
The alpha

Michael POV

I study the little girl in front of me. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her cheeks are tear strained and her eyes look tired, however, that isn't what has caught my attention. She has a very thick oppressive aura stronger than my own. I can sense that she has multiple different supernatural species in her and she isn't just a werewolf. This all makes me immediately distrust her and go on guard.

"What is your name sweetie?" Asks my Luna in a soft caring tone.

"My name is Anastasia." Replies the girl in a soft voice.

"Ok Anastasia. Can you tell me who those mean people are who were chasing you?" I ask trying to hide the fear, suspicion and sternness in my voice.

"I don't know." she replies. "They say they took me to hurt my mommy and daddy. but I have no idea who my mommy and daddy are. These are the only people I know, I grew up with them and don't remember having a mommy or a daddy." She then starts to cry and looks up at me with tears streaming down her face.

"How old are you sweetheart?" Asks my Luna.

"I think I am 5 but I don't know." She says

"Amy, do you mind taking her outside then coming back inside. I would like to talk to you all." I speak

"Yes Alpha." I then watch Amy getting up and walking out the room then coming back in and closing the door.


Anastasia POV

I am sitting outside the alpha's office on the chairs just outside waiting for the nice lady and guy to come out. I did not mean to eavesdrop, but the conversation starts coming outside through the door.

"I do not trust what she has said for a second. Her aura is powerful, and I sense multiple supernatural species. I will not have someone I don't trust in my pack." I hear alpha Michael say.

"But alpha, she is only a little girl. She is an innocent, with no control over her circumstances in life or what happened in the past." Says Amy, heatedly and clearly distressed.

"I am fully aware of this and despite her being so young I don't trust her. She will never be a member of this pack and if she does join, she will not be treated as an equal!" He says sternly. I can feel tears silently pour down my cheeks, at least the lady named Amy is standing up for me.

"I stand by my husband. We have no idea who she is or where she has come from. She could be witch cross wolf cross demon cross tiger for all we know." Says another strange female voice.

"Can we at least take her in and raise her as our own. We don't have to be nice to her, but she at least deserves a roof over her head and food in her stomach." Asks another male voice.

"Fine, I am sorry to do this, but I will for the safety of my pack. If i catch you guys being nice to her I will banish you from my pack." Says Michael. "I Michael McKenzie alpha of Blue rising moon pack Alpha command you Beta Gerald Green of Blue Rising moon pack and your mate Amy to accept the little girl into your house and shelter her with food but by no means can you be kind to her if I catch you being nice to her you will be kicked from my pack and sentenced to life as a rogue. Am I understood?"

"Yes alpha." They say in unison.

"You are dismissed." Says Alpha Michael.

I see the nice lady (I believe her name is Amy) and Beta Gerald come out the office then Amy comes over to me. "Come!" She says and grabs my arm roughly. I start crying harder and fighting to try get away.

"Stop fighting my wife, you horrible little girl." Says beta Gerald.

"I thought you guys were going to be nice to me and not hurt me." I say in distress. I look up at them and see the guilt in their eyes. Bringing me to place I don't want to go to.

Flash Back

"Get up you useless child." says a gruff voice. He then grabs my arm and gives me a smack causing me to start crying.

"Mommy!!" I yell, crying and trying to get away. I can feel him injecting something into my arm before giving me something to eat.

"Now eat!" He scolds.

I see a lady come in behind me and start crying even harder. I see her looking at me guilty before she gives me a kick.

"Stop! Why are you doing this?" I cry out.

"Because we can." Says another voice right before everything goes black.

End of flash back

"Mommy!!" I yell getting the attention of some of the pack members.

One of them comes over to try help me then Beta Gerald says: "Leave her alone." Using his beta aura and the wolf immediately submits. Amy immediately gives me another smack causing me to cry even more. They then take me into their house and put me in a closet.

"We have agreed to give you food, shelter and education in exchange you will stay in here and only come out when called. You will be expected to clean after us. Do you understand?" Says Amy

I look up at them and start crying before nodding. Why did I trust them? I think to myself.

"Don't worry sweetheart everything will be fine now, lie down and sleep."

"Cynthia?" I ask.

"No, I am your wolf Aurora. Now lie down so I can heal you." She says.

"What is a wolf? Where are you? Why can I hear but I can't see you." I ask afraid.

"I am apart of you, your other half. My job is to protect you and heal you. I am not technically a wolf. More your lycan. Hopefully we will meet soon but for now I am here to keep you company." She says.

I then feel everything go black and I slip into my happy place. I trust her not to hurt me or let anything happen to me.