
The Tale of DemiGod

"The Tale of DemiGod" is a story about Ahsinav. One stormy, rainy night, a mysterious old man gave a baby to a couple passing through the forest and then died. The couple raised him as their own child. Later, when Ahsinav goes to the forest after hearing his sister's story, an old sage discovers that Ahsinav is gifted with magic and takes him under his wing. The old sage sends him to an academy to study magic, and from there, the story begins....

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16 Chs

The Fangthorn Forest - IV [The Rage and Awakening]

As the Loop Monkeys closed in, Noah positioned himself at my back, lending his support as I squared off against the horde. Nearly a hundred of the Loop Monkeys swarmed us. The female loop monkeys hurled stones while the males surrounded us.

"What should we do, Ahsinav?" Noah's voice cut through, his tone tinged with urgency.

"Do you have a plan?" I could feel his gaze searching mine for reassurance.

"What else? We need to beat them up."

"But they are outnumbering us." 

"Let's just do what we can for now, okay," I suggested, trying to maintain Noah's calm.

"Yeah," Noah agreed.

"D... Do you think Ankeet will be alright?"

"We shall worry about ourselves right now, don't you think?" "He will be fine. He isn't weak after all."

I reminded him, focusing on the immediate threat before us. The sheer number of Loop Monkeys was overwhelming, and it was clear that the odds were against us. Despite the lack of fear coursing through my veins, I couldn't ignore the reality that they could easily overpower us.

My mind couldn't think of any strategies. I couldn't think of anything except fighting them head-on, but I couldn't afford to let my guard down because I had to protect Noah.

I went forward to fight with the loop monkeys. Despite their numbers, they proved to be less formidable opponents than I had anticipated. Their coordination was good, but their strength was not that great.

However, the relentless barrage of stones hurled by the female monkeys from above posed a significant challenge, disrupting me and making me constantly dodge their attacks.

"Noah, you take care of the females," "I'll handle the males."


I asked Noah to take care of the female monkeys. Noah redirected his focus to block the incoming stones, making a small magic barrier. Meanwhile, I pressed on, engaging in the battle with the male Loop Monkeys.

As the battle raged on, I defeated twenty-five Loop monkeys. I wasted a lot of Ora. Noah was also exhausted, his once steadfast barrier showing signs of faltering under the strain of relentless attacks.

"Ahsinav, I can't maintain my barrier for much longer," "What should I do?"

"Just maintain the barrier as long as you can," 

"I will try,"

Noah's feet started trembling because he was out of Ora. With each passing moment, his magic barrier started collapsing. Gritting my teeth, I pressed forward to finish the battle.

As I moved forward to attack, a sound caught my attention. My gaze snapped towards the source. I saw the Elderly Loop Monkey standing in front of Ankeet. While he was on the ground, his body covered in blood.

At that moment, My mind went blank. I couldn't contain my rage seeing my friend like that, and I don't know what happened after because I lost consciousness.

Noah's Pov:

The scene before me was unbelievable. Ankeet lay on the ground, blood all over his body. At that moment, all hope seemed to vanish. My legs were trembling from Ora's exhaustion.

But suddenly, dark and ominous energy started flowing from Ahsinav. I could only watch in stunned disbelief as a single horn sprouted from his forehead, his hair turning black and his eyes red.

Once a clear sky was now covered in dark clouds. Slowly, Ahsinav advanced towards the Elderly Loop Monkey, a dark sword materializing in his hands. As he passed by the Loop Monkeys, they parted before him, cowering in fear at the sheer magnitude of his presence.

But what happened next was truly unbelievable and terrifying. With each passing Loop Monkey, a wave of dark energy surged forth from Ahsinav. As he slowly walked, the Loop Monkeys' heads exploded in a grotesque display of violence, one by one, without Ahsinav doing anything.

I stood frozen. I couldn't believe what happened in front of me. The ground was full of blood. I couldn't stop my vomit seeing the sight in front of me. 

My mind was full of questions, "My friend was a demon?" "Am I seeing things?"

Ahsinav slowly walked towards the Elderly Loop Monkey. He pointed his sword toward The Elderly Loop Monkey, what he said after I couldn't hear it.

Y@# W*y? H** C***d You (You Why? How Could You)[ Normal people aren't able to hear Demonic Language]

[Demonic Art, "*********"]

"What are you talking ab..?" [The Elderly Loop Monkey]

As The Elderly Loop Monkey was talking, Ahsinav swung his sword. In a blur of motion, the creature's head, hands, and legs were severed from its body, sending it crashing to the ground.

But as Ahsinav prepared to deliver the final blow, his body froze. As he collapsed to the ground, his consciousness slipped away. Ahsinav defeated 75 Loop Monkeys and their chief on his own.

As the rain poured down, the battlefield felt silent. The rain started pouring. The female Loop Monkeys gazed at their village chief lying on the ground. They couldn't contain their rage as they lost their loved ones. 

They moved forward to attack Ahsinav and Ankeet, who were unconscious. I tried to move my legs, but my body refused to obey. My body was heavy.

Out of nowhere, The Mercenaries we fought before came to our rescue. 

"I didn't expect to return the favor this quickly." "Let us return the favor." their leader remarked.

Once more, the battlefield erupted into chaos, the clash of weapons and primal roars echoing through the air as the mercenaries fought to protect us from the looming threat. They defeated almost all the enemies, but two of The Looping Monkeys escaped. They moved forward to launch their attacks at Ankeet, who was unconscious.

The mercenary group's mage managed to stop one, but the other was able to dodge the attack, closing the distance with alarming speed. 

As it closed the distance, a cold wind blew very strongly. The Loop Monkey's body was pierced with an ice attack. Ankeet's half-body was covered in ice, As well as the ground around us. In a split second, the table turned around. The Loop Monkey wasn't able to reach Ankeet.

"Did He Unconsciously do that?" The mercenary leader said, his surprised expression mirroring the disbelief.

I also couldn't believe the scene in front of me. The healers rushed to heal Ankeet and Ahsinav. Ahsinav wasn't injured anywhere.

But it was Ankeet's miraculous recovery that truly defied explanation. Despite the severity of the situation, he appeared unharmed. Not a single scratch on his body.

[Ankeet Awakened Advance Magic]

After the incident, The mercenaries helped us and took us back to the town, and after we went back to the Academy.