Kai, a high school student yearning for adventure, is thrust into an unimaginable world. Drawn to martial arts and fantastical stories, Kai's mundane life takes a dramatic turn when a mysterious interactive system grants him extraordinary abilities. With the power to acquire skills from his beloved anime and manhwas, Kai embarks on a quest to unlock the system's true potential. Amidst his exploration, Kai stumbles upon an extraordinary reward: an "alteration ticket" capable of subtly reshaping his world. Fuelled by his passion for martial arts, Kai requests a universe brimming with skilled fighters and spiritual energy. As the world undergoes a phenomenal transformation, humanity adapts to the influx of spiritual energy, and martial arts become a core aspect of life. Together with his friends, Kai sets out on a journey that will test his strength, courage, and determination.
In a world seemingly devoid of excitement, Kai, a high school student, yearns for something more. His mind is filled with daydreams of epic martial arts battles, mythical creatures, and thrilling adventures.
While his reality falls short of these fantastical realms, Kai finds solace in the pages of anime and manhwas.
Immersed in the genres of system, level-up, reincarnation, martial arts, cultivation, immortals, action, adventure, and romance, he often draws inspiration from these stories, incorporating the characters' abilities into his own workouts to enhance his physique.
One fateful night, as Kai lies in bed, his mind filled with aspirations of a more exhilarating existence, he makes a wish for a system and the chance to level up, longing to escape the monotony of his mundane life.
To his astonishment, his wish is granted. He awakens to find himself in possession of an interactive system, mirroring the features he has read about, albeit with some variations.
The system is a revelation, presenting him with an attribute window, a shop window, and a skill window. Among the array of available skills, Kai discovers one that catches his attention — the ability to acquire powers and abilities from the realms of anime, manhwas, and even real-world characters.
As Kai delves deeper into the intricacies of his newfound system, he marvels at its possibilities.
Logging in, he receives a reward item known as an "alteration ticket." The system informs him that this ticket possesses the power to bring about minor alterations in his world.
However, the appearance of such a ticket is rare, with slim chances of it reappearing in the future. Kai understands the weight of his choice and carefully considers the changes he wishes to make.
With a clear vision in mind, Kai uses his alteration ticket to introduce martial artists and the concept of spiritual energy into his world.
These changes gradually begin to manifest, subtly altering the physiques of individuals and instilling them with newfound strength.
News channels buzz with reports of humanity's transformation, and in response, schools adapt their curriculum to incorporate martial arts training.
As the human population evolves, the environment follows suit, with flora mutating and fauna growing more formidable.
Little does he know, his simple wish will lead him on an extraordinary journey, where choices will shape his destinies and reveal his true potential.
Welcome to a world where dreams transcend reality. Get ready to embark on an adventure unlike any other, where ordinary lives intertwine with extraordinary destinies. The journey awaits...