
Confused Hunter

Hunter dried his hair while he ordered takeout. Even though he wanted a scrumptious meal, he settled for something mediocre and cheap.

His lips twitched when he looked at the amount he had in his account. It could barely fill his tummy for two months at most. "I need to start earning more." He mumbled and thought about his next mission.

Hunter now had three missions to complete. With his lips pursed, he thought about the three missions. "I need to kill my second target and then there is the drug dealer. And.." He sighed when he thought about the mission Huey had assigned him.

"Who shall I start with?" He wondered as he waited for his food to be delivered.

Although robbing a person was easy, he was still uncomfortable with it. Hunter killed for money, he had never robbed anyone. "To think I'll have to rob someone for my survival..." He shook his head in dismay.

"And you have only three days to complete your mission, including today." Huey's voice did not startle him, he had gotten used to it.

"Yes, yes. I know." Hunter obliged. "I was wondering who I should rob."

"You have a lot of options. You can rob anyone in the world. It is filled with people." Huey stated as though she was talking about greeting people and not robbing them.

Hunter did not have the energy to argue with her. So, he just remained silent as he thought about it.

Although it was true that he could rob anyone around him, the thought still did not sit well with him and he hesitated for a long time. Killing people was easy for him as he had trained himself to be a hitman. But robbing...he could still not bring himself to do it.

Hunter still could not decide who to rob and eventually gave up when his food was delivered. While he ate his chicken nuggets, his mind wandered back to the day he had been killed. Even if he wanted to forget that dreadful day, he couldn't. It reminded him of Ryan's betrayal and he nibbled on his nugget hard in his fury.

"It's a nugget, you know." Huey reminded and Hunter took a deep breath to calm his anger.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't forget the past." Hunter lowered his head and dropped the packet in his hand.

"I understand. It's not easy to forget all that happened." Huey mumbled. "But you cannot allow your anger to cloud your rationality. Ryan is not easy, and you need to be careful with him."

Hunter was not surprised that Huey knew a thing or two about Ryan. If him getting a new life did not surprise her, then Ryan's involvement in his death would not be a secret to her at all. Although he wanted to ask her again, he recalled her warning and shut his mouth.

"I just do not want the incident to repeat, Huey. Ryan can be vicious if he wants and I am no one compared to the empire he has built. It's easy as killing a fly for him if he wants to silence me."

"Do you think that's the case?" Huey questioned with amusement.

"Is it not the case?"

"Think about it. Ryan could have used any method to eliminate you in your previous life, that is, if he is the mastermind behind your death. But he chose to use such a complex method." Huey pointed out the fact Hunter had missed. "Why did he have to go through so much trouble if you were an easy kill?"

"The guy who wanted me dead was avenging his dead partner. So, maybe Ryan plotted with him and devised such a twisted plan." Hunter shrugged and Huey laughed helplessly.

"You will find out the truth when the time is right," Huey uttered.

"What do you mean?" Hunter was stunned and he blinked his eyes. "Does Ryan not have a hand in my death?"

"As I said, you'll find everything related to your death once the time is right. Be patient until then, Hunter." Huey gave the same answer as she did every time. "I'm gonna sleep now. I'm tired. Don't disturb me.

'What did Huey mean? Was Ryan not involved in my death?' A new can of worms was now opened and Hunter grew frustrated as questions kept popping up in his mind for which he had no answer. And the only person who could answer him had gone to sleep.

'How annoying!' He thought and received a snort in return from Huey, which he ignored. Anyway, it was a waste of his energy if he asked her the questions. She would not be answering him at all.

Hunter saved his breath and finished his nuggets before returning to the missions at hand. He opened the details Noami had sent him about the drug dealer.

"Johnny Santos." Hunter mused and opened the email. It held all the information he needed, from Johnny's age to his address as well as his family.

Although Hunter was familiar with Noami's working style, he was still impressed with how detailed and thorough she was. The information made it easy for him to prepare for the kill.

Hunter was just about to close the mail when his eyes fell on the man's picture again and an idea emerged. Slowly, the idea turned into a plan and Hunter was pleased with himself.

"Good job." He patted his back and was about to report his idea to Huey when he remembered what she had told him before she went to nap.

Not wanting to wake up the grumpy lady, Hunter dialed Naomi's number instead and just as always, she picked up the call immediately.


Hunter heard her munching on something as she spoke to him.

"I called to inform you that I will complete the third task first."

"Okay..." Naomi answered, her reply coming more like a question.

"And I will finish it in three days."

"Okay..but why?" Naomi could not understand why Hunter had picked the third task when he had yet to complete the second one.

"Let's just say I want to make more money first."

"Huh??" Naomi could not understand him at all. Did it matter which task he finished first? The payment after completing both would be the same.

"Moreover, target 2 must be on high alert after my failed attempt last time. I should prepare well before I kill him." Hunter put forth the reason he had prepared beforehand, even though it was not true.

In his previous life, Hunter had killed the man easily in his second attempt.

"Fine, we will do as you say. Let's meet tomorrow and discuss the plan. I am busy now. See you tomorrow." Without waiting for Hunter to speak, Naomi ended the call much to Hunter's amusement.