
The Cursed Ken Akasa

One day in Lembang village, West Java, Indonesia.

An arrogant boy stood in front of villagers who were begging for their land. He was Ken Akasa, A son of the most succesful businessman in Kuningan village. That day he was going to take over a farm land because he wanted to build a villa.

"Young master Ken, please give me time to repay my debt. I promise I will pay it" said an old man.

"No. I have given you time but you didn't pay it" answered Ken.

"But that time you didn't mention any interest." Old man's wife said angrily.

"C'mon, don't be too naïve, there's no one will lend you money except they ask for interest." Ken said.

"Young master Ken, this land is the only livelihood I have. I have many children. If you take it over, how should we live by then?" the old man begged

"That's not my business, do you think I am your father?!" he didn't care the old man.

"Young master, if you insist to take over it. At least take it after I harvest in next so we have little money to continue our lives." The old man hopelessly said.

"That won't do. I have a target as well old man. This month my villa should have been built" he turned his head to his underlings.

"Get them away from here! And start to cut down the trees" he ordered

Some of his underlings started to drag the old man and his poor family from that place. The old man tried to resist but he was too old. Tears flowed from the corner of his eyes and his family. He couldn't accept it. His anger reached his limit. He lost his temper and shout


"AAAAHHH! AAARHHH! HELP ME" Ken screamed and held his neck. Everyone was shock. But the next moment

"Hahahaha! Gotcha!" Ken laughed out loud. His underling rolled their eyes while the old man family got angrier "how could he be so evil to make a joke in this situation?!"

The real disaster finally came. The three which was cut by his men fell down toward Ken. He didn't have time to evade. He felt an unbearable pain in his head and the world around him faded to black.

"Ouch!" Ken regained his consciousness as well as the pain sensation.

"Where am I? Why is it so dark here? I remember a tree fell down on me. Am I dead? Is it heaven? I don't think so. Many people hated me. I was also cursed. OH MY GOD… is hell? God, please forgive me. Bring me back to life. I promise I won't be so cruel anymore. I know I don't deserve to enter your paradise but I also can't bear your hell fire. Huhuhu…" Ken cried.

"Wait a minute, it is dark here. But there's no fire. So it is definitely no hell, isn't it?" he pondered. "let me take walk" he tried to stand up but …

"Arrggh! I can't feel my legs. My arms" he was panicked. "What happened to my body?!!!" he realized that his surrounding maybe was not dark but it was him who didn't have eyes anymore. He was sure that he didn't have ears as well. He felt a warm sensation on his body as well as a fresh air. The ground beneath him also gave a strange sensation. His body metabolism reacted as if it got its source of energy.

"So it is me now, a seed." He couldn't believe it but it was the only explanation he found. That warm was sunlight. That fresh air was morning breeze. And that the strange sensation was nutrition from the soil. He could see and hear because he was a seed.

"So it is destiny you written for me, God? I think it is not bad. I just need to stay here, grow and wither. Or maybe I just die and this torment will come to end. hehehe" but he was wrong. He couldn't stop to absorb nutrition from soil. His body passively did it. "f***! It can be stopped. I see, you want me to feel lonely in my entire life, don't you? Huft…"

While he was busy with his own thought, a different warm sensation came. He felt that he was lifted from soil. He couldn't feel warm from sunlight anymore. After minutes, he was put again to soil. This soil felt better than previous one. It provided more nutrients and had more "ventilation".

"Ah I think because I was generous and kind hearted in previous life, he gave me easiness now" he was amused by his own silliness.

Bukkk! He felt stone fell upon him. "Give me break…"

"I just want to entertain myself and you put a stone on me!" he objected. A sense of danger filled his mind. His instinct told him to rapidly absorb nutrients from soil. He missed sunlight badly but he couldn't lift the stone. The only way was He had to grow as fast as he could and removed the stone by his trunk or he couldn't felt sunlight forever.

Several minutes ago…

"Daddy, what is that?" a boy asked his father.

"It is a Asa seed, Sam. It is almost extinct. We are lucky to find it" replied his father. He held the seed in his right hand while his left hand was holding Sam's hand.

"Is it edible dad, may I eat it?" Sam said curiously.

"I don't think you can eat it, son. I will plant it in our garden" he answered

"Then what is special about it?"

"People say Asa tree is a magical tree"


"I don't know. But if your mother was still alive, she would love it so much" a trace of sadness appeared in his face. "If you love someone, you'll love everything she loves" he looked at his son eyes deeply.

"Ok. Let's plant it then!" Sam smiled at his father

He dug the soil, put the seed and added some fertilizer. After that he put a stone on it. Sam couldn't understand it.

"Dad, if you loved it. Why do you put a stone on it? It will make it hard to grow"

"Sam, by putting a stone on it, the seed will grow stronger root and stronger root makes stronger tree. Sometimes love is shown gently but sometimes must be tough" his father explained seriously.

"I see, that's why you always hit my buttock when you are angry." Sam narrowed his eyes

His father trapped in an awkward moment. "that was another way to express love hehehe"

"Dad, do you still remember when you lost your clothes when you were taking a bath in the river?" Sam sneered

"Yes of course. I needed to cover my body using leaves to go home because of that, why?" his father asked suspiciously.

"It was not blown away by wind. It was another way to express love from me"


Sam ran away while laughing and his father ran after him angrily ….

this is my first story. I will be glad if you give me your suggestion.

famehuntercreators' thoughts