
The System of Son of the Night

A being of light embraced by darkness." Evan spent the first years of his life in an eternal sleep. But this sleep was not really eternal, it was all due to the assimilation of the Night System which was assimilating with his body. Now that he woke up, he was confronted with reality. What he never had in the nightmare world, he now has; the family he never had is now by his side, people who love and support him, he now has.

Biscuit_8 · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

13- Dark Blood

Evan rested all night, oblivious to his two mothers' quarrel.


Lya and Enola stayed in Evan's room, Lya to enjoy as much time with him as possible since she couldn't stay for long as her home, the Vodrak Duchy needed her.


Enola accompanied her and although they did not become friends, or anything like that they managed to chat in a decent way about various topics.


Both were able to relate to each other, calmly and without prejudice or pointless fights, both had their diplomatic senses so they never touched a topic they didn't have to touch, as their perspectives were different and that was the perfect justification for each of their actions.


Evan opened his eyes the moment he completed 8 hours of sleep in a row.


The moment he opened his eyes he settled in and leaned against the back of the bed, his eyes were lost, as if he was still sleepy and didn't want to wake up.


 Lya stroked her ring and from it, a bag of blood came out, with her own blood she created an elegant glass with circular decorations where without thinking and without asking she poured him a decent amount of red blood type O- from an 18-year-old person with an optimal state of health.


He gave it to Evan, who looked at it for a while, sniffed it and its sweet smell brought a smile to his face.


In two gulps he drank the blood that was in the glass, he felt full for not eating for several hours, unlike these days I feel twice as much energy as his normal meals.


Then Lya took out a small black vial, on it was written several words in the modern language of the demons, the characters had many curves and few lines were straight.


The word translated literally in the language of humans means: Emotions.


Although in the language of the demons, it also had another translation: The inner being.


Enola observed the contents of the vial with her senses, as she observed it seemed a bit strange to her. In it, there was no liquid, but multiple souls full of highly concentrated emotions.


In the jar could be observed anger, joy, sadness, longing, love, and confusion among many other emotions.


The attractive smell caught Evan's attention, so when he held it in his hands he immediately consumed the souls concentrated in the jar. If you observe Evan's soul, you will see how these souls tried to escape from inside him but did not find a way out they were gradually diluted becoming part of Evan's own soul.


As a result, Evan no longer showed a slight smile or was devoid of emotion, he was now truly smiling like a being who could feel deeply.


"I like to see you smiling."


"Vu vacy!" He said to Lya in the vampiric language.


Its meaning is: good cycle.


It refers to the lunar cycle, as vampires are not big fans of the sun.


"Vu vacy" Lya smiled at Evan "Did you sleep well?" Lya continued speaking in the vampire language ignoring Enola who didn't have a decent level of the language.


"I slept well, though I wish I had gone to bed for a better reason than the exhaustion I suffered" Evan as well as Lya forgot about Enola who didn't understand the vampire language.


"I got really scared because of you," She said with a worried but somewhat relieved tone, after all that had happened yesterday.


"I'm sorry" Evan replied in a sincere manner, Evan could sense Lya's concern with yesterday's actions after all, his family didn't move it was Lya who went straight to rescue him from any danger.


Even though there was clearly no danger. If there really had been danger Lya would not have been the only one to react Evan's whole family would have.


"I can't stay long, come let me check on you," Lya said as she reached out and took Evan's hand.


Evan relaxed and let Lya manipulate his arms as she pleased.


Lya turned his arm over, then dug one of her fingernails into his wrist where his veins were. Lya gently inserted her nails without causing Evan any pain or discomfort.


Extremely dark blood came out of her veins.


"As I thought, he's been getting a lot of sun," Lya said.


Lya touched his blood and made a small wheel of blood going in and out of Evan's body, Lya wiggled her fingers and each time the blood turned to a more normal color.


The process was slow and time-consuming, it took 1 full hour for the blood to return to its normal shade and another hour to refine Evan's blood to become purer and stronger.


But in terms of vampires for someone who has no cultivation, if we are talking about his blood, his blood will be in a perfect state of quality to pass rank he would just have to get more blood so that both his aura and his blood would be in the Fundamentals realm.


This also applies to the cultivation of beasts, accumulating mana.


And from demons, accumulating souls.


"Your veins look like mine, then you can learn my blood circulation technique," Lya said excitedly, as from her ring a small dark book appeared plus from her other hand she took out a ring similar to his.


"Happy birthday, Evan." 


Evan took the gifts from Lya and hugged them warmly, he saw Lya again enjoying the moment, after all the two of them had always been together in one way or another, her company was something that made him feel comfortable.


Plus now he does talk back to her and doesn't leave her words hanging.


Lya felt the same way, don't mistake her feelings for motherly love it's like the love of a best friend but this one is deeper almost making it like that of a big sister.


Yes, those are the right words for these two, both were siblings who do not share the same blood.