
The System of Son of the Night

A being of light embraced by darkness." Evan spent the first years of his life in an eternal sleep. But this sleep was not really eternal, it was all due to the assimilation of the Night System which was assimilating with his body. Now that he woke up, he was confronted with reality. What he never had in the nightmare world, he now has; the family he never had is now by his side, people who love and support him, he now has.

Biscuit_8 · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

27- Night (3)

Every dance begins with a step.




And with that step Evan's pain disappeared, no, it transformed into a sense of relief, and this time, he was able to digest what was happening.


Just like when he had to absorb information in his brain to understand the system, that same thing is happening, but different.


It is similar to when he learned his Aura Control technique, with complex images that analyzed information obtained.


At this very moment thanks to the events that are happening now Evan was able to differentiate these two types of knowledge.


The knowledge that comes from the system, and respecting skills are instincts. Like when we learn to swim without the help of a teacher, similar to when we process food with our mouth in order to digest it. Involuntary actions like breathing, are primary instincts that can be improved.


Then there is the knowledge we can learn through a teacher, someone who transmits to you their ideas, their problems, and complexities. A teacher will teach you a formula to obtain a result, the formulas can be different both in intention and in essence.


It is intuitive knowledge, that which we are born with.


Explicit knowledge is that which needs data and errors which are transmitted in an education.


These are the real names of what is popularly called Skills and Techniques.


But that is not what Evan is feeling, Evan is feeling something more complex than intuitive or explicit knowledge. Evan is feeling the true origin of these two.




Evan at second saw the sky in a different way than others could even think of. He understood the mysteries of the stars and the sky.


His consciousness moved to the sky, observing the stars closely, noticing that they were not masses of gases, they were living beings with white bodies with infant forms.


The child next to the Lady is a star. Beings that protect the sky, are responsible for making the infinite distance so that those who wish to reach the sky can not approach.


In short, all those beings with flying capabilities will never be able to get close to the stars, because the stars will never allow them to approach. Thus creating a distance that looks finite in an infinite one.


He also understood that what he calls the sky, is only a layer that covers the world and the Lady who is dancing with him, is a Goddess called "Sky", she represents the night and the day, the colors that the sky has in different places are part of her, the layer that covers her is part of the sky itself.


With a step and a half turn, they continued their dance.


And Evan continued to learn, hundreds of knowledge seeping into his brain.


Among the stars, there is one special star that watches him constantly.


It is his star, a star born on the day of his birth, the youngest star. A young woman the same age as Evan, with long white hair that reaches to the floor, white eyes with thick eyelashes, full lips, and a body in full development. Covered in a simple dress reaching to the back of her foot, leaving only her toes uncovered.


Evan was looking straight ahead of her as if she was present, as the young star looked down to earth, it was for an instant but with amazement the young star looked straight ahead, where there was nothing besides a sense of someone watching her.


Her eyes with amazement then relaxed and her face then became full of excitement with a radiant smile.


They took another two steps and another half-turn, and Evan's perception changed completely.


He was now seeing the earth as if he himself were the sky. He observed the surroundings but could not see all the places shown, his mind could not process all the information, and even the previous information was already getting blurred.


Even so, the information is still filtering into his brain, Evan noticed that several things he saw from the perception of the sky were lacking to the information he got before.


Of all the places he saw, only two could stand out in his mind.


The Night Lands and Alexandria, his destination and home.


Evan didn't want to learn about places and everything on the surface of the earth, instead, he wanted to know more about the sky. Thanks to his thoughts the information filtering into his mind changed his perspective again and he is no longer looking at the earth but the sky.


He understood that the moon is a world where the older stars go to rest and live a quiet life there.


A lot of knowledge came, but there was no experience.


Still, Evan discovered a secret something he didn't have an answer to or that answer is consciously avoiding him.


There is not something beyond the sky.


Just as before he consciously tried to get an answer, but all he could see was an infinite and increasing sky constantly covering the world. His mind zoomed in closer and closer the stars and moon were ignored and focused specifically on the dark layer of the sky.


That dark layer was constantly changing color, sometimes it looked like a sunset, sometimes it looked like a light blue, then gray, and sometimes an evil green. There were multiple changes, 34 changes flashed before his eyes before they stopped and blended into one.


And his eyes traversed the sky observing what lay beyond it.




Goddess Sky stopped dead in her tracks. Staring dazedly at the young man in front of her, his once living body passed into a dead state.


Evan's eyes turned pitch black, like tears a dark liquid flowed from his eyes. That dark liquid not only began to flow from Evan's eyes but also from his mouth, his ears, and his fingernails.


Goddess Heaven, turned away from Evan not knowing what was going on and when she tried to understand what was happening in Evan's body she had no clear answer.


"AH!" Evan's body took a big breath of air and the black liquid that spread on the ground rose up and covered Evan's body, thus creating a dark layer covering him completely leaving only his pale hands and the lower part of his face uncovered. It looked like a similar image to Goddess Heaven, only the cloak covering Evan's body is closed, while her cloak is open.


"So this is what the world looks like" Without communicating through his mouth his words echoed the world. He spoke the way a God does.


[End- First volume]

Although it is called the first volume, I consider it volume 0.

I have my reasons to consider it this way, maybe at the end of my novel I will say so.

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