
The Tale of the Outcast Warrior

After being transported to another world with his class to fight waves of monsters that attack every three months, an out-of-shape teenager must keep his friend Kaori alive long enough to get there. And in the process discovers where they BOTH truly belong.

Goreleech · Kỳ huyễn
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69 Chs

Tale of the Outcast Warrior: Fuck you Death.


Tyler opened his eyes to see Sallie's sleeping face right beside his own. HE smiled widely as he saw her. NOW I can give her a proper adventure. He saw Sylvia had gotten pressed into Kaori's moderate cleavage, with the girl's arms holding her tightly. HE loved that sight, and wished yet again for a camera. He leaned in and kissed Sallie on her forehead, and found he could feel her skin. She giggled quietly.

"Morning daddy!"

She opened her beautiful blue eyes and hugged him as Kaori opened her green eyes.

"Morning Sparkles. Sleep well?"

She smiled again as she buried her face in his scared chest.

"Uh-huh! You're warmer then Sylvia!"

HE chuckled as he saw he'd returned to his body in his sleep. Sylvia yawned as she opened her eyes, only to find her face buried into Kaori's bare chest. She blushed as she saw the nipple in her face.

"Morning Sylvia."

Tyler patted her red hair affectionately, and she extracted herself from Kaori's warm embrace.

"Aww, what's a matter sweetie? Don't like mommy's nipples?"

Sylvia bawled.

"Not like Daddy does!"

They all laughed as they rose together. Tyler had just sheathed his blades on his back when Sylvia and Sallie tugged his legs. HE looked at them smiling.

"What's wrong?"

"HE wants a word with you."

Tyler looked over where they pointed, only to see a tall, cloaked and hooded figure with a large scythe in a skeletal hand looking at him. Tyler put the two girls behind him as Kaori also got between the Reaper and the spirits. Tyler faced the Collector of Souls.

"You here for them?"

The thing chuckled, and it sounded like rattling bones.

"It tis no small thing to challenge Death itself to it's face."

It's voice an unsettling whisper, and it sent a shiver of fear down then girls spines. Tyler, however, was NOT afraid.

"You come for those girls, you have to get past ME first. And me AND you know you'd lose that willpower battle."

The thing lunged at him, only for Tyler to glare at it using his full will instead of his rage, sending the Reaper to the floor under the weight of his overwhelming force. Sylvia and Sallie were trembling as they watched Death itself forced flat under Tyler's sheer will alone.

"HE just made Death fall before him."

"His will is stronger then Death."

Tyler kept adding weight to his gaze as he inflated his will with determination, resolve, and his devotion to Kaori. Result? A long crack appearing in the Reaper's scythe blade as the battle of willpower was absolutely one-sided. Then a strained laugh was heard, and it sounded of bones bouncing off rocks.

"It would seem, you truly DO care for those lost souls."

"Keep talking, and you'll be crushed to powder."

"I did not come her to Reap."

"Yeah, you're not getting off that floor until you tell me why you DID come here."

"I came here to test you."


It laughed again.

"To see if you really would go so far as to challenge death itself for those two souls. Or any others for that matter."

"Have I settled this question?"

"Indeed. Now, I have a proposition for you, mortal."


"In exchange for those souls to both remain by your side, and be reborn as your eventual children with memories intact, I have a request."

"What is this request?"

"I request the horns of the demons you've killed to this point."

"That's it?"

The Reaper laughed again.

"Indeed. I can sense those horns' wills are still present. And since I know them well, and they've been thorns in by side for millennia now, I seek to punish them for the rest of eternity."

"How good is your word?"

Tyler sensed another motive behind this thing's appearance, and it sniggered now.

"You see through even Death's soul. Truly horrifying. My motives are two-fold. For as you say, if I try to take the girls, you will pursue, and not even I am a match for your willpower. If Death itself falls, the world would die as well. Plus, since I hate these particular demons, I sensed a means to both absolve myself of my duty, and save my own bones."

"Yet, something still doesn't add up here. You said memories intact. You rule death, NOT birth…..Shade."

The thing froze, and screeched in a most unholy manner.

"How?! How can a mere human, a mere Mortal see through us?"

"You will never know."

Tyler hit the vile imposter with ten times the force, and it was reduced to powder, before a large white light appeared and merged with the two girls spirits. Tyler looked at them.

"You two good?"

Sylvia and Sallie hugged him tightly.

"Yeah, all that light did was make our spirits stronger."

"Like food."

"Well, breakfast."

They giggled as a most unsettling feeling entered the room then. Tyler sighed as he looked to the new arrival, another cloaked and scythe carrying figure.

"Seriously? Another one? Look, you can't have these two, so just leave."

HE felt a frantic tug on his leg. He looked to see Sylvia looking at him fearfully.


"That's the real deal!"

"Yeah, I know. Still can't have you."

Tyler looked back at it, as it chuckled.

"No fear. And a willingness to fight as well. How amusing."

"Like I told your Shade, try it, and you'll lose."

The thing laughed.

"I am aware. Not why I have come. I have come to grant those two a boon."


"Indeed. Those two have made even ME feel pity for the way they met Death. As such, I will grant them the power of Life Walk."

Both girls gasped hard. Tyler tilted his head.

"Okay. IS that the spirit version of Spirit walk?"

"Only FAR more potent, Mortal. Once a day, for a period of two hours to start, they may walk as flesh and blood once more, while still remaining spirits."

"You can do that?"

It laughed.

"I rule Death, that is true. But, I have the power to do this Boon. They will carry this power until they are reborn as your children, and before you ask, yes, their memories will be intact. Yet another nod to your extreme willpower."

"Okay, the ruler of Death is granting a power for a form of life. Odd mismatch."

"Mistrusting of Death is a wise policy, as it is unfair and unpredictable. Yet, it is always true."

Sylvia gulped.

"Death keeps his word, it's the single thing about Death that is fair: it will always honor it's word."

Tyler looked at it.

"What do you need to do to grant this power?"

"Wave my arm."

"Anticlimactic as all hell, but whatever."

The thing made the girls glow, and when they looked at their HUD's, they saw they had the ability added to their list.

"A warning."

Tyler looked right at it.


"If they die in a Life Walk session, then they will be lost to oblivion forever. Not even I have the power to defy that."

"If that Shade had gotten them?"

"Shades feed off souls, that is true, but, as long as they are in MY realm as their true forms, they cannot die again."

"I see. Well, we thank you for these. Are they freely given?"

"Indeed. I feel pity for these souls of a kind I have not in recent memory. As such, I sought to remove it from my being."

"Well, I am sensing no ulterior motives."

"I have done what I set out to do. May I never find you beneath my blade."

The thing was gone as Sylvia and Sallie gaped at Tyler as Kaori hugged him.

"See? Now we can do even MORE with them!"

Sylvia and Sallie started to cry from the sheer joy of getting to walk as people again, but Tyler just lifted them into his chest.

"Like I said. A proper adventure. Now, smile, and let's see the fine print."

Life walk was an ability granted to Spirits like the Lady of the Forest, so they may take a physical form to perform tasks or speak with the living for a short time. The base was two hours, but upgrades through use. Once fully upgraded, the limit was raised to a full week at a time, with a one day cooldown. The girls were ecstatic by this, as they knew Tyler would NEVER allow ANYTHING anywhere near them if it would so much as scratch them. Tyler laughed as he poked Sylvia.

"Wulf is going to have a friggin heart attack."

She giggled.

"Let's go give it to him!"

She and Sallie glowed a moment, before they were seen again. Sallie still having her green hair and blue eyes clad in her gown of white and bare foot, as Sylvia was still a blazing red haired elf with startlingly blue eyes, pale skin, and was clad in a red dress as well as being bare foot. Tyler and the three girls all headed downstairs to see Wulf, Sera and Lily already at the table waiting for him. The ranger smiled as he saw the group, still thinking Sylvia and Sallie were spirits.

"Wow, first time I've beaten you two up."

Sera and Lily looked over and gasped.

"Tyler, who are those beautiful girls?"

"They're soooo cute!"

Tyler watched as Wulf's mind effectively went BOOM. Tyler lifted the two laughing girls into his arms as he walked over.

"The elf is Sylvia. The other is Sallie. We had a visitor this morning."

They sat at the table as Sera gave Sallie her first hug death, as Sylvia hugged her as well. Tyler then poked the starting to recover Wulf.

"You good bro?"

HE loomed at him, with a mixture of awe and fear.

"What did you DO?"

"Death itself came to visit. Said that since my willpower was so extreme, and those two had died such pitiful deaths, he was granting them the ability of Life Walk. Think the Spirit of the Forest when she takes physical form."

The elf blinked, and looked as Sylvia came over to hug him.

"HE challenged death itself for us. And WON."

Sallie was playing a game with Sera, where they would poke the other and try to dodge the retaliating poke. Wulf smiled as he looked at Tyler while stroking Sylvia's hair.

"How long?"

"Two hours per day until it's upgraded. Once fully upgraded, they get a week straight with a one day cooldown. Downside is if they die in this form, then we lose them to the void forever."

Wulf's gaze hardened.

"Like that's gonna happen."

"Testify elf brother. They ONLY get to walk in camp AFTER the spells are up, in an Inn, a town I call clear, or the Nidhogg. Otherwise, they stay spirits, as Death said they can't die in his realm."

He smiled.

"Agreed. We should plan a trip to Cragspire."

"Just to give Warlund and Marlene their heart attack?"

"It is only right. They did give us her to begin with."

"It won't be for a while though. But, sure. We'll see how it looks after the first wave."

He nodded as Malico and Vixen came down. The ladies freezing as they saw Sallie and Sylvia playing with Lily and Sera in physical forms. Tyler smiled at them.

"Life Walk."

Vixen nodded.

"I felt Death's visit. I see he truly DID pity them."

Malico smiled as she walked over to hug Sallie and sit by her. Tyler was laughing as Sallie pet her fur like a cat when Melly came over with a refill.

"Hi. Who are you?"

The two spirits giggled.



Melly got a hug apiece before looking at Tyler.

"They your daughters?"

"In a sense. They're spirits with an ability that lets them hug us."

"Awww, cute!"

The group laughed as Melly got another hug, before nearly getting throttled by Sera. The rest of the crew came down and were introduced to their spirit friends, as they laid out the plan for the day. Tyler looked at the map with Sallie and Sylvia on his legs.

"Okay, today is an easy day. Long as Sera, lily, and Lillia are not alone, just see what you can come up with. I'll be bouncing around for a bit, so keep an ear up. I'll see if I can't dig a few night sight skills up. Tolic should be done with the new armor by this afternoon at the latest, so once I get word, I'll whistle."

Kaori looked at him.

"Some of our horse tack is getting kind of worn. So I'd like to replace it if possible."

"We'll take a look. Any other things that need replacing?"

Wulf thought for a moment.

"That tent could do for a better material upgrade. Like a sturdier leather."

"Is the size good enough for us?"

The ranger looked at the head count.

"Me, you, Malico, Sera, Serafina, Vixen, Lucy, Kaori, Thistle, Lillia, and Sallie and Sylvia on occasion. We're set on size for now."

"I wonder if they make fur tents? Like hide or other types?"

Kaori and Wulf looked at each other.

"A good deer is very tough."

"True, my own preference? Bear skin."

"We could do with new fur blankets."

"We COULD always just go out hunting. I mean, we were planning on using the town as a base of operations."

Kaori smiled.

"True. Plus it would be fun to just hunt for materials and resources instead of blood."

"Oh yeah, we have that entire mine of red steel."

Lily looked up from her food.

"Tolic offered to let me practice me craft at his forge, long as I clean the mess and bring me own things."

Tyler passed her the pouch with the ore.

"Our smith needs these. Okay, I'll visit Seline at some point as well, as a bit of fun."

The table laughed. Then Lillia had a thought.

"If we go hunting, will we also be bandit baiting?"

Tyler looked at the map.

"I'd say no, Lillia. Last time we came through, we cleared a decent number of camps out, so I doubt they'd set up so close to town."

Wulf looked at it as well.

"Bandits don't really come close to town. It's those orcs I was telling you about we need to worry about."

"I'll go take a look at the guild job board, see if I can't pin a camp down."

Sylvia settled her head into his chest as Lucy had a thought.

"Ya say we're leavin for Yalik tomorrow morn."

"That's the current plan."

"So, our hunting ground is a few hours ride from the city gates?"

Tyler drew a circle around the city and tapped it.

"I see where you're going and this is our range. Close enough that in the event it goes sideways, you can make it to the walls easily enough, but with plenty of ground to work with. Oh, that's a thought."

Tyler looked at Vixen.

"Is it possible to commission an enchanted item in this world?"

She crossed her arms.

"It depends on what you're looking for."

"A whistle that if a member of our party blows it, the entire party hears it, no matter how far away, and tells them what direction to go in."

Vixen rubbed her chin.

"That's a pretty common one, actually. I'd say visit that Mermaid or Twink, as the Sprites and Mermaids are the best races at enchantment."

"Okay, that's my first task. Shoulda thought of it sooner, but hey. Least I got it now. What about pouches?"

Vixen spoke up again.

"Those tend to be more expensive, but what were you thinking?"

"A hide pouch, just for things like pelts, furs and hides."

Wulf thought about it.

"We have two coin pouches, a tool pouch, meat, potion, plant, spear, loot, sensitive, and an other. How's everyone's belts?"

There was a lot of looking before a consensus was reached.

"We each have like maybe four slots left."

Wulf rubbed her chin.

"They may be small and very useful, but just watch out for too many look alike pouches."

"Fair point. And we can't even mark them, in case of attempted robberies…..actually, that works."

Wulf chuckled.

"Have blatantly marked pouches to bait bandits and other loot thieves for fun. A most easy strategy."

"And it builds on Shadow's tried and tested methods."

She smiled as he spoke. Tyler was looking at the map as Sallie and Sylvia sighed.

"Times up for today?"

"Yup. We'll still be here an all."

"Least we'll get to play later anyway."

The girls got hugs as they glowed again and returned to spirit forms. Sera looked like she was about to cry, when Tyler patted her head.

"She still there, Sera. You just can't see her or touch her. She can hear you though."

The kind hearted princess smiled.

"You see them at night right?"

"I'll give you the ability too."


"They're bouncing with joy as well."

Sallie and Sylvia were now sitting on the table, for spirits had more freedom the living. Tyler spotted a guild runner outside and grabbed a news crystal off him. Kaori laughed as he came back.

"You're like an old man with his daily paper."

Tyler chuckled as he sat back down.

"I find it kinda fun to see what's going on in the rest of the country, plus reading about us in it as well."

He added the thing and opened it up.

"This Morning In Vernillion. It would seem the Warriors are indeed nothing but spoiled children. For today, which is the day the coin was usually distributed to the unworthy, not a single copper was waiting for them. The Warriors then, nearly immediately, tried to steal the gold from the banks that had previously handed it out, as in the words of the leader Max,

"You wants us to fight for you? Pay us. Or we'll just take it."

"Well, they tried. Only thing is, the royal guard is not to be trifled with, and such the Warriors were barred from all banks period. They can't even preform coin conversions, which is a daily activity in Lectis. The King was then heard to make a statement.

"It would seem we have the two extremes here in Warriors. We have these idiots, that seem to think that just because they have a fancy title, that they can do whatever they can do whatever they want to whoever they want whenever without consequence. They rape and torture and pillage the land, yet as soon as the slightest hardship or inconvenience hits them, suddenly they're the victims. They never work for their money, and spend mine on food, drink and women. Hell, I've heard it said the women need to get paid double just to look at them!"

The king does seem to hold these Warriors in contempt. Then he spoke again.

"Next we have the middle. Kazuma is a kind-hearted boy, and no mistake about it. He works hard for his money, cares for those weaker then he, and gives aid freely. His flaws are simple, I think he is a far too gentle-hearted boy to fight. He gives to the point of indebting, and is sometimes a little too trusting. HE is a better prince then Warrior, even if he is of a Warrior's Disposition. He is young, and is a hopeless optimist, but the things he needs to learn are easily taught. So, in my own opinion? Boy just needs time and a good teacher.

"His majesty has become quite fond of the blonde boy. Almost as if he was his true father.

"Now, we have the other extreme. Tyler and the Outcasts. Lad gets here, and in a few hours is branded a murdering coward for killing my friend and stealing his blade. For the sake of fairness, I saw fit to grant him the ten gold I gave to all Warriors, and then he vanished with that beauty he risked his life to defend. That boy is NOT a kind hearted soul or a merciful one either. He'd gladly kill us all to protect that girl. He stands with his own strength, and does not need the aid of anything or anyone. He willingly threw the Warrior title away to forge his own, and works harder then any of the others just to put a hearty meal in that girl's belly. We get deeds and feats he and his still growing party have accomplished on the daily. Some are so incredible, I often wonder if he bribed someone."

The king may be fond of Kazuma, but this lad, Outcast, is the apple of his eye.

"I've spoken with the boy meself. He is harsh, scathingly critical, and does not mince his words. Yet, is fair, true, and with a spine made of cold steel. That boy is the stuff legends are made of, and the reason children get to sleep soundly at night, for a True Warrior stalks this land with Death as his friend. As for how he makes his money? Pff, lad WORKS. I have heard it said that, prior to a journey, he spends upwards of half an hour just looking at his map, going over the route again and again. Never satisfied, ever watchful. HE has asked nothing of the crown, and we have offered nothing. Yet, his party is thriving. In his words, in Lectis, you either step the fuck up, or get the fuck stepped over. HE will lead the battle in the waves, and only his party will taste true victory, for having a leader that knows what the hell he is doing, listens to council, and leads the charge himself, is a truly spectacular thing. Oh, and the bastard knows how to travel. Riding a dragon into battle? You sonuvabitch! I have DREAMT of doing that since I first saw a dragon in the sky as a boy! You BETTER tell me everything! Hmm? How do I know he'll see this? Ha, lad's like Gruven in so many ways it's terrifying. That's why. Plus, well, me and a few of my friends from my wild years have a rather plausible hunch as to just who that boy is. That is all I will say on this matter, until I get the chance to discuss it with him myself.

It seems the boy has drawn the eyes of quite a few interested parties. As for Term? The Warriors are still rioting as their easy lives have come to a halt. The pope tried to open the church's coffers to the rioters, in his words as a means of appeasing those they cannot afford to offend, only to have royal knights under orders from the king to seize any and all coin offered to the lay-abouts. The king also gave a statement.

"I will not allow MY coin to be so readily abused. These 'Warriors' will not be fed like babes at their mother's tit! The crown WILL NOT support them, and as such, neither will the church. Like I said previously, ya want food? Pull your weight. Ha, I see why it's a rule of Tyler's camp now. Eh, at least they're in good hands."

He refused to elaborate on who he meant. In other news, The mining town of Valsask, the mining town recently plundered of it's ore, has since resumed mining operations, as a new vein was discovered in an untouched part of the mine. The company behind the mine has issued a statement.

"This be our ore. We've sent out a request to the King for armed guards in case these so-called Warriors won't steal from us again."

Everywhere one were to look in Lectis, the Warriors are getting doors shut in their face. In this writers own opinion? Put spikes on them."

Tyler closed his HUD and patted Sallie's green hair, getting a giggle from the spirit.

"Well, I'll go bother a mermaid."

His friends chuckled as they would be splitting into groups as well. Tyler walked out with the spirits on his shoulders, as for some odd reason that was their favorite spot to be. The early morning town was also going about their tasks, as mailmen, runners, shop keepers and others all ran around as the town woke up.

"Hail! Outcast!"


Tyler smiled reflexively as he got hailed now.

"Still feels weird, though."

Sylvia chuckled.

"Just wait for the thrill seekers to start coming up to get flipped by you."

"Yeah, that hurts Sylvia. So, if that one pops up, we don't have a fan, we got a masochist."

She giggled,

"Careful, talking to the air like that, people will think you've gone mad."

"They know I got Holy Muse. Plus I am insane, so, no biggee."

Both little spirits giggled as Tyler found the mermaids shop. He walked in to find the lady sitting behind her counter looking at a blue book. She lifted her yellow eyes and smiled her pointed toothed smile at the Warrior approaching her counter.

"Greetings Lord. How may I service you?"

Tyler smiled at her two way offer.

"Looking to see if you can make an enchanted set of whistles for my party."

She gurgled curiously as she became thoughtful.

"I see. What would the enchantment entail?"

"Each member gets one, and if one blows it, we all hear it no matter where we are, and tells us which direction to go in."

Her finned ears flicked as the gears of her mind turned.

"I see your looking for a Rally enchantment. It is simple enough to do."

"Glad I came to the right sea beauty then. How much"

She smiled now.

"A lay with me."

Now it was Tyler's turn to smile widely.

"Lay with you as payment? I'd happily do that for free. Got a bed back there?"

She waved her hand, and the door locked as she led him behind the counter to a small room with a living space and bed. Tyler looked at her they stripped. Her skin, hair and eyes were blue, her feet had webbing between her toes, her ears were fins, and she had scales on her sides like a fish. Her rear was smooth and firm, and her groin was free of scales and seemed to be wet already as she laid on the bed. Her eyes blinked vertically as she saw his scars, only for her to lick her lips as she saw his sword.

"Oh I ached for that."

HE laughed as he mounted her, and as he slid inside her, it felt like a greased tunnel that contracted and gripped him in such a way that he loved as he grabbed her legs to start thrusting into her. She had a most exciting gurling moan as she bucked and played with his body, and her skin was soft. The mermaid's rack flopped with a loud slapping as they moved, and when she blew, she screamed and arched her back like a drawn bow, and she tasted of warm sea air. Then she was on her belly as she grinned at him.

"Spear me!"

Into her rear he went, and she kicked the bed in pleasured ecstasy. Then they fell to the bed as she was well and truly finished. She rolling onto her back to kiss the warrior. HE finding her lips soft and lovingly warm. She was panting as her blue cheeks had a distinct purple color now, flushed as she was. HE Smiled at her.

"So, what's your name again?"

She burst out laughing,

"Of course you lay with a girl only to ask her name AFTER. It's Aqua."

"Aqua, nice to put a name to the sex. Was fun."

She laughed as she kissed him again.

"I haven't experienced such lust and love in such a long time. Nor did I enjoy myself as much."

"Glad to service you."

She laughed at the theft of her sales pitch.

"My poor core is longing for more, alas, I cannot."

"A shame, as I loved you as well."

She smiled, and got another kiss as he fondled her amazingly firm rack.

"If we keep going, I lose a day's business."

"Can't have a beauty like you go unsatisfied."

She laughed as they stood and dressed. His sword feeling warm and ready still. Aqua looked at the applauding Spirits.

"I'm glad you approved."

Tyler gave her rear a caress, making her shiver.

"They love a good show."

Here he leaned in to whisper in her finlike ear.

"And I LOVE a good Mermaid."

The poor girl shuddered hard as he walked by, tracing a teasingly light finger across her skin to flick a scale.

"Oh, and yes, we'll do it again."

She smiled with eagerness as her hand went to massage her now aching again groin.

"You're a dangerous one."

"And you're a beautiful one."

He retook his spot by the counter as the hot and bothered Aqua leaned her rack on the counter.

"So, how many did you need?"

"ME, Sera, Kaori, Wulf, Lucy, Serafina, Lillia, Thistle, Vixen, Lily, Malico, so 11."

She tilted her head,

"That would be….2 gold."

HE flipped her four.

"For next time."

She laughed at that.

"Oh, next time I'll close up for a day and part ways with walking!"

"Sounds like a date."

She smiled as she placed the whistles on the counter. They were two inches long, deep blue, and reminded Tyler of coral. HE placed one around his neck, leaned over the counter, and stole a kiss off the surprised Aqua.

"I'll see YOU next time."

She was shivering again as he left her then, her grove pleading for release as she breathed heavily, as if she HADN'T just been lain by him.

"Oh my, I need a rest and a play!"

Tyler was smiling widely as he left her shop. I just railed a mermaid. Niiiiice. I see Wulf's point, and NO WAY will I fergit that ride! HE spotted the elf in question with Kaori and Lily. HE went over as they were walking by to give them their new signals.

"Hey, Wulf? Remember our chat about Mermaids?"

HE looked at him.

"I do."


The two men high fived as Kaori chuckled.

"It worth me looking into?"

"Oh HELL yeah. Plus, well, she's STILL riled up. Shouldn't take much more an a leer."

The blonde smirked as she took her whistle.

"I'll go relieve the poor girl then."

HE smiled as he gave a shaking-her-head Lily her signal.

"At least your practicing for me. That's good I guess."

"Love you too, Lily."

She smiled as he headed off, as Wulf chuckled.

"Seline's next right?"

Tyler waved as he went.

"We'll see. She's gon git it though."

HE left them laughing as he went. That mermaid is going to love Kaori. HE was whistling as he walked along the road to the general goods store. He went in to see about tents and a hide pouch and found Sera and Serafina looking at rods and line. HE smiled as he ghosted up behind the pretty Wraith, making her jump as he grabbed her shoulders.


The poor girl jumped a good foot in the air as Sera nearly fell over laughing as he placed the now fuming girl on her feet.

"You dick! I nearly had my heart restart!"

Sera had tears on her face as Tyler patted the indignant Wraith's ever-present cloak.

"Nice to see I can out-Wraith a Wraith. Oh, and by the way?"

Her pretty purple eyes were on fire.



She smacked him as Sera was now struggling to breathe from her laughter. Serafina pulled her hood up with a huff as she stuck her nose in the air.

"Did you come her just to scare me?"

"Sure. Here."

HE gave her the signal, and a still losing it Sera hers. The hooded Wraith let his prank go as Sera recovered, and was now coughing as she did. Tyler rubbing the black haired princess's back soothingly as she hacked. Then he hugged her just cause.

"So, see anything interesting?"

Sera took a deep breath, and let it out as she pointed to a better rod model.

"This one is stronger than ours are, so we were wondering if it was worth getting."

Tyler tilted his head.

"Well, we ARE headed to the ocean soon. Probably a good idea to have a stronger rod to use."

Sera nodded.

"That's what we were thinking. We also were looking at that tanning kit there."

Serafina pointed it out.

"It allows for field tanning of hides into leather."

Tyler became thoughtful.

"Okay, that one we should as Kaori or Wulf on. It's a good idea, just not sure if it works for us. Good call though."

The girls nodded again.

"We thought the same. We saw a tent over there that might be a better option."

They pointed to a ten person made of deer skin. He smiled.

"Nice eyes, ladies. Hey, I wonder."

He rocked on his feet as he had a thought. Sera smiled as she knew that look.

"What clicked this time?"

"We don't really have ANY severe weather gear. You know like heavy tents, cloaks, things of that nature. We only have the one magic lantern."

Sera and Serafina looked at each other.

"Wow, how'd we miss that?"

"Right? Seems kind of blatant."

Tyler smiled.

"That's why we check again and recheck. Okay, we have a large hole in our equipment. I'll go find Wulf, as Kaori's kinda tangled up right now."

The girls giggled as they could only picture what he meant. Tyler left the store to head to Tolic's smithy, as Lily would be headed in that direction anyway. HE passed Vixen and Lillia leaving Roxy's shop, and gave them their signals before moving on. The sky was blue and clear, with the occasional sky shark cruising by on it's way to anywhere, and the town bustled. Tyler was passing Sylvina's shop when he glanced in the window, only to see her get dragged over the counter by a man with a knife.


HE walked in to the thick with screams shop as the man mounted the elven lady as he tied to force her legs wide, as her shorts had already been torn off, only for his dagger to grow out of the back of his head. HE poked his head and blew a loud whistle on his lips as the rest of the party had yet to get their signals. Hope Kaori's finished that Mermaid off properly. If not, well, I pay her for a day's LAY! Tyler then walked over to the rocking back and forth Sylvina. He patted her as she looked at her near rapist.

"Hey, you hurt?"

She looked up to see Tyler looking at her with a blank look in her purple eyes.

"No, you got here just before he…"

She pulled her knees up as his party came in through the door. They saw the dead guy, the torn shorts and her in a sitting fetal position, and they knew. Lillia and the other ladies all walked over, as the princess looked at Tyler.

"Clean the mess, we'll take care of this one."

He nodded as Wulf gave her a hug before following Tyler as he lifted the body out to the street. Kaori came up then, a flush on her face.

"Yes, I finished her off. Hard. Now what happened?"

"Atta girl. I was looking for Wulf to get his thoughts on something when I passed her shop, saw this guy throw her over the counter, and I stepped in. Bastard had her shorts off and was ready for entry when he grew a dagger out of his head."

The blonde nodded and went inside to comfort Sylvina as Tyler retrieved his dagger before scanning his face.

"Wow. This guy just has a title."

Wulf looked at him.

"What is it?"

"The elf rapist. Says the reward is…..HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF GODS. 2500 gold."

Wulf went white at the extreme number.


"Yeah they HATE this guy. Come on, let's go see Yoko. I don't think picking that kind of coin up alone is a good idea."

The ranger nodded.

"Yeah, even for you, blatant as you are, last thing you need is a mass mobbing."

The two men headed off to the spear as Wulf sighed.

"Thanks for saving her."

"Sure. She's a friend of yours, so a friend of mine."

The ranger smiled.

"I appreciate it. Now, why were you looking for me?"

"I realized we don't have ANY severe weather gear. Like heavy tents, cloaks or more an one lantern."

The ranger blinked.

"Wow, your right. How the hells we miss that one?"

"Too many things at once?"

"True. Well, at least we can fill this one easily enough."

"True. We'll collect Kaori as well, since Serafina wanted to add a tanning kit to our gear."

Wulf rubbed his chin as they neared the Spear.

"Field tanning, huh? What did you think?"

"A nifty idea, but not something I really understand all that much."

"Good leather is always welcome, plus we could make a good few things with that type of material."

"So, worth adding to our tool box?"

"I'd say just over the line of worth it. Like how we have a fletching kit."

"Alright, least we can pay for it."

That got a snort as Tyler and Wulf headed to Yoko's booth. The Raccoon girl was looking glum as she sat in her chair as Tyler approached.

"What's got ya down, Yoko?"

She smiled at him as he stood by her booth.

"I heard you had a change of plans."

"Yeah, much as it sucks, we need to train a few members of our team better. So, sadly, we need to head out tomorrow."

She flicked her tail at him sadly.

"Well, just come back soon."

"Just for you."

She blushed.

"So, besides making me tingle, who'd you bag?"

"The Elf Rapist."

Her tail dropped in shock.

"The Elf Rapist?"

"That's what popped up on the bounty screen."

She nodded.

"Okay, I'll get my supervisor for this one. If it is indeed that monster, we'll need to move to another room for payment."


Tyler laid the body on the slab, and stood by a on watch Wulf. The body was retracted as Tyler leaned on the grate leering at a happily leering Yoko.

"I heard you paid a visit to Aqua this morning."

HE smiled widely.

"I did indeed."

Yoko leaned in to look at him.

"So you know, I to have partaken of her charms. Impressive, aren't they?"

"Indeed they are. And I'm sensing a rather pleasant sandwich here."

The raccoon girl had a most eager smile.

"And I whole heartedly look forward to it."

Wulf just shook his head. WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT KEEPS GETTING LEFT OUT? I DO STUFF TOO! Tyler smiled as two sets of footsteps approached the window, as two elven ladies with golden necklaces around their necks took spots behind Yoko.

"The identity is confirmed. We'll need to relocate to the small room."

They all nodded as a small door opened by the weapon rack, as Tyler stepped in, Wulf stood guard outside. Tyler sat across from Yoko with the two elves in the corners of the room. Tyler took the seat as a pouch was placed on the table by the sexy raccoon.

"Here's your payment. Until you have it secure on your person, they will stand guard."

Tyler added the 2500 coins to his coin pouch, and smiled as he slid the pouch back.


The elven ladies nodded.

"On behalf of elven women the world over, thank you."

Tyler chuckled.

"Sure, ladies. Hey, Yoko, wonder who I'll find next?"

She laughed as he left the room to see Seline talking with Wulf. The sexy fox lady's tails flicked as she saw Tyler step out from the room. She was wearing a light dress of red that matched her flaming hair and barely contained her breasts as he walked over. She greeted him with fox ears twitching.

"Tyler! Come to bed me?"

"Not yet. Today though. Just dropped off a monster that tried to rape Sylvina."

She sighed as Wulf exploded inwardly yet again at being passed over.

"That poor girl. Is she okay?"

"The girls are comforting her as we speak. That bastard had a high one though."

She looked at him with her ice blue eyes.

"How high?"

He walked over to whisper in her ear,

"2500 gold."

She blinked as she looked at him.

"That much? He have a title?"

"The elf rapist."

Seline sighed as her tails drooped.

"Ah, I know of that one. HE came through a few years back, raped three elves before escaping into the night."

"He's dead now."

She hugged him,

"And thanks for that."

HE smiled as he hugged her back, feeling her slide a crystal into a pouch.

"A special lift. OUT of sight of the masses."

"Better prep that groove."

She laughed as they stepped back. Tyler looked at a now purple jealous Wulf.

"Let's go check on her."

His jealousy died as they went, leaving Seline to head to her office to indeed prep her body.

Tyler and Wulf returned to Sylvina's shop to find the elf lady getting a shoulder rub from Kaori as Lily sat on her counter with her hammer. The other girls all looking around her shop, neither too close or too far. Tyler walked right up to her.

"How you holding?"

She smiled weakly.

"Just need to relax. I haven't had a call that close in years."

Tyler patted her arm.

"He's dead now. That's a plus."

Kaori tilted her head.

"How much was he worth?"

Tyler looked to make sure the door was closed. It was.

"2500 gold. Dead. Alive? Nothing."

The room stopped. Sylvina gaped at him.

"Who WAS he?"

"The Elf Rapist."

Sylvina shuddered at the name as Lily sighed.

"So, that's the bastard that got Momma?"

Wulf looked at the small girl with the hammer.

"HE was the one that raped Willow?"

Lily nodded sadly.

"She told me about how when she had been younger then me, he came though her town, dragged her into an alley, and took her first, second and third before leaving her in the puddle of their juices. Why she hates men so much. She only had me because she needed a descendent."

Tyler patted the girl's head.

"well, win for us. You're nothing but a good thing Lily."

She smiled happily.

"I'm awesome, aren't I?"

"Better en that guy."

HE jabbed a thumb at Wulf who laughed.

"Well, when the bars THAT low, kinda can't do worse."

"So wise at such a young age."

"Momma didn't raise no fool!"

"Damn right she didn't."

"You two do know I'm right here, right?"

Tyler and Lily both looked at Wulf, as if just noticing him.

"Oh, hey Wulf. When'd you get here?"

"Hi Uncle Wolf. You sure got quieter."

The ranger just groaned in defeat.

"And so the pain continues."

Tyler looked to the now laughing Sylvina.

"You gonna be okay?"

She wiped a tear from her purple eyes.

"I will. Just need to get a good drink later."

"Alright. Well, I'll leave ya to it. Got a fox to see."

"Over here!"

"Right idea wrong Vixen!"

The black mage laughed at his play on her name. Kaori understood and smiled.

"It's behind that lady's desk in a small alcove."

"Love you too, Kaori."

That got a laugh as he headed back to the spear to bed the sexy fox lady. HE walked into the Spear and walked past the now grinning lady as she gestured to the well hidden lift. He was about to step on it, when he felt a tug on his belt.

"Something feels off here. Watch yourself."

"Keep watch, you two. If I'm too deep, and something comes for me back, scream."

Sylvia and Sallie nodded as they rode the lift up. The door opened and Seline was waiting in a robe of blue belted around her middle.

"Ohhh, I NEED you!"

Tyler smiled as he followed the seductive fox lady to a well-hidden door. Once inside they stripped, and she gasped as she saw his scars. Then moaned as she saw his sword.


She laid back on the large bed and as he slid inside her, she wrapped her fox tails around his waist and away they went. She screaming hard as he speared her in the grove and rear. He blew and buried his face into her massive flopping bosom, and she held him there, as she too climaxed hard. Only for a yell from Sylvia to alert him.


Tyler rolled the fox lady he was still inside of over as a man stabbed the bed where'd he just was with a dripping long bladed dagger. Tyler laughed as the room was suddenly filled with about twenty shapes, as Seline cowered in fear at the invaders.


"I got this. Ladies, keep watch on me gear."

The spirits were sitting on it, as Tyler drew a breath,

"Hey! If you blow a hole in the Spear at this height-"

"Eh, FINE. WaterBurst."

The men were encased in his ball of water that lifted them off the floor. They were now drowning inside the ball as Tyler reached inside and pull one out as the others all stopped fighting and just floated as they drowned. Seline had a blanket covering her as Tyler pulled his Sgian Dao to begin the interrogation.

"Who are you?"

The man spit at him.

"Kill me! You won't git anything form me!"

"Seline, once I'm done with this, wanna keep going?"

She blinked.

"You're thinking of THAT at a time like this?"

"Hey! I'm not DONE with you just yet!"

She shivered,

"Oh, hurry up then!"

Tyler brought the ball of dead men out into the open room, as he placed the still glaring man on a tiled part of floor. The water vanished and the dead all dropped to the floor with a thud.

"Ha, you won't break me."

"Musta sucked when your mother raped you with that toy."

HE went absolutely pale. Tyler smiled.

"Or when your father beat you with that weird toy she used on your rear. Odd you liked it so much. Probably explains why you like it in the rear so much from the ladies you hire, even though they charge triple for such a depraved act."

The man broke down crying.

"Okay. We were hired by the other Warriors to assassinate Seline to force the city to open the gates."

"....Seriously? Payment?"

"3000 gold. 300 gems."

"Gods they are stupid. Are there other such guilds?"


"Okay, spread the word that unless they want a visit from the Outcast to visit their halls, no jobs from Warriors. We clear?"

"Crystal, sir."

"Oh, and who had the money?"


"I REALLY want to throw you through that window, but Seline's right about a hole at this height."

Tyler tied a sign on his neck after piling the dead in the public lift: Don't bother us for another two to three hours. We'll explain then. Then he sent it down before running back to the room, and GENTELY tackling a now eager Seline onto the bed. They picked right back up where they left off, her getting pounded as they sated their lust fully and completely off each other. Then she collapsed under him as the various liquids dripped and flowed. The fox lady as satisfied as she could get in one go.

"Bath time."

HE laughed and carried her to the bath in his arms like a princess. Her flicking him with her tails.

"I see YOU are still ready and eager."

He laughed.

"I enjoy your company."

She smiled as they walked into the pool like bath and he set her on a submerged bench. HE sitting bsdie her in easy fondling distance as she wrapped her tails around him.

"So. Those assassins?"

"Hired by the Warriors to kill you to force the gate open."

She kicked water in frustration.

"Why are they so STUPID?"

HE sat her between his legs and held her waist.

"Why do I still want to ravage you?"

She laughed and settled right back.

"I can go again."

"I friggin love foxes."

And so they had each other for the THIRD time in the bath this time. With moans, screams and splashes as she was indeed ravaged by the hungry Warrior. They dropped again, panting into the water. Tyler was smiling widely as he sat back against the wall of the pool like tub. Seline straddling him as she pressed her soft lips into his own.

"You have QUITE the appetite!"

HE gave her ample bosom a fresh suckle.

"Good thing your such a decadent feast. I'm still hungry too!"

She could feel the truth under her grove.

"You've out lasted me. It kind of hurts."

"Back door?"

She burst out laughing, but did indeed turn around to sit on it. Moaning hard as it filled her rear to capacity. Then he pinned her against the wall as he thrust hard against her. The fox tails getting stroked as she lost it yet again, and got a fresh filling. This time, he stood down as he filled her up again.

"And there. I'm full of you."

HE leaned in to kiss her tenderly,

"THIS time."

She shivered as they sat back down in the filtered waters. Her and he kissing softly as they let their bodies recover. Then she looked at him.

"How did you know?"

"Look behind you."

She did, and saw a faint outline of two small spirits. She blinked, and her ice blue eyes glowed.

"I see. We had an audience."

"Yup. A very cute audience."

Seline burst out laughing as Sallie and Sylvia started clapping. The fox stood up and bowed before her approving audience. Only to get a tender caress of her rear as she sat back down.

"So, who are they?"

"That green haired cutie is Sallie. That red headed elf is Sylvia."

Seline jumped with a splash as he said the name. Then she saw the locket around his neck that had stayed there over the arrow necklace. She sighed sadly as she touched it.

"I see you found her."

Tyler hugged the lady.

"We laid her to rest ourselves. Now, she travels with us. Same with Sallie. And I'll tell you a secret you are NOT to tell anyone."

She looked at him as he leaned to whisper in her ear.

"They got granted Life Walk by Death itself."

She gasped.

"You mean?"

Sylvia and Sallie came and sat on the pair's laps.


"We got bodies! Sometimes."

Seline hugged the elf girl.

"I'm so happy he found you."

The elf giggled as she got pressed into the busty fox's rack.

"Malico's are better!"


The fox's tails lashed as she looked at Tyler.


HE tilted his head.


She smiled with a veiled threat.

"Who's are better? Mine or the cat?"

"Well, lets see."

HE gave her breasts a fresh suckle, with a thoughtful look on his face before going up and kissing her deeply.

"Yours are more fun to suck on."

She laughed.

"She bigger?"

"Actually, you're the same size. You just got the firmer set."

She felt oddly fulfilled at his verdict of her cleavage. Then he sighed.

"As much as I want to just soak with you, we kinda need to address the mess downstairs."

She looked at him.

"I meant the ground floor. Seriously, Seline, I was just eating that thing, have some self-confidence."

All three girls burst out laughing at his tone of exasperation. He kissed her again, and stood up with a newly hardened sword. Seline tilted her head.

"Kaori told me of a method of play in your world I'd like to try."

"Well, by all means."

She fit the sword in her mouth as he smiled and stroked her red hair.

"Now just move back and forth. Just like that."

She got her taste of seed, and her eyes lit up as she sat back.

"Wow, that was…kinda fun."

"Damn straight."

They cleaned up, again, before dressing and riding the lift down. Tyler's party was looking over the dead assassin's again as he came out whistling with a wobbly Seline right behind him. Kaori came over laughing.

"Seriously? You drowned twenty, and STILL take her ability to walk right?"

Tyler kissed her.

"Least I got my priorities right."

HE then leaned in the whisper in her ear.

"And you SEVERELY understated just how good she is, feels, and tastes."

She hugged him to hide their little chat.

"How many?"

"Four. Back to back."

"Wow. Our record is what? Five?"


"I'll let you off the hook for that one. And 3."


"4. And yes."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They parted as Seline leered at them both.


"Oh HELLS yeah!"

That got a laugh from all as the silent agreement was reached. Then Tyler took the pouch of 3000 grand gold out and gave it to Seline.

"Keep those idiots out. Oh, and fix the bed."

She laughed.

"Sure. The tub too?"

"I DID see a crack."

After he explained what had happened.

"Sylvia said something felt off, so as I played she and Sallie were on watch. They waited until the burst to try me with a poisoned weapon. Problem was, Sylvia was on watch like she usually is. The Warriors paid these idiots to Assassinate Sylvia to force the gates open to them once again."

Seline looked to a guild rep.

"Do NOT make mention of the spirits. Understood?"

"If ONE word, okay? ONE tells of their role in this, the guild will be on MY hitlist. We clear?"

Verilica, the rep for the guild at that moment gulped.

"Understood. I'll just chalk it up to her perception."

"Good Imp. Oh, and Kaori's been looking for a devilish good time of late. Think ya can help her out?"

The busty Imp leered at the sexy blonde as she licked her fangs.

"Of course."

Kaori walked over and threaded her fingers in the now purring Imp's hand.

"Let's go then. I'm feeling…..hungry."

The two ladies walked off as Tyler looked to Malico.


The busty cat smiled.

"A few."

"Atta cat. Alright then. I guess back to it. I'll go get a look at the guild job board and see about an orc camp."

Seline got a farewell kiss before Tyler headed for the guild. He happily whistling as he went. He opened the door to the guild, getting a rowdy cheer from the members inside.

"Hail! Women's Lure!"

"Hail! Ya ugly ladyless bastards!"

That got a roar of laughter as he spotted the job board and walked right over to it, getting a round of oh's.

"Need to get outta town lad?"

"Maybe he ain't as good as he thinks!"

"Isn't that what the last girl you had said to you?"

They lost it, even the man that was the butt of the joke. Tyler smiled as a tall lady with a set of daggers around her waist and a moderate rack came right over to steal a kiss off his lips, getting a another round of cheers, only as she tried to retreat after a successful theft, he grabs her arm, and pulls her right back in to steal a make out session that left her breathless. HE patted her rear as she walked away flushed.

"See? THAT'S how it be done!"

The lady was panting hard as the hall whistled and cheered. She went for her pouch, only to find it gone.

"Hey, good lookin."

She looked up to see him twirling it on a draw string, a wide smile on his face.

"Yer good, but ya ain't the first to try to rob me jewels!"

The hall was having a hard time breathing as he tossed her pouch back at her with a wink.

"Try again next time, toots."

She was smiling now.

"I be Whisper. I'll be seeing YOU again."

"I hear a bed just start begging for mercy."

"Later. I got a job."

"Yeesh, looking good for these unworthy bastards? Ya can do SOOO much better!"

The hall was choking on their laughter now as Whisper flipped a dagger to the Outcast.

"A memento. And a reminder that I WILL come for you."

"Good LUCK sneaking up on me."

She smiled and was gone. HE looked at the dagger, and found it to be a red dagger with a hint of dark grey. He smiled as he added it to his belt.

"Well, looks like I got another after me sword."

The guild was recovering as he looked at the board, getting a new tab added to his HUD.

"See anything interesting?"

He looked to see a lady in a chainmail vest looking at the board.

"More looking for a nearby orc camp. A few party members need some blood practice."

She smiled. This lady had a large rack, no shirt or top other her chainmail, blue hair that hung to her back, fair skin, red eyes, a pair of chainmail shorts, and was bare foot. Her weapon was a pair of dual short swords on her hips, with two larger swords over each shoulder.

"Oricah. Not a bad place to practice with."

She reached up and pulled a sheet of paper down and handed it to him.

"Should fit the bill."

He laughed at her pun as he looked it over.

"Wanted. Killing of an Oricah camp. Okay, good so far. Three hours ride from the west gate. Still good. Reward 75 silver. Okay. This works."

Tyler looked up smiling to the lady.

"Fits perfectly. Thanks miss…?"

"Oh me? Chain."

"Your name is Chain?"

She smiled and for some reason it made his heart skip a beat.

"Indeed. I am called Chain. Tyler the Outcast."

Tyler was on edge now, and as he became suspicious, he felt a slight pressure on his mind. He smiled as he shattered the light charm spell, and she smiled as well.

"Nice. Though, you don't need to use magic to charm me, as those good looks to the job just fine."

"I was seeing if the rumors of your mental fortitude were true. Nice to see they are."

"Weird flex, but okay."

HE took the paper and headed off as Chain laughed.

"I'll see you around."

"Now I'm scared."

That got a laugh as he went to set up the raid. He returned to Melly's inn sat at the table as he rolled his map out. He traced a path to the indicated spot three hours out from the west gate. The spot in question was a small hollow like the ones the Goblin army used before the attack on TopLeaf. HE sighed,

"Okay, I am NOT liking THAT Deja veju."

HE was pulling his Whistle when Wulf walked by with Thistle.

"Hey, Wulf, got a problem."

Both elves came in to see where he was pointing at his map. He also slid the job posting to them.

"I am seeing some rather nasty similarities here."

The Ranger and the Blood dancer looked at the map and posting and sighed.

"Yeah. I see it too. Main concern?"


Tyler pointed to the Hollow.

"There is this one here. But just here, maybe a ten minute ride to the east, is another one the same size."

Wulf looked at it, and frowned.

"I'll be right back. I need 2 gold."

Tyler passed him the coins and he took off running. Thistle looked at the map.

"You think another army?"

"I do. If that is the case, and it's led by a demon, we get to sic Tempesta on it."

The ferocious elf smiled.

"Now I WANT a demon to appear!"

"As do I, my blood thirsty elf, as. Do. I."

Wulf came back with a pair of maps. He tossed the 50 leftover silver at Tyler as he rolled them out.

"Okay, this one is a month ago, and this one a week. Ours updates daily, or every time it's opened."

Tyler smiled.

"I KNEW this was a good one."

Tyler and Wulf took one look and groaned.

"Those are new. Like weeks."

"Thistle, go warn Seline. Man those walls. Me and Wulf are going scouting."


She took off running as Tyler and Wulf rolled the maps up. Then they raced for the stables. The Ferrier saw them in their hurry, and had their horses addled and ready. Tyler tossed the fifty silver to him as he blew on the new signal hard. The party, including a flushed kaori, met at the west gate.

"Suit up, two new Hollows appeared. Potential TopLeaf. Lock the city down. Kaori, your crew."

"Got it. Verilica is pissed."