
The System of Son of the Night

A being of light embraced by darkness." Evan spent the first years of his life in an eternal sleep. But this sleep was not really eternal, it was all due to the assimilation of the Night System which was assimilating with his body. Now that he woke up, he was confronted with reality. What he never had in the nightmare world, he now has; the family he never had is now by his side, people who love and support him, he now has.

Biscuit_8 · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

17- Discovered

Evan approached the carriage, and in the back, he hopped in a slight jump and landed gently. He landed without having to transform into his soul state.


He was silent, didn't breathe, didn't make a sound. It wasn't very late, it was 8 p.m., so there was still a chance that they would come looking for him, there was also the chance that the moment they moved the carriage they would notice him and take him out.


I can do it' Evan motivated himself.


In the distance, Evan could hear light footsteps.


'It's now or never, if they don't spot me I can go!'


The faint sounds of footsteps were getting louder, next to them a couple of female voices could also be heard.


One was a low-pitched voice, while the other was rough. Evan recognized kind voices, lamenting his bad luck he squeezed his eyes with a slight hope.


'Don't smell me, don't smell me...' he pleaded in his mind.


The harsh voice came from Carmen a Beast Tamer, who has a Warrior type Aura. She has a sensitive sense of smell, surpassing the sense of smell of most in the War Arsenal but not Selenne who has the best senses of all the warriors in the WR family.


The low-pitched voice came from Alyssa a warrior who specializes in kicking, her Aura is Warrior type and she has a bad habit of smoking a lot. She had no senses to highlight except that her senses began to observe what was in the carriage and would not notice Evan.


Even so, they are not young wars have spent many years with Alexandra, and have gone through many misfortunes, even being inactive and out of combat for these few centuries of peace have not rusted.


So when they arrived they noticed Evan, who was hiding among the crates and barrels in the carriage.


They both turned to look at each other, sighing for they knew what their young master was doing.


"Let's take him, nothing will happen to him with the two of us," said Alyssa, who had a higher status than Carmen. They communicated employing a communication technique that generates an aura channel that could transmit the voice.


The status among the warriors of the Arsenal of Wars is like a competition. 10 positions stand out among the 100, these 10 positions are the strongest among the 100 and they are called commanders and the higher you are the higher your influence.


Chaos has the first place, Alyssa has the fifth place and Selenne has the tenth place.


Carmen didn't refute it, instead, she found a semi-transparent blindfold for Evan's eyes, the cloth was white, and you could see from one side you couldn't see what was on the other side but if you looked at the back of it you could see ahead.


Both went to the carriage, Carmen stroked the horses which were black with strong legs. The horse squealed with joy at Carmen's caresses.


After checking the horses she pulled away from the carriage about two meters and then grabbed the air and tore the space apart creating a crack on the outskirts of the town of Turtle Mountain.


Alyssa took the reins of the carriage and headed for the space rift, she covered the entire carriage with her aura, Carmen jumped and jumped on top of the things they were transporting, she jumped from box to box until she reached where Evan was hiding.


As they went through the crack they ended up in a forest where in the distance they could see the entrance to the town, the town was lit up and decorated there were decorative lamps around some trees on the outskirts of the forest.


"Come here" Carmen grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up to lead him to the front.


"Ah!" Evan selfed the moment he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt, he tried to grab onto a barrel or box around him but didn't have enough time as Carmen lifted him quickly.


It looked as if she was catching a fish in a river.


Evan was silent, as he reached the front of the carriage where he expected a scolding.


But when he arrived he only watched as the carriage continued on its way while no one scolded him. When he looked back at Alyssa from whom he expected the scolding, she looked back at him and only gave him a faint smile, while she continued to open and close the cigar box but without taking one to smoke.


Alyssa and her straight white hair, long legs, and a well-structured body, she has leather boots, and the soles are made of steel.


Evan looked back at Carmen who was tying the fabric to fit Evan, so she didn't pay attention to his gaze.


Carmen, who has brown skin, black hair, and laughs, has a scar that starts at her neck and ends at her nose almost touching her right eye. She also had a belt with several pockets where she kept various things for animals.


Both wear the Maid costume, and although they have their differences they keep their dress.




The ride was silent and uncomfortable for Evan, he felt nervous so he shrank in the seat with complicated emotions, but still, he had no regrets for his actions but his nervousness about the consequences.


He enjoyed the different appearance of his home, as small as the detail was he felt curious, he observed the trees and paid attention to something as insignificant as the difference of the branches, how they were different from the others.

He observed the birds that were not around his home, they were few but the ones he could see.


Some were similar and were possibly the same as the ones that live in your home, but there was one that was different from the ones that roamed around your home.


A blue-winged sparrow has yellow feathers but the moment it lifts its wings you can see a blue similar to the sea.


Carmen, who finished adjusting the fabric, followed Evan's gaze and with a smile showed her sharp teeth as if they were all fangs.


Carmen, raised her arm putting her finger to make Blue Feathered Sparrow sit and her other hand went to her throat, she started to whistle and the sound coming out of Carmen's lips was similar to the sparrow's song.


The sparrow paid attention to the song and rested on Carmen's finger.


Carmen moved her finger closer to Evan and watched as his eyes took on a joyful gleam. The sparrow looked back at Evan, then took flight again and continued on its way.


Evan watched as the sparrow flapped its wings away until it disappeared from his sight.


"There are no blue-winged sparrows in the capital" Carmen mentioned destroying the silence in the carriage.


"They are very beautiful birds" Evan replied still looking in the direction where the sparrow went before then looking back at Carmen.


Carmen began to show him the wildlife of the area, relaxing Evan who stopped being so tense for fear of being scolded.


She pointed out the few variations of trees around and showed him the different animals around along with a peaceful beast of the area.


The rock-shelled turtle. From a distance, it might look like a simple large or average-sized rock, but if you manage to turn around you can see that it is a turtle. They usually do not appear in plain sight as they are very shy around other species.