

It was very quiet in the castle of Cynffon Mwnci.

With only a handful of Mages inside relaxing with no need of adventure.

A pin drop could be heard in the hall of Cynffon Mwnci.

Sky the red kite bird was on top of the marble table where there was only few left of Sgroliau Cenhadaeth only dozen of blue scrolls with the red ribbons left remain.

And Sky was standing on one without a care in a world and was just cleaning it's feathers.

The scroll that the bird was standing on did in the end caught the birds full attention.

Sky looks down to read the letters it can see in the folded blue scroll.

Wanting to read more what was on the scroll Sky removes the red ribbon from the blue scroll.

And so the Sgroliau Cenhadaeth opens up downwards from the birds feet and Sky starts reading it once more.

It was a catching mission of a very and it means a very rare animal.

It was a type of Earthworm.

But not any normal earthworm these ones where a lot larger and darker and the best part about this earthworm besides Sky eating it's one of many favourites foods.

These Earthworms leave a trail of gold behind them.

If Neifion Dacus or Lili Hughes can find just one they will be rich.

These Earthworms where called Llwybr Mwydod.

Sky picks up the red ribbon with it's beak and throws the ribbon away before picking up the scroll and flying away.

Lili Hughes was sitting on a chair while leaning on the marble table with nothing to do for the rest of the day with many other Mage's just as bored as her.

Lili was just simply minding her own business when Sky had just suddenly lands just before her in top of the marble table and drops a random blue Sgroliau Cenhadaeth on her lap.

Sky tells her to read it and she does so.

Lili picks up the scroll on her lap and begins to read it as Sky asked her to do.

' It's a capture mission '.

' A Llwybr Mwydod '.

Lili Hughes continues to read the rest of the scroll.

' I'm sorry Sky but we can't do this mission it's impossible to do. You see the Llwybr Mwydod don't exist they are just a myth. It was a story that a farmer once told over three hundred years ago. '.

' You never know Lili. If we go on this mission we might actually find one and be very rich '.

Sky had told Lili.

' I don't know Sky '.

Lili begins to fold the blue Sgroliau Cenhadaeth back to its original position.

' Come on Lili. Where's your sense of a adventure '.

The voice came from Neifion Dacus who stood right behind Lili Hughes and Sky.

With one fast movement with his hand Neifion had snatched the scroll out of Lili's hand.

Opens it up once more and begins to read it himself.

' Ah it's some kind of Earthworm. I can see why Sky wants us to do this mission. It's one of his favourite foods. And if we are lucky we could be rich after today Lili '.

' Don't tell me Neifion that you actually believe the tales of the Llwybr Mwydod. Not a single person has seen a single one for three hundred years. '.

Lili had asked Neifion turning around on her chair to face Neifion Dacus.

' Sure do. I believe all stories and myths. From a bunny who hides chocolate eggs all over the country. To a old fat man with a white beard who gives good kids awesome gifts once a year. '.

Neifion smiled at Lili while folding up the Blue Scroll with his hands.

Hours had past and in the end Lili Hughes and gave in and decided to join Neifion Dacus and Sky on their wild goose chase of a mission.

Neifion came with a idea for the three of them to go to the last location where the legendary Earthworm was last seen three hundred years ago.

And thought it was a good plan for the three to climb a tree and wait for the earthworm they are looking for to come out from the ground.

And Lili could not believe herself to have actually listened to Neifion Dacus.

The three sat and waited on top of a old tree.

In a middle of the woods that was once a large farmland.

Neifion and Sky kept a look out with the two looking down at the dirt floor like two owls waiting for food while Lili was not at all interested.

' See you must have just a little bit of believe in you. If you joined us Lili '.

Sky told Lili while keeping it's eyes glued to the ground the same as Neifion Dacus.

' They are a myth Sky. It's a waste of a trip. But I came along just in case you do find something to bring back home '

Lili Hughes leaned on the tree not wanting to join the look out .

' You know. This earthworm could be huge giant like '.

Neifion had said.

' What do you mean '.

Lili asked seeing that Neifion was like Sky and kept his eyes downwards towards the dirt floor below.

' Think about it Lili. They said the last time Llwybr Mwydod was seen was three hundred years ago. Maybe that's because not one person lived to tell the tale. '.

And just like that after three hundred long years.

Llwybr Mwydod came out of the ground in front of Neifion Dacus Sky and Lili Hughes in front of their eyes.

They where big but not as big Neifion had said not to long ago just a few inches bigger than a large earthworm and was a lot more darker.

Lili stood up on the tree trunk with amazement seeing hundreds of Llwybr Mwydod after three hundred years of not being seen by a single person and now here they are.

And the best part they where indeed leaving a trail of gold behind them.

Neifion stands up to his both feet and begins to stretch his body as if he was getting ready for a sprint marathon.

' Okay guys you ready to get rich remember we need to catch just one '.

Neifion told Lili and Sky.

Sky looks at Neifion and nods.

While Lili stands beside Neifion getting ready herself.

' Alright let's catch some gold and get rich '.

Neifion called and jumps of from the tree trunk and down towards the Llwybr Mwydod.

Sky followed a second later diving down like a hawk.

Lili was the last to jump after Neifion and Sky.

After nearly another hour had past since the three had jumped down from the tree to catch some Llwybr Mwydod.

But not one was caught by either the three not a single one.

The stories about the legendary Earthworm Llwybr Mwydod forget to tell them they can move just as fast as a fully grown cheetah.

Lili was down on her knees covered from head to toe in dirt after trying to catch one of the Llwybr Mwydod and was trying to catch her breath.

Neifion Sat down leaning on a tree in a fits of coughs.

While Sky lies down back first as if the bird was dead.

' Those worms are bloody fast. Sky buddy did you catch one '.

Neifion said between long breaths he too was covered in dirt from head to toe.

The red kite bird rolled from its back to its stomach to stand back up to its feet.

' Nope not a single one here. Lili have you made us rich by any chance '.

Asked the bird.

Lili remains on her knees breathing ever so heavily. She had opened both her palms to see she was empty handed.

' Nope nothing those earthworms where lighting fast. I can now see why no one haven't seen a single one in three hundred years since today. '.

' Well even if we didn't catch one. At least we can say we saw the legendary Llwybr Mwydod and it's gold '.

Neifion smiled with a vary wide cheerful smile.