
The Tale of Kazimir

A riveting tale unfolds as Kazimir, the central protagonist, ascends to power and greatness amidst the looming threat of encroaching hordes invading his homeland—a narrative that seamlessly weaves elements of discipline, indomitable willpower, and a captivating romance.

KujoJin · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs


Both bandits erupted in laughter simultaneously. "You hear that, brother Wieslav?"

"Indeed, brother Kristof," replied the other bandit casually. He then surveyed the surroundings and shouted, "Boys, come have some fun with us!" In an instant, a group of more than a dozen other bandits emerged from the forest.

Laughter echoed among the bandits as they observed Kazimir's futile aggression, fully aware of his overwhelming numerical disadvantage.

"He says he will murder us, brothers!" Kristof chuckled, the mockery evident in his tone.

"Let's see about that! Hahaha!" The mocking laughter of the bandits surrounded Kazimir.

Suddenly, a swishing sound cut through the air, and a few arrows landed dangerously close to Kazimir.

"Oops, we missed!" taunted a few voices from the treetops.

In his seething rage, Kazimir yearned to exact revenge, but the odds were overwhelmingly against him. Determined, he decided to gamble on the bandit boss's arrogance.

"Is it fun to encircle a child? How about you face me in a duel... you cowards!"

A moment of silence hung in the air before erupting into even louder laughter.

"You want to duel our boss? Ridiculous!" They continued to mock him with unabated disdain.

"That's fine with me, but what do I gain from dueling you? I mean, your things are technically already ours, and we can kill you anytime," retorted Kristof.

"How about honor?!" shouted Kazimir furiously, his voice cutting through the mockery with a desperate plea for a shred of dignity.

"Honor? Will it feed me? Will it protect me? No! Honor has no meaning!" roared the bandit.

Unable to contain himself any longer, Kazimir charged towards the bandits. Mockery filled their eyes, and a few archers raised their bows, taking aim at Kazimir. However, out of nowhere, a series of axes flew from behind them, piercing their backs and throwing them down from the trees.

Both the bandits and Kazimir were equally shocked.

"You brat! You had reinforcements coming?!" roared a furious Wieslav.

"Smirtz Gnidom!" a thunderous roar sounded from all sides.

"Damn it! Orcs?!" yelled the bandit duo.

They didn't need to see them to recognize those Orcish words, especially that phrase which commonly translated to 'Death to the scum'. Barbaric as Orcs may seem, they valued honor above anything else.

"Run!" shouted Kristof.

In that moment, a shadow and a blade's gleam blurred behind the bandit. Sensing an ominous presence, Kristof looked behind, but it was too late. Kazimir was already pointing his blade at his heart.

"Smirtz Gnidom!" roared Kazimir as he pierced his foe's heart. Though Kazimir was neither an Orc nor had any particular friendship with that race, however he knew what had to be done in that dire moment.

"You traitoro...." stuttered the bandit, but the next moment a bloody blade severed his head from his body.

Kazimir, wearing a relieved yet still bloodthirsty smile, struck down one of the bandit duo.

Observing the scene from afar, the Orcish warchief smiled. "Good!"