

In this world, there are lots of unexplained things that we can't prevent from happening. It is already written in the book of fate that nothing in this world can ever change it. Humans and every single life in this world must abide to its outcome whether it bring us benefits or simply happened as misfortune.

And in this world, I am one of the few that could predict my own ending.

The unavoidable misfortune.

I could say it's pathetic.

Caelum, a city protected by a system powered by a mysterious force. It is first discovered a few decades ago by a group of researchers. Their goal was to find enough source of energy to power machines and steam engines in this city along with rising the city's name as the most ingenious city of the centuries.

And it happened. That was the benefit the fate have graced upon this city. For the whole decade, Caelum have live in its golden era of revolution while hoping it continues for another decades.

As they say, it's not always rainbow and sunshine.

In one quiet night, where everyone was resting peacefully, a sudden mysterious creature appeared right before the guards watchful eyes.

A creatures that resembles beasts from the darkest part of this world. Its red eyes that seems to see nothing but death. Its claws and teeth that was sharp as a sword, as if it were sharpen by the finest swordsmith in this world.

That mysterious beast appeared out of nowhere. The researchers said it was an ancient creature that have hid itself in the deepest part of Caelum a few centuries ago before human involved themselves in the art of machinery.

Maybe, the reason they appeared was because the amount of energy released by the system have attracted it to appear once again.

And for the whole few months, humans have battling with it with raw strength. Deaths are unavoidable and people live with fear. No one dare to go out at night and guards have been flooding the city to protect the citizens.

People have been threatening the researchers to shut the system down. Lots have also tried to infiltrate the system and shut it down. Unfortunately, they can't go against the high power and the researchers were protected by the system.

As hope seems to be lost, and the researcher are damn well too stubborn to shut the system off, a new miracle appeared!

A few mysterious artifact have appeared across the city. Not everyone have this mysterious artifact. That's where the term 'Chosen One' came from. The artifact granted them the power to purge evil!


Everyone was cheering for those granted with this power. Battling with the mysterious creature have been easy thanks to them.

My mother, in her youthful era have become one of the few to wield the power of the artifact granted by the system.

She became my source of inspiration and strength. I have made my mind to protect this family with my all.

I remember wishing for the system to grant me an artifact that could surpass my mother's so she could be proud of me. Not only protecting my family, I wish I could protect the whole nation.



What a noble thoughts I have that time.

I guess childhood was the time I wish I never have to remember. Just thinking about it makes me feels like hiding myself somewhere.

Now, you might be asking me the connection of this background with my unavoidable and pathetic ending like I mentioned.

It's because the damn system too.

Only when my mother succumb to a mysterious condition, that I realize nothing connected to the system are good.

The physician said that my mother, who have been one of the officials that defend this city, have fall into a vegetation state. Her consciousness seems to be flying somewhere around this city but her soul remain in one place.

Soul without consciousness are similar to a puppet without a string. She doesn't react to anything.

Not even when I tried to burn her precious flowers.

The physician doesn't know what caused this too. Moreover, my mother was not the only officials that fall into this condition.

The breakthrough of the artifact are still early so no further explanation can be made. A few researchers have come to visit my mother, done a few test and conclude that the artifact used was the root cause.

They took the artifact away and not a second after that, her heart rate drop down. I never felt so terrified in my life. Whatever happened, her soul have been connected with the artifact.

Deeply connected.

They thought...it will be better if they just leave it be.

I thought it will be fine because I didn't get the artifact.

But no, fate said 'SIKE!' and laughed at my face.

So I was granted an artifact at the age of 17. The very artifact that I have wished every night when I was a child.

Fate are cruel.

Even worst, the researchers one day appear in front of my door with news that I wish it could be them instead.

They said this weird phenomenon have a pattern! And it can be inherited if a certain condition are met!

'What condition?'

'we're still investigating.'

Ah, I hate fate.

The unavoidable ending, the pathetic ending was to end up like my mother.

Don't get me wrong, I want to be like her. She was the strongest officials this whole nation have witnessed...only to succumb to this weird national phenomenon in the peak of her success.

I swore I won't let myself ended up like her.

I want to become the well known officials too. Just enough to regain fame but not that much to attract the attention of the system.

Let's work hard but not too hard.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

tiramisu_latte03creators' thoughts