silence.

"Um, well, it's certainly strange, considering it's a part of my soul and all. But I suppose it's not a bad gift. Sometimes, I do get lonely, so having someone to talk to, even if it's through telepathy, might not be so bad," I admitted, acknowledging the unexpected silver lining in the midst of the surreal experience.

"Hahaha, let the system show you your status," Artemus chuckled mischievously.

"Status?" I queried, curiosity piqued by Artemus's cryptic remark.

"It essentially tells you how strong you are," Artemus explained, his tone brimming with anticipation.

Smiling awkwardly, I nodded. "Um, system, show me my status," I requested tentatively, unsure of what to expect.

"Understood. Here is your status, master," the system responded promptly, its tone devoid of emotion.

[Name]: Giselle Lynette

[Age]: 12

[Gender]: Female

[Race]: Human—unknown/unidentified

[Level]: 11

[Mana]: 15,876

[Affinity/element]: Dark, light

[Physical strength]: 300 (Average)

[Speed]: 390 (Average)

[Durability]: 147 (Weak)

[Agility]: 287 (Average)

[Defense]: 800 (Strong)

[Intelligence]: 560 (Good)

[Charisma]: 296 (Average)

[Titles]: Locked

[Skills/Abilities/Magic spells]:

[ Dark Bolt: Conjures a bolt of darkness that can cause damage upon impact.]

[ Dark Shield: Creates a barrier of shadow to protect the caster from physical and magical attacks.]

[ Soul Drain: Absorbs the life force or vitality of a target to replenish the caster's own energy.]

[ Ebon Surge: Sends forth a surge of dark energy that disrupts magical spells and defenses.]

[Spell Instinct: Allows the caster to invoke their magic effortlessly by merely speaking the spell's name.]

[Illuminate: Brightens the surroundings with a soft glow, dispelling darkness and revealing hidden objects.]

[Luminous Shield: Creates a protective barrier of light that deflects physical and magical attacks.]

[Radiant Beam: Conjures a beam of pure light that can illuminate darkness or repel dark creatures.]

After examining the panel and absorbing its contents, I was taken aback by the wealth of information it contained. Some aspects of my identity were familiar, while others were entirely new to me. What truly astonished me were the details of my skills, particularly the comprehensive list of magic spells I had acquired, including the ability Artemus had taught me: the spell instinct, enabling me to activate spells with a mere utterance of their names.

"Cool, right?" Artemus inquired, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Artemus, why does it say my race is human, but then unknown or unidentified?" I questioned, puzzled by the discrepancy.

"Hmm, as I've mentioned before, I can't divulge too many details. It's currently too dangerous, but trust me, you'll eventually understand. Don't dwell on it too much," Artemus replied cryptically, his words leaving me with more questions than answers.

Although his reassurance eased my concerns to some extent, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease lingering within me. Nevertheless, I resolved not to dwell on it unnecessarily.

Turning to Artemus, I couldn't help but express my curiosity. "How did you manage to acquire such a valuable treasure?" I inquired, marveling at the system's capabilities.

"I have my ways," Artemus replied mysteriously, offering no further explanation.

"Anyway, we have a week left in this dimension, and I need to teach you wind magic. So, hurry and rest up, then grab something to eat," Artemus instructed abruptly before vanishing from the room, leaving me to ponder the mysteries of this enchanted realm.

I let out a sigh, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as the conversation with the artemus came to a close. "So, do you have a name, system?" I inquired, curious about the entity that had become an integral part of my journey.

"No, I am just system. But you may give me a name if you like, Master," the system replied, its tone neutral yet accommodating.

"Alright, umm, how about Myne?" I suggested tentatively, offering a name that seemed fitting for the entity.

"Thank you, Master. My name is now Myne," the system acknowledged gratefully, adopting the name with ease.

With a smile, I rose from the bed, eager to explore the dimension further. Stepping out of the room, I encountered Cally, a kangaroo-like creature with magical abilities, who served as the caretaker of the dimension, aside from Artemus.

"Oh, hi, Cally," I greeted warmly, running a hand through my hair.

"Hello, young Giselle. Are you hungry?" Cally inquired, her gentle demeanor putting me at ease.

"I am. Um, what do you have on the menu?" I asked, intrigued by the prospect of a meal.

"Anything you can think of," Cally replied with a reassuring smile, her offer sparking a sense of excitement within me as I contemplated the endless possibilities of the magical realm.

As I pondered my meal options, Myne interjected, breaking my train of thought. "Master, it is better if you choose a nutritious meal to gain strength, considering your current level of strength," Myne advised, her guidance prompting me to reconsider my choice.

Realizing the wisdom in her words, I nodded in agreement. "Ah, how about hot milk along with steak and string beans?" I suggested, opting for a balanced meal that would provide the nourishment I needed.

"Understood," Cally acknowledged, her efficiency evident as she swiftly conjured up the requested meal with a simple gesture.

With a sense of anticipation, I settled at the table, my eyes lighting up at the sight of the sumptuous spread before me. Each bite was a delight to savor, the flavors mingling perfectly to create a satisfying meal.

Cally's proficiency never ceased to amaze me. Her ability to perform tasks with effortless grace, from cooking to cleaning and organizing, was nothing short of extraordinary.

Once I had finished eating, I set out to find Artemus, eager to begin my training. Eventually, I located him in the same empty room where Myne had been activated.

Entering the room, I found Artemus levitating serenely, engrossed in a book. "Artemus, I'm ready for training," I announced, determined to make the most of my time in this enchanted realm.

Artemus turned to me with a twinkle in his eye and proposed, "Alright then, how about a quick spar before we begin?"

I hesitated for a moment, considering his suggestion. "I guess, but I've never really fought before, so go easy on me," I replied, voicing my uncertainty.

Artemus nodded understandingly, acknowledging my lack of experience. "You can attack me first," he offered, his tone encouraging yet challenging.

With a determined nod, I summoned my magic, focusing my mana into a concentrated burst. "Dark Bolt!" I shouted, channeling more mana than usual into the spell, hoping to make a strong impression.

The dark, crackling bolt surged forward with formidable intensity, aimed directly at Artemus. However, to my astonishment, he remained unfazed, standing firm as the bolt collided with him, its impact yielding no effect.

"Giselle, come on! Is that all you have? Come at me with everything you've got!" Artemus urged, his voice echoing with determination.

In response to his challenge, Artemus swiftly activated two spells simultaneously, conjuring fiery orbs of unparalleled intensity. Despite their seemingly unstoppable power, I knew I had to find a way to counteract his onslaught.

"Activating Dark Shield and Soul Drain," Myne announced, her voice echoing in my mind as she took control of my magic.

A surge of power coursed through me as a large, purple-black shield materialized before me, providing a formidable barrier against Artemus's fiery onslaught. Though it held up momentarily against the barrage of fireballs, it was evident that it wouldn't last long under the relentless assault.

As the shield wavered, I felt a surge of energy and mana flooding into my body, invigorating me despite the perilous situation. It was the effect of the Soul Drain spell, siphoning Artemus's mana and vitality to weaken his ability to fight back.

With a burst of agility, I dodged the ferocious fireballs, leaping to the side just in time to avoid their devastating impact. As they struck the ground with a powerful shockwave, I stood in awe of the destructive force they unleashed.

Artemus's voice cut through the chaos, offering insight into the spell he had unleashed. "That spell is called Fireball Brigade. I'm sure that by next week, you'll be able to do something similar," he remarked, his words fueling my determination to improve.

Looking up at Artemus, who remained poised in the air, I couldn't help but challenge him. "Tell me that wasn't even half of your strength, right?" I questioned, seeking confirmation that I had yet to face his full power.

Artemus grinned, his expression hinting at the vast reserves of power he possessed. "That wasn't even 1% of my power. But don't worry, you'll get there someday. Now, about your system—it seems it helped you and is quite efficient," he remarked, acknowledging the invaluable assistance Myne had provided.

I nodded in agreement, acknowledging Myne's instrumental role in the skirmish. "Yes, she did," I affirmed, grateful for her swift actions.

"She?" Artemus inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Realizing my choice of pronoun might be confusing, I clarified, "My system is a female, and I've given her the name Myne. So please, don't refer to her as 'it'," I explained, ensuring Myne received the respect she deserved.

Artemus nodded in understanding before shifting his focus back to our training. "Okay, let's begin our training," he declared, signaling the start of our session on wind magic.

As Artemus imparted his knowledge, I absorbed the intricacies of wind manipulation, eager to expand my repertoire of magical abilities.

After our lesson concluded, I left the training room and directed my thoughts inward, addressing Myne. "Myne, thanks for assisting me earlier. I was at a loss, but you came through. I didn't realize you could utilize my spells and skills without my permission," I admitted, intrigued by her capabilities.

"Master, I am able to access your mana, skills, abilities, and spells. I am connected to your soul, so I am a part of you and can access everything without your permission. However, if you prefer, I can require permission before utilizing your resources," Myne explained, offering me control over our symbiotic connection.

With a smile, I reassured her, "No need for that."

Returning to the room within the dimension, I settled onto the bed, my thoughts drifting to Jenny. "Jenny, I hope you're not too worried. It's only been two days in ivory, so don't do anything reckless. I'll be back soon," I silently promised, hoping to ease her concerns while I continued my training in this mystical realm.