

Anna is hard working girl being abused at the orphanage is living at. One day she receives a system that changed her life completely. Come and join us as Anna starts her new journey with a system and find her way to success while facing old and new enemies and making new friends and family. This will be my first proper novel. Hope you all will support me.

lovinggirl_456 · Thanh xuân
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31 Chs


Anna rushed to her room leaving the kitchen as it was and packed everything she had in a small cloth bag she had. Anna has a total of two shirts and one jeans which packed and sneakily left the orphanage through the back door.

For the past three years Anna had never left the orphanage and due to her small age was not used to the outside world. Anna after coming out of the orphanage started to roam around the district when saw a good looking restaurant filled with people.

Remembering how she had not eaten anything from last night and the money she have in her account touched her little tummy a decided to have a big meal.

Anna was a very beautiful child that even malnutrition can't seems take away that beauty from but still make her look like a poor and pitiful child.

Seeing such a pretty but pitiful child coming inside the old lady owner's heart seemed to burst with sorrow. Coming towards Anna she asked," What are you doing here alone my child? Are you hungry, come with me, I will give such food." and took Anna's hand and lead her to a table at the very back.

Anna seeing that the old lady thought of her as a pitiful child hurriedly stop her and said," Ma'am I am here for lunch but I can afford it. You don't have to worry about me." and go to the nearest table and sat down. The old owner also stops forcing her thinking she later won't take the bill from her and asked the waiter to go and take Anna's order.

The waiter go to Anna and hands her the menu asking," What would you like to have miss?"

Anna going through the menu and seeing so many appetizing food orders a white sauce pasta, a small salad, a red velvet pastry and a milkshake to go with it. The waiter left after taking her order and telling her that it will be here soon.

Anna finally having a free time opens her system page to know about more missions.

[Host: Anna Wilson( The family name is given by the system to help the host)

Age: 10

Level: 1(0/100)

Experience points: 30

Worth: 10 Million

New Mission: Give food to three poor people.


1: A physical enhancement pill

2: 30 experience points

New Mission: There is no happiness in life without a family. Adopt a child as your sibling/s and enjoy the love of a family. ( Host only have to select the child. Adoption process will be completed by the system itself)


1: A Nanny who will take care and protect you( Act as host and her sibling/s guardian till host comes of age)

2: An independent person certificate issued by government for host and her sibling/s ( With this certificate the host doesn't need permission from any guardian for anything and can completely own anything on her own name.)

3: 30 experience points.]

Anna after seeing the system and the mission was very happy especially the second one as she will finally have a family whom she can call hers.

Soon her meal came which started to enjoy and also ordered some food for takeaway so that she could complete the mission given by the system.