Sydney’s POV:
I rushed into the room to see Mason and Phoebe in an awful state. When Mason and I escaped my house and walked on our way to the castle, he started having a skin disease. That red bruise started spreading from his legs. When we were in jail, it started increasing slowly. Now it’s worse. It’s developed all over his body. Mason's situation is much worse than his sister. It all happens because Mason left the place where he was supposed. He was never supposed to leave that place. Again, the fault lies in me. I should have sent him back.
/"I am so sorry. I left you when I got another problem. What can I do now?/" I panicked. I sat next to him with my hand on his shoulder. I didn’t touch his body. It’s not like it disgusts me. The little touch will hurt his body.
/"You can’t do anything. Don’t talk like you care for everyone. You are only good at creating problems./" Phoebe commented, even in that pain.