
The Person I Like: Brother Jiang

Care about others?

Why did his voice sound a little sour? Was Fang Zhihan complaining that she didn't care about him? But, they saw each other every day. He ate well and he was healthy. What was there to care about?

Yu Gangan suddenly had the urge to ask him if he liked her. But, she was too scared to do it in case it wasn't what she thought.

As her head heated up, she suddenly said, "Fang Zhihan, I technically have a boyfriend already?"

Fang Zhihan narrowed his eyes and his gaze turned sharp, "You have a boyfriend?"

Yu Gangan was extremely nervous as her eyelashes fluttered like the flapping wings of a butterfly. She swallowed and nodded bravely, "Yes."

When she met Jiang Qi and He Shuling, she was not happy.

She liked Fang Zhihan, so she was jealous.

If she said that she had a boyfriend and he was unhappy and jealous, then it would mean he felt the same.

"Who is it?" Fang Zhihan asked coldly.