
The Sword of the Morning || ASOIAF x Jojos Bizarre Adventure

Jon Snow lived a good life in Winterfell as a Ward of the Starks, he was lucky that Lord Eddard Stark had taken him in at such a young age after his Father had supposedly died during the failed rebellion. While he doesn't have much he wants apart from learning every sword style there is to know, he does wish he could learn who his parents were. Though Lord Stark is incredibly tight lipped about it, so he'll just have to go and discover it himself. I do not own a song of ice and fire or a game of thrones.

TheManUnderTheBed · Ti vi
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6 Chs

The Ward of House Stark

The wind blew through Jon Snow's thick dark curls, it was a cold wind the type that stung every part of your skin that was exposed to it, The only thing keeping him warm was his heart as it beat fast and loudly. Sweat poured down his face and it almost felt as if it crystallised before it hit the ground, he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth as he drew back the sword he had in his hand.

"AHHHHH" he cried out as he brought the sword down on its intended target.


The sound of Sword against sword rang out through the wintery woods, though it was drowned out by the hundreds of other clashes that were happening simultaneously. Jon was engaged with a rather large wildling who while had a rather poorly made sword, more than made up for it in the force he used with his strikes 'It's pretty much just a club for him' Jon thought to himself as he clashed with the wildling.

He couldn't help but find amusement when he looked at the wildling's face, Jon had a slender body and while he was taller than average he didn't look very strong, so when larger opponents thought to overpower him they were always surprised when they failed. Jon strained his muscles and pushed back the larger opponent, The larger man tried to swing but Jon ducked underneath and sliced him in the leg almost cutting it right off.

Blood gushed out of the wound as the large wildling fell to the ground screaming in pain, Jon just looked down on him coldly before flourishing his sword and slitting his throat. He looked around still seeing that the battle hadn't died down yet and so he went to find his next opponent.

Jon Snow advances through the wintery woods, his breath is visible in the frigid air. The battlefield is a chaotic, swirling maelstrom of clashing swords and desperate cries. With his weathered sword in hand, Jon lunges into the fray.

A wildling charges at him, eyes wild with fury. Jon anticipates the strike, his muscles coiled like a spring. As the wildling's blade descends, Jon steps aside, narrowly avoiding the lethal edge. With a swift riposte, he plunges his sword into the wildling's side, twisting it cruelly before yanking it free.

No time to rest; another foe approaches. This one swings a heavy club. Jon's reflexes take over as he deflects the incoming blow with a resounding clash, feeling the impact reverberate through his arms. In one fluid motion, he slashes across the wildling's chest, the blade slicing through leather and flesh.

The battle continues unabated. Jon's movements are a symphony of controlled violence. He parries, thrusts, and strikes with precision. Each confrontation is a deadly dance, the stakes nothing short of life and death.

Two more wildlings attack simultaneously, forcing Jon to whirl and weave between their strikes. He ducks under a high swing, his hair brushing the snow-covered ground. In the same motion, he slices the tendons of one assailant's leg, sending them crashing down. With a brutal backhand swing, Jon finishes off the other, sending them sprawling with a deep gash across the chest.

As much as he liked to fight he wished Lord Stark would give him a tougher enemy, Wildlings had become too easy to defeat and he'd become bored, he looked towards his right after he hears a loud war cry and can't help but chuckle "COME ON YOU FUCKERS!" Shouted Rickard Karstark as he slammed his sword down on a wildling cleaving his head in half, blood stained his white beard crimson, it dripped from his sword and his hands, even Jon had to admit the man was intimidating.

He saw a wildling charge at the Lord from behind and so he quickly ran towards him, he arced his blade in a semi-circle and slashed the wildling in the stomach disembowelling him he screamed as he tried to hold his innards in his body, Rickard turned around growling at the man who tried to stab him in the back before bashing him in the face with the butt of his sword forcing him to the ground.

"Dishonourable cretins, you have my thanks boy" Rickard said to Jon with a nod before he charged another wildling and hacked him to pieces. Jon turned and saw something amazing, Harrion Karstark was screaming as he charged into battle with sword and shield, he hacked, lashed and bashed all who were in his way. This was the famous Berserker trance that the Karstark and Umbers were famed for, while some say it is merely a technique others say it is magic that runs through their blood going back to the First Men. Jon hoped it was the former as he was very much interested in learning the ability.

Harrion almost seemed inhuman as he killed one Wildling after the other, he slashed at one so hard he bisected them at the waist "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he screamed in a bloodthirsty rage as he picked a small wildling woman up by the throat and bashed her head into a nearby tree over and over again until it was gone.

However, Jon has to focus as he sees a group of Wildling reinforcements charging towards him and the Karstark men. As a wildling swings a crude axe at him, Jon parries the attack with his sword, simultaneously driving his elbow into the enemy's face. The wildling's nose bursts in a spray of blood, and they stagger back, clutching their shattered nose. Jon quickly follows up with a brutal sword strike, cleaving through the wildling's chest with a sickening crunch.

In the midst of the savage melee, Jon executes a spinning kick, catching a wildling off guard and sending them tumbling to the ground. He doesn't hesitate, bringing his sword down in a merciless arc, severing the foe's arm at the shoulder. Blood spurts from the severed limb, painting the snow in macabre crimson streaks.

Spotting a group of wildlings closing in, Jon charges at them with ferocity. His sword becomes a blur of death as he slashes, dismembers, and disembowels his adversaries. Limbs fly, intestines spill onto the snow, and the battle becomes a nightmarish tableau of gore and violence.

Facing a wildling wielding a massive cleaver, Jon parries the attack with precision, then launches into a deadly combination of strikes. His sword dances through the air, severing limbs and gouging deep wounds. He finishes the wildling with a gruesome flourish, splitting their skull in two, the blade sinking into the bone with a sickening crunch.

In a grim dance of death, Jon faces off against a pair of foes. He employs a swift and intricate sequence of moves, his sword a blur of deadly grace. The first wildling falls with its throat sliced open, blood spurting like a gruesome fountain. Jon pivots, ducking under the second enemy's swing, then impales them through the chest, pinning them to the ground.

Jon Snow's chest heaves as he takes a much-needed breath amidst the battle's chaos. His sword, still lodged in the lifeless wildling at his feet, gleams with dark intent. Weariness courses through his limbs, but there's no time for respite as he spots another group of wildlings converging upon him.

With grim determination, Jon renews his onslaught. He faces the wildlings head-on, his every move a symphony of calculated brutality. A wildling swings a heavy club at his head, but Jon ducks and counters with a swift, upward thrust of his sword. The blade pierces the enemy's throat, and a gurgling scream is silenced.

As the battle intensifies, Jon's instincts take over. He parries an incoming strike, the impact reverberating through his arms. Then, in a fluid motion, he spins, delivering a brutal kick to another wildling's chest. The foe stumbles backwards, wheezing, before Jon delivers a merciless overhead strike, cleaving through the wildling's skull with a sickening crack.

Amidst the frenzy, Jon's combat prowess shines. He weaves and sidesteps, evading attacks with a dancer's grace. A wildling lunges and Jon grabs the foe's arm, using their momentum to flip them onto the ground. In a flash, he drives his sword into their chest, ending their life with ruthless efficiency.

The battleground is a gruesome spectacle. Blood splatters the snow, and the air is filled with agonized screams and desperate grunts. Jon Snow is the relentless heart of this maelstrom, his blade a relentless instrument of death as he carves his way through the wildlings.

As with most battles once you're in the thick of it you never know how long has passed until it ends, and so when Jon removed his blade from a wildling and looked up to see the rest of them retreating it was the late afternoon and the sun was almost beginning to set "WE SHOWED THOSE FUCKERS WHY THEY LIVE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WALL!!!" Rickard shouted as he held his sword up in victory. All the Karstark men joined him in shouting for their victory, the Wildlings had been giving the Karstarks some trouble for a while so it was a relief that it was finally over.


The sounds of celebrations were heard throughout Karhold, the group of wildlings that had managed to sail the bay of seals had finally been dealt with and now they could feast. Jon sat with the family as the guest of honour, not only because he was a ward of House Stark but because he had saved their lord's life on the battlefield "Come on boy! Drink it! This is proper northern ale!" Rickard said as he handed Jon a cup, Not wanting to be rude Jon downed it quickly surprising the Karstarks "HAHAHAHA, You must be a true northerner boy! I doubt any southern blood could hold their liqueur like that!"

"Aye, I've never seen a Southerner who could handle northern ale!" Harrion chimed in with a laugh.

"It's a strong drink, my lord, good for warming the blood" Jon replied as he took another sip, While it was more bitter than he'd liked it wasn't bad at all, usually the stuff at Winterfell is a lot sweeter, a benefit to being a richer house he supposed.

Jon looked out to the hall from the upper dais, the celebrations had been going on for hours and had no sign of calming down "My Lord I believe it is time for me to retire for the evening, I must be up at dawn and would like some rest after the day we've had"

Rickard nodded "Of course, of course, I'd almost forgotten the mad training you do every morning," he said with a booming laughter.

"Madness doesn't do it justice, he's barely 15 name days and he can do things that would leave me in bed aching for a week" Harrion stated with disbelief.

Jon smirks at him "Does that mean you won't be joining me tomorrow" Harrion laughed at his words before shaking his head.

"I think if I did it I'd have more likelihood of dying than I did today" he replied.

"What about you two" Jon said looking at Ed and Tor, Rickard's other sons, They had not joined them in battle for fear that they'd all be slain and Karstark would be left in the hand of Rickard's uncle.

They shook their heads "I would rather not spend my mornings as a cart horse Jon" Ed said making those at the table laugh.

Jon snorted before getting up from the table and saying his goodbyes before leaving the great hall and heading towards the chambers that had been given to him, his muscles were a bit stiff but had recovered easily enough from the battle, it was a relatively easy fight, he wondered why Lord Stark had even sent him here in the first place 'I suppose I did ask for it' he thought to himself, which was true he was bored at Winterfell so he asked if he could be given an assignment. But now that assignment was coming to an end and he'd be headed back to Winterfell soon enough.

He opened the door to his chambers and smirked "You seem to be lost my lady" he said as he entered the chambers and closed the door behind him. In front of him on his bed naked as the day she was born was Alys Karstark, the only daughter of Rickard and a frequent visitor to Jon's chambers.

"Would you like me to leave then Lord Snow?" she said with a teasing smile. Alys wasn't the most attractive girl he'd seen but she was pretty enough, her long brown hair was braided and fell over her shoulder, and she had a slim and sharp face and small lips. Her naked body was what drew Jon's eye the most, she had a slender body with small breasts and a nest of brown hair between her legs, She spread them for him and Jon could see her sex which was already gushing.

Jon removed his tunic dropping it to the floor as he approached her, Alys gasped as she saw his body, it wasn't the first time she'd seen it but every time she couldn't help but elicit the same reaction. She had seen muscular men before, her brothers had often taken their shirts off when the weather permitted it, but Jon had barely an ounce of fat on him, his whole body was corded and compact muscles and scars ran down his body as well adding to the attraction she felt.

Jon stood in front of her and did nothing, he didn't need to as Alys quickly untied his breeches and pulled them down along with his small clothes. His cock sprung out and an intoxicating aroma hit her, she gripped his cock with both her hands and started to stroke him, a thick liquid started leaking from the head of his cock, Alys let her tongue snake out of her mouth and lick the head of his prick. Jon groaned as Alys took the head of his cock into her mouth and began to gently suck on it, he put his hands on her head and entwined his fingers in her hair pushing her deeper into his cock "Gugh gugh gugh" Alys choked slightly as Jon's large prick forced its way further into her mouth. Jon growled as he revelled in the warm feeling of Alys a mouth around his cock, it was warm and wet as she sloppily sucked on it. Alys gripped onto the back of Jon's arse forcing her head further and further down until her nose touched the hairs of Jon's groin.

Alys' eyes began to water as Jon's cock was completely engulfed in her mouth and her throat, "To think a Lord's daughter is such a little whore" Jon said as he shot his seed directly down her throat. Alys moaned as she swallowed it all, she didn't know why but her entire body shivered when Jon called her a whore and she ended up finishing herself when he shot his seed into her mouth.

He removed his cock from her mouth trails of her saliva dripping from it and her mouth. He was still hard which Alys saw and so she smirked "Will you take your little whore Lord Snow?" she said as she leaned back on the bed with her legs spread.

Jon climbed on the bed placing himself between her legs "You know I can't take your Maidenhead" he whispered as he kissed her neck.

"You could, it's yours to take" she whispered back as she leaned back with her eyes closed.

"And if you become with child?" He asked as he stopped kissing her neck and looked at her. She hesitated for a moment before sighing, she couldn't get any moon tea from the maester without her father finding out "Take me from behind again" she finally whispered and Jon nodded before grabbing her and turning her on her stomach.

He spread her small arse cheeks apart looking at the small hole that he'd been using for the past few weeks, he used his finger to grab some of the fluids gushing from her sex and spread it over her hole. His cock was still wet with her saliva and so he pressed the head of it towards the hole and pushed his hips forward, "MMMPF" Alys moaned in pleasure and a bit of pain when the head of his cock pushed inside, Jon gripped onto her hips and thrust again forcing more of his cock into her arse "Gods!" Jon groaned as he enjoyed the tightness of her behind, it was unbelievably tight and hot and it kept clenching around him as if it were trying to squeeze his seed out of him.

Jon leaned his larger frame over Alys putting his head on her shoulder. Her face was red as she felt like she was being split in half by the large prick invading her body, though she couldn't help but shudder in pleasure as Jon started to thrust into her "Mmmm, ooooh" she moaned as he started to thrust faster and faster.




The sounds of Jon's hips hitting the meat of Alys cheeks rang out through the room, that and the muffled moans that came from Alys as she pressed her face into the blanket, Jon felt himself getting closer as the seed in his sack started to bubble and creep up through his shaft, he couldn't help but bite down on Alys shoulder, it was hard enough to draw blood and made the girl yelp. However, he could tell she liked it as it made her clench even harder, however, that had the effect of sending Jon over the edge as his seed shot out of his cock like a waterfall completely soaking Alys on the inside and making her finish as well.

Jon breathes heavily as he pushes himself off her and by her side "Gods I'll miss this when I leave" he said as he put his arms behind his head and lay down.

Alys who had just finished coming down raised an eyebrow at him "Oh? Is there no maiden waiting for you back at Winterfell? I find that hard to believe" she said as she curled up against him.

"Maybe one or two..." Jon said with a smirk, before getting up and sitting at the edge of the bed.

Alys looked at his back and all the intricate muscles that were twitched as he stretched "Out of all the shirtless men I've seen you've got the strangest back amongst them" she said.

Jon chuckled "And have you seen many shirtless men?" He said as he looked back at her with a raised eyebrow.

Alys snorted as she slapped him "You know what I mean you arse" she said. And he did know as Jon had quite a strange muscle formation on his back, when he flexed his muscles the image of a great sword could be seen, one that was completely crafted out of the muscle.

"I suppose it is quite strange" He admitted as he felt the muscles protrude from his back forming the sword as he flexed, he didn't know why he had such a thing but what he did know was that it was a gift. He had noticed that when he purposely flexed those muscles it made him several times stronger than he usually was.

Alys crawled towards Jon from behind and kissed him on the shoulder and nibbled his ear "I should leave before my family starts retiring from the feast" Jon nodded and turned kissing her on the lips. Alys climbed off the bed giggling as Jon slapped her on the arse, she quickly put her clothes on before slipping out of Jon's room.

Jon stretched before lying back down in bed and going to sleep, he could've gone for a few more rounds but he didn't want to completely wreck the girl as a noticeable limp the next day may elicit some unwanted questions.


The crisp morning air stung Jon's naked body as he stood in the woods wearing nothing but his small clothes, he was currently stretching his leg against a tree, he had done this for years and had now reached the point where his leg could stretch over his head.

When he was younger and the Starks went to White Harbour he met a man strange looking man who said he was from the far East, he said that everyone he had met in Westeros was stiff and that this was no way to fight. He taught Jon a sequence of stretches to do every day, and he thanked the old gods and the new for meeting that man, Jon was a bastard so he wanted to get strong enough to craft his own legend. Had he not made his body limber and flexible he would not be half the fighter he was now.

"Time to start," he said to himself as he picked an axe up from the ground and walked towards a tree, it was quite large being at least 8 times taller than himself and a little bit wider than he was, he started to swing his axe at the tree. He did this until the tree started to fall and he moved out of the way. He then started shaving off all the branches with his axe until just the main trunk remained. The cold was beginning to seep into Jon's bones, the sweat from his body poured down and seemed to ice over before it could fall.

Jon then grabbed the bundle of rope he had brought with him and tied it tightly around the tree before creating a strap and tying it around himself. He grunted as he pushed forward in the snow dragging the tree along with him, his muscles burned and ached with every step. He had run a few miles outside of Karhold before he chopped down the tree and so he planned to bring it back the whole way. He had done this every single day since he had gotten to Karhold with the Lord's permission, and needless to say, it made him quite popular with the loggers.

He did this the whole way towards Karhold, dragging the tree behind him and he never strayed from his path, whether it be a hill or a steep drop he walked through it dragging the log behind him. As he approached the entrance to Karhold, Harrion was there waiting outside with a drink in his hand, he always did find it fascinating how much effort Jon put into his training, he knew he'd never have that much dedication. He had mastered the Berserker trance and that was enough for him.

"You were earlier this time, yesterday you didn't make it before the sun had fully risen," Harrion said as he drank from his cup.

Jon breathed heavily as he untied the robe from his body, Harrion couldn't help but wince as he saw the copious amounts of robe burn that marred his body "It's not enough..." Jon said as he breathed heavily. He wasn't satisfied with his progress and felt like he'd stagnated, and reached the peak of what he was capable of, and he found that thought terrifying.

"So you'll be leaving soon?" Harrion asked and Jon nodded his head.

"I'm not supposed to be doing this but I believe even a bastard should be rewarded for what you did, and I place more value in family than anything else" Harrion explained.

Jon just looked at him with a questioning brow "Has all that muscle emptied your head? I'm going to teach you our family technique, you have northern blood in you that much is clear so you shouldn't have a problem learning"

Jon couldn't keep his mouth closed as he gaped in shock at what he was hearing, he was a bastard, so asking for a Noble House special technique would send him on a one-way trip to the cells if not the chopping block "Thank you, my Lord"

"No, you saved my father and I'll forever be grateful for that, though he won't be happy if he catches us so let us go further into the woods, I only have a few days to teach you the basics and the rest you'll have to figure out yourself," Harrion said as he threw his cup to the ground and walked past Jon into the forest.

Jon joined him walking close behind with a massive grin on his face.

(AN: Ughhhh I suck so much at writing first chapters idk why, anyway this is my new fic, tbh it's just a side thing I doubt many people will like it but I think it's a cool idea. In case any of you don't know I'm a big Baki fan, which is evident by the 'Demon back' or so it shall be called in this 'Mark of Dayne' Anyway Baki techniques and bloodlines won't be the only ones that will be featured in this. What will be common is Demon slayer Total Concentration breathing, by common I mean not very common but a few people will know it. Histories strongest disciple, Kengen Ashura, though it won't really be martial arts it will be sword based. I'll add others if I can think of them or if they fit in.

Another thing to know about this is that it's a Jon Dayne fic, Incase you couldn't tell. Jon is Brandon and Ashara's son but he doesn't know, he doesn't even know he is related to the Starks for reasons that will be made evident. Also Roberts rebellion failed and he died at the trident, Rhaegar is King)

As always recommend any pairings you might want to see through ngl I have two that I want for sure as one has never been done before and the other is rare.