
The System of Evil

- Do evil and become stronger. - I can't do that ... - How is it? Well, if you want to maintain a neutral outlook, then do evil, for the sake of good. - Is it possible? - I do not know. You have to show me if it is possible or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fandom: Jormungand / Black Lagoon Author: vitotitov original fan-fic: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/49224 (this is a translation and not an author's work)

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112 Chs

Chapter 36 - Simply the Best

Warm rays of light illuminated the room. A cool morning breeze blew through the open window, drawing up the curtains.

The room was quiet, except for the sound of the wind and the puffing of two people who made themselves comfortable on the sofa.

The night was surprisingly cool, and therefore Revy and Jack, in their sleep, pressed even closer to each other's bodies.

When they fell asleep, Jack was lying on his back, and Revie was on him, but now the girl was pressed against the soft back of the sofa with her bottom, when Jack lay sideways, facing her.

It is no longer possible to find out who tossed and turned in their sleep and led them to their current positions, but in general, they fit comfortably, except for his morning riser, which rested strongly against her stomach.

Another gust of wind and the curtain was raised high enough for the insolent ray of light to tease the girl's eyes through the eyelids. With a sleepy gurgle, Revi jerked her head in displeasure and hid from the sun, pressing her face against Jack's chest, knocking him out of his sleep.

His eyelids lifted slowly. The sun immediately forced him to close his eyes for a while, until the level of irritation was acceptable.

Blinking, Jack stared sharply at the shock of burgundy hair. Feeling the warm breath on his chest, he quietly turned his head and examined the girl's body, paying special attention to the elastic ass, from which the panties had slipped a little.

His clear mind immediately remembered what happened yesterday, from which the tense member jerked, gently pushing the girl in the stomach.

- "How ... how did we come to this?" - he asked himself embarrassedly

Despite yesterday's, his head was crystal clear. No pain, no lost memories. On the whole, he felt just fine.

- "So, first you need to get up ..." - he thought and tried to gently free himself from the tight embrace of Revi

He did it slowly, without waking the girl, only at the end she slightly turned her waist and thereby massaged the head of his penis.

- Hu ... - Jack pursed his lips with pleasure and quickly got up from the sofa

"Fu ~ w ..." he breathed softly as he stood up. His cheeks were slightly pink with embarrassment.

Revi, meanwhile, grimaced in her sleep and ran her hands discontentedly across the sofa, as if looking for something. Most likely she was looking for a large soft warm pillow that ran away from her.

- "Good morning." Gunther said with a grin, appearing in his mind

- "Kind..."

- "Look notifications."

At that moment, Jack noticed that it was true, at the edge of his mind, he felt a minimized notice

- "Well ..."


Taming Two-Handed Quest Completed!

Purpose: Rebecca Lee must love the user

Reward: Modifier - Eyes of Belial [Lv - 1]


Jack froze immediately as his shocked eyes darted over Revie and his mind reread the notice over and over again.

- "She loves Me?" - with disbelief and surprise he said mentally

Gunther smiled slightly. "Yes. Now you are firmly entrenched in her heart. "

Jack stared blankly at her sleeping face. He didn't know how to feel about this. She is a beautiful girl with a hurricane character and a difficult past. At first, he didn't like her at all, but to his surprise, Revi didn't behave with him the same way as with the others. In communicating with him, the degree of her madness and irritability seriously dropped.

Revi, whom Ruanapur knows, and Revi, who trains him in the evenings, as if they are different personalities that fit in one body. This is not surprising, because everyone constantly uses `` masks '' in their life, and she is no exception.

Knowing that you are loved ... nice. And without lying, we can say that it is even more pleasant when a beautiful strong-willed girl with an `` interesting '' character is in love with you.

And if this had happened before, Jack would have tried to somehow get rid of her, but now ... now he was starting to like her too. To say that his lower boyfriend is simply delighted with such a sexy lady is simply not worth it.

Unknowingly, he concentrated on Revy and used his newfound modifier - Eyes of Belial.


Rebecca Lee (Revie)

Strength - 18

Agility - 27

Vitality - 6

Perception - 22

Mind - 11

Will - 17

Libido - 12

Quick reference: (show)


- "Strong ..." - Jack slightly widened his eyes - "... this modifier is very useful."

Then his eyes fell on the `` help ''. He was sure that as soon as he concentrates and he will be shown brief information about Revie, but ... But does he need to know more than she tells him about herself? This is not very beautiful, and if he finds out something superfluous, then it will be extremely difficult for him to behave with her as usual.

- "What to do." - he chewed his lips softly in thought

"I think you should find out more about her." - with the smile of a Cheshire cat, said O'Dim - "And before you stop, I'll tell you why you should do it. You already like Revie, don't deny it. Believe me, you can lie to yourself, but lying to me or deceiving me will not work. But Revi is not an ordinary girl, is she? It is best to know about some of the pitfalls before you step on them. In addition, you will learn about some of her desires and will be able to please her with your pleasant '' guesses ''. "

Jack froze for a while. Gunther's words were sweet, and most importantly, there was logic in them. Very suspicious logic.

After thinking a little more, he licked his dry lips - "Damn him! It is foolish to give up the benefits when you are already weak. "

With these thoughts, he concentrated and pressed the button - (show)

Instantly a new system window formed in his mind.


Background: Rebecca Lee is currently in love with the user. Due to the difficult past, she never could have thought that she would find happiness in the hands of a man, and therefore the girl greatly values the acquired connection with the user.

Superficial Desires: Wants to be with the user instead of going to work. Wants to kiss the user. Wants hard sex with a user. Wants to wake up without headaches and other hangover symptoms.

At the moment, she is having a dream in which she and the user have sex on the pier.


Reading all of this, Jack blushed involuntarily, especially when he read the last sentence and looked at Revy's sleeping face that beamed with content and slightly obscene grin.

Breathing in and out several times, Jack tried to regain his composure.

- "So, well, this is certainly all useful, but I expected more." He said slowly in his mind as he walked into the bathroom.

O'Dim chuckled - "You are greedy, I like it. The higher the rank of this modifier, the more information you can glean and the deeper, most secret desires will open before your eyes. "

As he washed his face, Jack muttered in his mind - "I'm not greedy at all ... ah, okay. I don't want to argue with you. "

Gunther shook his head with a grin. "Better look in the mirror and come up with an excuse for new eyes."

- "What?" - Jack was surprised and rubbing his eyes, looked in the mirror - "What the ..."

Brightly honey irises and black pupils were reflected in the mirror. Alluring and mesmerizing ... Such definitions suited them very well.

"This is a side effect of Belial's Eye. Cool, isn't it? " - with a smile of a merchant said, Gunther

- "Cool, but ..." - Jack looked into his eyes with interest, frowning a little - "... but what should I say to others?" Everyone saw that I was the owner of ordinary brown eyes. "

Gunther shrugged his shoulders - "You think what to say."

Jack shook his head. "Side effects, you didn't say anything about that."

O'Dim tilted his head to the side - "Yes? Well, then it's time to tell you about them. Look, almost all modifiers have side effects and they cannot be avoided. For example, if you get the Strong modifier, your physique will most likely change into a lean, muscular form. "

- "And why all this?"

- "What do you mean why? It's logical ... well, and to make it more interesting. " - Gunter grinned - "But I can assure you that the side effects can be strictly positive. So your penis will not fall off, your teeth will not fall out. "

Jack frowned, looking into his own eyes - "... these positive effects for the system and you, or can I find these side effects unpleasant?"

O'Dim was expressively silent from which Jack pursed his lips in displeasure.

- "Gunther!"

In response, Mister Mirror just shrugged his shoulders, smiling slightly

Taking a breath in his chest, Jack calmed down, realizing that there was no point in fighting this bastard. Better to think about the excuse he will give everyone.

- "By the way, I almost forgot ..." - Gunther said with a grin.

- "What else." - the guy asked a little tiredly

- "Look at your status."

Jack froze, and suspicions crept into his head - "Status ..."


System of Evil


Strength - [8]

160 ↑

Agility - [10]

200 ↑

Vitality - [10]

160 ↑

Perception - [15]

↑ 300

Reason - [12]

↑ 240

Will - [12]

↑ 240

Libido - [20]

400 ↑

Evil Points - [30]



Objective: Complete the Revie workout and impress with its results

Reward: Agility is increased by two values

"Hiro Don't Be Painful"

Objective I: Bring all traits to 10

Objective II: Kill Beatrice

The reward I: Tablet of the Clear Mind, 100 Evil Points

Reward II: Tablet of the Clear Mind, 500 Evil Points


Resolute Mind - [Lvl - MAX]

Devil's Body - [Lvl - MAX]

Polyglot - [Lv - 1] [500 ↑]

Body Control - [Lv - 1] [1000 ↑]

Velvet Leather - [Lvl - MAX]

Eyes of Belial - [Lvl - 1] [5000 ↑]


After examining the characteristics, Jack slowly looked down at his cock, which was ready to tear his panties. Now it really can be called a stone erection.

He shook his head and rubbed his eyes with two fingers. "I won't even make a noise about this ... Just where and why?"

Gunther grinned, fingers clasped together. "You see when you increased Vitality to ten, all your illnesses were gone. Including the pathology that reduced your natural libido. When this disease went away, then all of your natural libidos were added to the points of characteristics that you put into this trait. That's all."

Jack winced slightly at not understanding - "But ... but I didn't have time to invest much in this trait."

Gunther shrugged. "Nature has a strange sense of humor. You have naturally increased libido, but on a par with that, you have developed several pathologies that could not be cured with the level of medicine that was in your world. They could not even be found with that level of medicine, let alone cure. Summarize here that you are now a teenager, so that the libido is even stronger. Well, to this we add your invested stat points, and voila. We get twenty units in Libido. "

With conflicting emotions, the guy asked - "So my libido will decrease when I go through the teenage phase?"

- "No." - Mister mirror grinned harder, from which Jack wearily threw back his head - "Have you forgotten? Your characteristics do not degrade over time. "

- "Stop. Does this mean that even if I did not invest in this trait, I would still, in sixty years, be a grandfather with a libido of a teenager? "

- "Yes. Cool, isn't it? " - Gunter chuckled - "By the way, that's why, when you had five units in libido, you blew your mind. It's just that on 'paper' you had five units, when in fact, in hindsight, you already had twenty. "

- "Fabulous. Now everything fell into place ... "- Jack shook his head gloomily, and then looked displeased in O'Dim's eyes -" And you didn't say a word to me. "

- "Yeah. Otherwise, it would not be interesting. Besides, is it my fault that you did not take into account the experience. Do you remember when your vitality increased, your eyesight improved and your Perception increased? Who is to blame for not concluding this. " - Gunther shrugged his shoulders

Jack's eyebrows went up in surprise. "I thought ... I thought ... what was I thinking then? Oh yes, I thought that I had problems with libido for psychological, mental reasons ... "

"Then why did you increase libido? If it were so, then even in the next world, the new body would not increase your libido, because the personality and memory would remain the same. It turns out that there is almost no sense, if you do not take into account the earnings of evil points, there will be perverted sex and completing tasks. Plus, you are so afraid that I will affect your personality, but wouldn't your personality be affected by the system if it corrected your psychological problems by increasing Libido? "

Jack stood for another half a minute, staring at himself in the mirror and digesting the information. Then he grabbed his head and hit his forehead against the wall - "What a moron I am ... What was I just thinking? Not with your head ... That's it. Enough. Stop talking about this." - Shaking his head, he said - "Actually, I should have soared your brains, and not you to me."

Gunther grinned. "Grow a little more to butt with me."


After washing, brushing his teeth, and drying himself off with a towel, he pulled out a pack of aspirin from the medicine cabinet and squeezed a couple of pills into his palm.

Then he took a bottle of water from the table and walked over to the sofa where the girl was sleeping.

Looking with conflicting emotions at her serene face, Jack exhaled, sat down next to the sofa, and gently nudged her on the shoulder, quietly speaking - Revie. Very, get up ...

A few seconds later, with a painful and extremely displeased groan, she opened her eyes and looked at Jack with incomprehension. Then she remembered yesterday and felt her head about to explode.

She quickly closed her eyes back as the sunlight cut through them and the headache worsened.

- "Will not work." - thought Jack, shaking his head - Revie. Look at me. - quietly and softly he continued

If it had been someone else, Revie would have kicked or shot him in the face, but Jack was not "someone else," so she suppressed her irritation and anger by opening her eyes. "What, Jack? - a hoarse dry voice came from her mouth

Jack smiled sweetly, looking into her eyes - I know that you feel bad. Rather, it is even very bad. So you should take some pain reliever now, you know? When you drink it, you will calmly fall asleep again, and when you wake up, the pill will already work and it will be much easier for you when you get up. - having finished, he handed her the pills and put the neck of the bottle to the girl's lips - Come on, drink, I think you want to drink.

Revi, as if in a trance, slowly took the pills from her palm, put them in her mouth, and allowed the guy to drink herself - "If this is not loving, then what?" She asked herself when she looked at Jack, who was giving her a drink with a sweet smile. Also, the girl noted that the guy's eyes had changed, becoming extremely beautiful and enticing. Realizing that such a change was extremely unlikely, Revie threw everything off on a severe hangover.

After a few seconds, she got drunk and showed it with a gesture. He immediately realized what they wanted from him and removed the bottle from her face.

Revi, licking wet lips, fell back onto the pillow - Jack, you're just the best ...