
awake at last

Ahhh.. fuck

I'm finally awake but I feel like I'm having the worst hangover ever. Gosh if knew that was gonna happen I would have stayed awake. Jeez and my back hurts as well I guess that makes sense since I don't have a bed. Actually now that I'm looking around I don't really have anything. Except that big book that looks like it came straight out of the fairly oddparents. It even says da rules on it in gold letters.

Hmm oh I've got more soul power than I thought I would. Let's see how my only vict.. I mean host is doing. To be able to get me this much soul power she must be doing better than I thought.


Elsewhere a young girl just turned 13. As Jaz woke up she couldn't wait to see what the systems reward for the first mission is. Hopefully it will start doing stuff after and not go silent again.


mission: completed

calculating rewards based on souls gathered

mortal kills = 6,726

Houtian kills = 2,832

Xiantian kills = 708

King kills = 106

no higher kills detected.

soul points earned = 518,600


meanwhile Damien was thinking about what he should do with his share of the soul power. At the same time he conveniently thought of the distribution rules for some reason. Once again thinking how great it is to be a system.

distribution rules

Mortal = 100 soul points(sp)

Houtian = 1,000 sp

Xiantian = 10,000 sp

King = 100,000 sp

Saint = 1,000,000 sp

Immortal = 10,000,000 sp

But she only gets half.

I wonder what I should use these points for there are so many possibilities. I also need to think of a way to scam her out of her points to. hmm I know I'll make a shop function but to get the function she'll have to pay the same price I did to make it. Also because I don't really have anything to sell I could sell system functions that I haven't unlocked. Using her soul points to make them for me so I can save mine for whatever it is I want to do with it.

And that's exactly what I do I get to work making the shop function using the soul points I have and coming up with functions I can sell like a mini map, an inventory and other fun things.

I need your help coming up with functions please

no_lifecreators' thoughts