
Impossible Fight

The water drops floating in the air could fool any warrior from the real danger... But I am dealing with the goddess of Water, it was only natural that I should fear even the smallest droplets of the element.

Her pointed finger sent the water drops flying in my direction. When they were closed, the real danger was revealed, they became sharp little ice needles, like thousands of arrows that were going to pierce through me.

Instinctively, I rolled to the side while the fox jumped to the other, getting from my shoulder to the ground... I gestured for the fox to not do anything to help me, this was my test, I should go through it alone.

When I looked back at the goddess, it was almost too late, I had time only enough to crouch down before more of those little needles came cutting through the air and scratching the back of my armor... This could have been quite painful, even if it was just a superficial cut on my back from those needles, I am glad I have my armor.

It was quite more than obvious by now, but I needed to be quicker and more aggressive, this way forcing her to play more defensively and strike less against me. I charged forward with my sword and she just raised her water arm to defend herself... My sword passed right through it, however, and she froze her arm midway through, getting my sword stuck on her arm.

Letting go of my sword, I had no choice but retreat, ready to strike with my bare hands... The previous experience with the water knights and the frozen walls, however, proved one thing... Not even my sword could pierce through them, imagine my fists and kicks then.

After letting me futilely attack against her frozen dress, she pulled me with immense strength to very far away and immediately sent water balls against me. They looked like bubbles, but nevertheless, I needed to dodge them...

I managed to outmaneuver one of another, but they weren't just normal water balls, they were following me and when I was most unprepared, I was surrounded by those bubbles.

My only hope was to jump, since they were coming low for my legs... But there were too many bubbles to escape from, my right leg was caught at the moment of escape and upon being touched, the water balls froze with the others into a pillar of ice with my right leg right at the of it.

The sudden frozen act of the water balls made me fall on the floor... It was impossible to stand unless I did something about the ice, but I felt like if I got too distracted with the ice, the goddess was going to strike in the meantime. And I was right, I just lifted my head to look at her and she sent a powerful jet of water...

The ice pillar broke with the pressure and I was pushed against the wall of the lake's chamber. Once the water had finally stopped, I could feel the pain conquering my whole body... I tried to stand, but it was very close to impossible.

I couldn't give up now, however... It was for her, Isabelle Coventry... But there's a huge difference between want and be able to... No matter what I thought, I just couldn't fight anymore... I had... Failed...

"You fought bravely... But your skills sure disappoint, Dagger... I wonder how you got this far", she said and I closed my hands into fists.

The only few times I fought ever since I "reappeared" were with the wizard, the hunters, and that man in the city... I was rusted with sword skills and won only because some of those people underestimated me, and with the wizard was a single lucky hit... But the situation with Water was totally different. She didn't underestimate me, and she was far more powerful than everything I faced so far, this time not even a single significant hit was dealt...

"Just... One... One more chance, Water...", I said faintly, almost letting tears leave my eyes.

Was that fair? I wanted to do something to have this stupid second chance, and I was about use emotions to do it... I do have principles, but they are also clashing with each other right now... I told myself I was going to do anything to save Isabelle's life and dreams, but I also said that no matter what, I wasn't going to take advantage of people like that... But in the end, it slipped my mouth.

"I... It's really not for me, I am doing for her... I need... I need your element, just give me a chance to train more and then face you again..."

"Look, Everblade... I can really feel the sadness on the water that's pouring from your eyes... I don't want your tears and, much less, tears that are not justifiable. I never said this was your only chance, have I?". She said and returned my sword from her frozen arm.

"Uh... Really?", I could feel so much relief when listening to those words... And her slight gentle smile at me only confirmed what I heard.

"I am as transparent as water, Dagger. If I ever lie, you will see right through it. However... I do warn you, I will give only until the Moon of Carus to rise again for you to come for your second chance... And it will happen next week. I hope you do not disappoint me again", she said and then created a water platform under me and the fox which lifted us while the lake opened above us to let us pass...

"Come on, it's not time to sleep...", I said to the fox.

It was already quite late in the night, two days after the battle with the goddess... It's not like I could blame the fox for being so tired. But we... Or rather, I needed to train extensively and intensively if I want to challenge the goddess once more.

I had already given some thought to the battle ahead... The only main problem was dealing with attacking and defending myself against her water attacks that can become sharp or hard by simply freezing them... And it's not any kind of ice that she creates, it's strong enough to block my sword.

Sure, I needed to pay someone for some adjustments on my armor and sword, but that probably wouldn't help against that hard ice at all. My only hope was using her own ice against her... I would need to be very quick, otherwise, she can melt the ice before I can use it.

I only needed the bottle, so I would need to strike precisely enough to hit the frozen dress closest to the bottle as possible and strong enough to create a hole through which my hand can grab the bottle. I would also need to be quick for her to not freeze my hand inside her.

"Come on... Just a little bit more and we can rest, how about it?", I asked the fox.

But it didn't even look at me, it was already sound asleep. Or at least it seemed like so, I only discovered it was still awake when it decided to open an eye, taking a peek at me. With that, the fox sighed a little and then climbed my body, stopping on my shoulders.

"What do you want? I need to train more...", I said to it.

It stared at me with a "really?" expression, as if the answer should obvious. I was clueless about why it was like that, so it had to do some gestures to explain to me what should be obvious.

First, it started to run in place and pretended to be fighting with something. It ended these gestures by doing a cross with its arms...

"Well... You think I shouldn't train?". It shook its head. "You think I am overworking and I should stop with that?". It nodded with my answer and then pretended to be laughing and fall asleep.

"Oh, I see... You think I should have some fun and rest before training... Well... This an idea, but don't think I need to train more to be ready to face her?". It gave me that "really?" look again... With a sigh of certain annoyance, I looked carefully at it. "Then what you suggest we do?".

Its first reaction was to fall down to sleep there on the ground. Then, while still on the ground, it pointed to a nearby town... With humble small walls and a few buildings protected by them.

Go to the city sounded like the perfect opportunity for getting adjustments on my armor and sword, so I decided to agree... When I noticed, however, it was already sound asleep, for real this time. I hadn't another choice but just comply and sleep as well, waiting for tomorrow...

"What's this Moon of Carus anyway?"

The great entities of this world, the goddess of Water and Wind and the gods of Earth and Fire, have usually a representation of them in the giant unexplored space of this universe. The Moon of Carus, introduced in this chapter, rises every two months for Dagger's planet and it irradiates a green light over the night, representing the goddess of Water and it's believed to be her soul.

Aoi_Yumi_Itocreators' thoughts