
The Tales of Giselle Lynette

In the world of ivory young Giselle's world changes when her family receives an unexpected invitation to a family gathering. Little does she know, this event will catapult her into a world of magic and adventure beyond her wildest dreams. As Giselle navigates the world, she discovers her own latent powers and forms unlikely alliances with fellow students at a prestigious magic academy. Together, they must unravel secrets, fight enemies, and harness their newfound abilities to protect those they love. Along the way, Giselle's journey of self-discovery leads her to unlock her true potential and become a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Rushana_Parr · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Familiarizing with mana

"Have you heard of the gods?" Artemus inquired casually as we strolled along the cobblestone path.

Surprised by the sudden question, I replied, "Yes, I've come across tales of them during my time in the holy city. Why do you ask?"

Artemus paused, his expression thoughtful. "Do you truly believe in their existence, Giselle?"

My conviction wavered for a moment before I responded, "Well, I suppose I do. It's comforting to think there's some higher power guiding the cosmos."

"I understand," Artemus nodded slowly.

Curiosity gnawed at me, and I couldn't resist asking, "By the way, Artemus, when you mentioned a certain being earlier, who were you referring to?"

Artemus hesitated, his gaze scanning our surroundings. "It's a complex matter, Giselle, and revealing it could pose risks. Let's discuss it further when we're in safer confines." With a reassuring pat on my shoulder, he urged me forward. "Come on, we're almost at our destination."

I respected Artemus's decision to keep certain details veiled, nodding in agreement as we entered what appeared to be a spacious chamber adorned with an array of weapons secured within glass cases.

My eyes lit up as I spotted a particular case housing a magnificent staff. Adorned with a large crystal ball at its center, the staff emanated hues of purple and blue, captivating me with its sheer beauty.

Artemus glided over to me, his expression intrigued. "Do you fancy it?" he inquired.

Unable to tear my gaze away, I nodded, whispering, "It's absolutely stunning."

"You may claim it as your own, though it will require a substantial reserve of mana to wield effectively. Fortunately, I believe that won't be an issue for you," Artemus explained.

I couldn't contain my surprise. "Truly? I can have it?" I questioned, my heart racing with excitement.

Artemus smiled warmly. "Indeed. It seems to complement you perfectly."

"But I haven't brought you here merely to admire the magical weapons; I've brought you here to sense and familiarize yourself with your mana," Artemus explained earnestly.

"I've attempted it before, but I've failed," I admitted with a hint of frustration.

"With my guidance, you're sure to succeed. Would you be willing to give it another try?" Artemus asked, his tone encouraging.

Perplexed by his persistent support, I couldn't help but voice my suspicions. "Why are you so insistent on helping me? Despite your kindness, it all seems rather suspicious," I confessed.

Understanding my skepticism, Artemus responded calmly, "I realize your doubts, but I assure you, you have a purpose, and I'm here to assist you. Consider me your guide as you embark on this journey. Let's start with a simple exercise."

He gestured towards a cushion, and I followed his lead, taking a seat as instructed.

"Close your eyes," Artemus instructed gently.

As I obeyed, a warm sensation enveloped my forehead, and suddenly, I was engulfed in an immersive experience, transported deep within my own mind. Amidst the profound stillness, I heard a voice—Artemus's voice. "Giselle, welcome to your Soul Sanctum. It's a sacred space within your mind where you can connect with your inner self and harness your spiritual energy."

Puzzled by this unexpected journey, I couldn't help but inquire, "Why have you brought me here?"

"Within this space, you'll delve deep into understanding yourself and accessing your mana. It may take a week within this dimension to fully complete," Artemus explained.

Concerned about the consequences, I couldn't help but inquire, "What if I fail?"

Artemus reassured me with a calm demeanor, "Failure could lead to your mana spiraling out of control, potentially causing your body to disintegrate or even harm your soul. However, under my guidance, such outcomes are impossible. You're safe in my care."

With Artemus's departure, I found myself immersed in my Soul Sanctum. It resembled pure water, serene and tranquil. Walking upon its surface, I was enveloped in a sense of peace, surrounded by the soothing sounds of flowing water.

I then delved deep into my mana. Approaching my mana core, I noticed a significant change; it was now sealed, devoid of the pulsating purple energy that once emanated from within.

As I reached out to touch it, a surge of energy coursed through me, intensifying with each passing moment. The once-contained purple energy now flowed freely throughout my being, imbuing me with its power.

With unwavering focus, I concentrated on reclaiming the escaped energy, guiding it back into my core. Gradually, the chaotic flow subsided, and I regained control, feeling the purple energy coursing through my veins with newfound harmony.

It wasn't an easy task, and I don't believe I'm finished yet. I'll need to exert more effort in stabilizing my mana, and failure is not an option, as it could mean my demise.


"Giselle, I've searched everywhere. I only found a knife. Did you discover anything?" Jenny's voice echoed through the building, filled with concern.

Silence greeted Jenny's inquiry, causing her anxiety to escalate. She scoured every corner of the building, even venturing upstairs, but Giselle was nowhere to be found. Fear gnawed at Jenny's insides as worry consumed her.

"Giselle, please, this isn't a joke! We're in a life-threatening situation," Jenny pleaded, her voice trembling with fear.

With no response from Giselle, Jenny's mind raced with dread. "No, Giselle wouldn't leave me alone," she whispered, trying to reassure herself.

Tears streamed down Jenny's cheeks as the realization sank in. The fear of abandonment overwhelmed her, and she sank to the ground, hands covering her ears, as sobs racked her body. In the midst of her anguish, she could only scream and cry, feeling utterly alone.

As Jenny's mind swirled with thoughts of her sister and mother, a haunting voice invaded her thoughts.

"Jenny, no one will ever be your friend. They'll eventually abandon you once they see how clingy and foolish you are. Save yourself the trouble and end your life," the voice of her sister, Abby, echoed mercilessly in her mind.

The memories of Abby's cruel words tormented Jenny, causing her to scream in protest. "No! Stop it! That's not true! Leave me alone, Abby! Just leave me alone!" she cried out, her voice filled with desperation.

Caught in a whirlwind of torment, Jenny found herself grappling with her own mind. Uncomfortable memories flooded her consciousness, reminding her of her sister's hurtful remarks and the sudden disappearance of Giselle. Fear gripped her heart, leaving her trembling and vulnerable.

In the midst of her anguish, she felt utterly alone and overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of her own thoughts.




One week had passed within Artemus's dimension.

I opened my eyes, finding myself still within the confines of my soul sanctum. Rising from my meditative state, I stepped onto the water's surface, feeling a newfound warmth emanating from within me.

With a gentle gesture, I trailed my finger through the water, marveling as life began to bloom within the once-barren realm. Trees sprouted, flowers blossomed, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of nature. It was a breathtaking transformation, and I couldn't help but be astonished by the power I wielded.

As I surveyed the flourishing landscape, Artemus's voice broke through the tranquil atmosphere. "It appears you've succeeded, young Giselle. Congratulations," he acknowledged warmly.

Grateful for his guidance, I replied, "Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help. But how do I return to the real world from here?"

"Simply envision yourself leaving this place and returning to reality," Artemus instructed.

Following his advice, I focused my thoughts, and with a surge of determination, I found myself stepping out of the soul sanctum and back into the tangible world. Observing Artemus in his bunny form, I couldn't help but notice a change.

"Hmm, it's been a week, yet you seem smaller," I remarked

"Huh? I'm the same as always!" Artemus protested with a hint of indignation in his voice.

I chuckled at his reaction. "Sure you are," I teased playfully.

Artemus's expression softened, and he continued, "Now that you've mastered harnessing your mana, it's time for you to delve into the realm of magic."

"Wait, really?" I exclaimed, taken aback by the sudden revelation.

"Indeed. I must teach you, for once you depart this dimension, you will be the city's only hope," Artemus explained solemnly.

As his words sank in, I silently vowed to protect my loved ones. "Jenny, Mom, Dad, sisters, uncles, aunties, and cousins... I won't let any harm come to you," I thought determinedly.

Artemus's smile was reassuring as he floated over to retrieve a large book from a nearby case, the pages hovering in the air as he brought it towards me.

"This is a grimoire, containing a wealth of spells ranging from basic to advanced. Such tomes are rare in this dimension; only the ancient library possesses them," Artemus informed me.

"A grimoire... How fascinating," I whispered to myself, filled with excitement. Turning to Artemus, I inquired eagerly, "Shall we begin?"

Artemus nodded, his gaze thoughtful. "Giselle, you possess a strong affinity for dark magic, but you will also learn two more elements before departing this dimension."

I was taken aback by his revelation. "That's incredible! Dark magic... I've heard it holds immense power," I exclaimed, eager to embark on this new journey of discovery.

"Yes, your mana is indeed purple, indicating your affinity for dark magic. The color of one's mana corresponds to their elemental affinity," Artemus explained.

It made perfect sense, considering how Abby's magic always manifested with a vibrant sky blue hue, signifying her proficiency in ice magic.

The prospect of learning two additional elements before departing filled me with anticipation and curiosity.

"What are the other two elements I'll be learning?" I inquired eagerly.

"Light and wind," Artemus replied, his voice brimming with assurance.

He went on to explain, "While this grimoire primarily focuses on dark magic, I have a few other books containing spells related to light and wind."

Excitement bubbled within me as I nodded in agreement. "Alright, let's begin. I'm eager to learn," I declared.

But before we delved into the lessons, Artemus posed an intriguing question. "Before we proceed, Giselle, are you familiar with other spiritual energies besides mana?"

Surprised by the inquiry, I shook my head. "No? Isn't mana the only energy?" I responded, puzzled by the revelation.

"There's also Ki and psionic energy," Artemus elaborated.

"Ki and psionic energy? What are those?" I inquired, intrigued by the notion of other spiritual energies.

"Ki is an energy that flows within and around us. Through training and discipline, individuals can harness Ki, using it to perform extraordinary feats such as martial arts techniques, energy blasts, or even healing practices. It's like tapping into an inner reservoir of power, achievable through focus, practice, and a strong will," Artemus explained.

"Psionic energy, on the other hand, is all about the power of the mind. Those with psionic abilities can manipulate objects with their thoughts, delve into minds, or even glimpse into the future. It's like unlocking a hidden mental energy source that enables individuals to perform remarkable feats beyond ordinary physical limitations. However, mastering psionic energy requires mental discipline, concentration, and a profound understanding of one's own mind," Artemus continued, shedding light on the complexities of psionics.

"Wow, that sounds incredible! But can't most of those abilities be achieved with magic?" I pondered, curious about the distinctions between these different forms of energy.

"That's true, but many people opt for Ki and psionic energy since not everyone is born with mana. However, it's possible to develop psychic abilities and harness Ki," Artemus elaborated.

"I see. So, you want me to practice them?" I queried, intrigued by the prospect of exploring these alternative energies.

"Yes, but not at this moment. I believe that by the time you reach the academy, you'll have the opportunity to learn more about them," Artemus replied, his tone confident.

Curiosity piqued, I pressed further. "How do you know about my plans to attend the academy?" I asked, surprised by Artemus's insider knowledge.

"I know everything, Giselle. Besides, I'm certain you've encountered psionic energy before. Perhaps someone communicated with you telepathically," Artemus suggested knowingly.

A jolt of realization shot through me as I recalled a vivid dream where I conversed with a mysterious entity through telepathy.

"Don't bother questioning how I know. And it wasn't merely a dream, Giselle. But if you prefer to see it that way, it's your choice," Artemus interjected calmly.

"Ah, you're quite the know-it-all, aren't you?" I remarked with a hint of amusement.

Artemus's smile was reassuring as he nodded. "Indeed. Let's begin."

As Artemus spoke, the grimoire sprang to life, its pages flipping until they settled on a particular spell. The book floated before me, presenting the incantation for a spell called Dark Bolt.

"Spell name: Dark Bolt

Level: beginner spell

Effects: Conjures a bolt of darkness that can cause damage upon impact.

Incantation: 'In darkness deep, and darkness bold,

I summon forth a power untold.

With whispered words and mystic art,

Let dark bolt tear foes apart!'" I recited aloud, absorbing the instructions with a mix of awe and anticipation.

Surprised by the simplicity of the incantation, I glanced at Artemus, who nodded encouragingly. "Recite the incantation and focus your mana," he instructed calmly.

With newfound determination, I concentrated, feeling the surge of mana coursing through my veins. "In darkness deep, and darkness bold, I summon forth a power untold..." I chanted, the words resonating within me.

As I extended my hand, a bolt of black-purple energy, akin to lightning, erupted forth, striking the wall with force and shattering it.

A mix of astonishment and elation washed over me as I beheld the result. "I did it on the first try!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement.

"Congratulations, Giselle. Most individuals take time to master their first spell, but you've proven to be a prodigy," Artemus praised, his words filled with genuine admiration.

Upon hearing Artemus's remark, a smile spread across my face. "The incantation was rather lengthy" he continued. "So, while we're within this dimension, I'll teach you how to cast spells simply by stating the spell name. It would be a hassle to recite the entire incantation each time."

"That's true. Abby managed to cast spells effortlessly just by uttering their names," I remarked, recalling my cousin's proficiency in magic.

2 weeks later within the dimension….

Artemus had embarked on a comprehensive lesson, guiding me through various aspects of magic. He taught me how to wield my mana with precision, ensuring I understood the appropriate amount required for each spell. Additionally, he imparted the technique of casting spells with a mere utterance of their names, streamlining the process for efficiency.

"Giselle, I have a gift for you," Artemus announced, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Since you've been learning so quickly, this gift will undoubtedly prove invaluable."

Curiosity piqued, I eagerly awaited his revelation, grateful for his guidance and eager to see what lay in store for me.

Nodding in agreement, I trailed behind Artemus as he led me to an unfamiliar room, its emptiness contrasting sharply with the rest of the dimension. With his rabbit-like form turned towards me, Artemus solemnly declared, "This process will cause discomfort, but it's necessary. I will connect a device to your soul, greatly enhancing your abilities."

Resolute, I responded, "I understand. If it means becoming stronger, then I'm prepared to endure it."

"Good," Artemus affirmed, his determination unwavering.

With a gentle touch of his rabbit paw-like hands, Artemus initiated the connection. Instantly, a searing pain tore through my being, not physical, but resonating deep within my soul. Agony consumed me, and I cried out in anguish, clutching my head as tears streamed down my face.

Collapsed on the ground, I writhed in torment, each moment feeling like an eternity as the pain threatened to overwhelm me. Tears blurred my vision as the sensation of weakness enveloped my body.

Despite the agony, I clung to the hope that this ordeal would lead to newfound strength. With Artemus's guidance, I trusted that the pain would eventually subside, paving the way for growth and empowerment.

Before I knew it my body had lost all strength and my vision went blurry and my eyes eventually closing.