
The Surrogate Father

How does it feel to get married because of the circumstances? If you refuse, you will deal with the police, but if you accept, it means admitting that she is a lowly woman who has done inappropriate things in someone's village. Adelia Nidya Adiwangsa is a beautiful, cheerful, and sociable twenty-one-year-old girl. Her mother has been gone since giving birth to her. For her father, Adelia was his only treasure. Something terrible happened to Adelia. Squeezed by circumstances makes the only choice, and a forced marriage ensues without his father's knowledge. ... “Mr. Chan Dewangga Putra, is it really you who have committed the theft?, "A policeman with a fierce face has stood before Chan and Adelia. “I didn't do it, sir?” “If not you. Where Were you when it happened?” Chan and Adelia thought hard. With a heavy exhale, Adelia spoke up, " he was with me last night Sir. We spent time together.” “Adelia, what are you saying? Are you out of your mind?” Immediately the police and citizens became more and more. “Adelia, are you sure?” “Adelia, take your words back!"Chan insisted against Adelia. "Yes sir. Last night he came to the Princess basecamp. And we did it.” Oh, my God! This is what it's like to get out of a lion's den and into a crocodile's den! What will happen to Adelia and Chan next? Enjoy the story of Adelia and the ambitious man Chan in 'The Surrogate Father '

Arsheto_Widhi · Thành phố
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37 Chs

37. Make Amends

A few days later, Nathan was still in the hospital. His condition has improved, but he still has to use a wheelchair after the operation on his leg.

"Mom, how long do I have to be on this chair?"

"Until your legs have improved and are strong enough to walk, baby, be patient." smiling, Adelia packed Nathan's things.

"So I can't play with Alyssa?"


"Good morning everyone." a woman appeared from behind the door cheerfully, followed by a man behind her.

"Miss Emily?"

"Hello dear, how are you? Ready to go home?"

"Yes, I'm ready, mom."

"Nathan, Emily's mom's friend. If you're not in school, Nathan can call you Auntie. Isn't that right, Emily?"

"Hahaha, that's right. Call me Aunt, son."

"Aunt Emily."Nathan smiled at Emily. Her smile faded as she found a strange male figure standing next to Emily.

"Oh yes Nathan, introduce this om Chan. She's your aunt's friend and your mother's friend too."

"Hi Nathan, hi son."

"Hi om."

Chan slowly approached Nathan. She rubbed her hair, then knelt in front of the little boy who was sitting in a wheelchair.

'My son, you are an adult now son. I'm sorry I left you and your mother since you were still in the womb. Now everything has changed son. Your mother has lost her memory of me. And you have to be cared for by someone else who plays your father. I really want to hug you, son.' imperceptibly, Chan's tears began to pool in his arms of the eyes.

"Om Chan, what's wrong with you? Is om crying?"

"Oh no son, it's just sad to see you have to sit in a wheelchair like this."Chan immediately wiped away her tears. He tried to hide his sadness.

"It doesn't matter om. Mom said If I want to get better soon, I have to sit in this chair first."

"That's right, son. You should sit in this chair first until your legs are completely healthy and strong again. Okay, champ?"

"Okay captain"

"Does he look like a captain? Hahaha"

Adelia witnessed their togetherness. The look of happiness was reflected in Nathan's eyes when Chan asked him to joke.


Adelia's phone rang. He's looking for his phone. A name is printed on the screen that turns on by itself.


[Hello Hendra]

[Hello, Adelia. I just wanted to say that I can't pick you up at the hospital. I'm busy today. Keep getting ready. The family driver will pick you up]

[No need for Hendra. I can go home alone with Nathan.]

[Are you sure?]

[Yes, Hendra, I'm sure. We're used to it, aren't we? So you don't have to worry]

[Oh, it's good if it's like that. Tell dad that you want to go home with Nathan yourself. I don't want to be accused of anything.)

[Yes, I understand]


The call is terminated. As usual, Adelia's annoyed face always formed after she received a call from her husband.

"Is there a problem Adelia?"

Adelia sighed, trying to put her emotions back to normal. He put his phone just like that on top of a pile of bags containing Nathan's things.

"Like Emily usually does, Hendra said he couldn't pick us up at our house because he was busy."

"Hah that man, when will he care about his child and wife..."

"I don't know, he used to want to marry me. I thought that with the wedding my life would turn out to be more beautiful. But that's not the case, Emily. I gave Nathan a bad life. She must accept that her father never loved her."

Behind the happy laughter of her son, Adelia shed tears. She has to accept the fact that the man Nathan calls father never loved her. Seeing that her best friend was sobbing, Emily tried to calm Adelia down. He patted his best friend on the shoulder.

"Calm down Adelia, there is still me and Chan who will complete your happiness. Never feel alone because we will always be there for you and Nathan."

"Thank you Emily, you are my best friend."

"Well, if it's like that wipe your tears Adelia. It's time we left this hospital. Let's go."

A little later, they were discharged from the hospital. Slowly the car drove out of the parking lot to the Wibisana family house.


'Bim... bim...'

Security officers immediately opened the gate Wibisana family home. Emily's car entered the spacious courtyard of the House. Chan got out of the car first. He helped Nathan to sit in his wheelchair.

"Little Master. Oh, my god. what happened to you, kid?"

"I'm fine with Atun. I just have to sit in this chair for some time until my legs are strong again."

"Yes ma'am Atun, Nathan had an accident at that time. His leg is fractured and has been operated on. Now it remains only to wait for his condition to recover. There's nothing to worry about, Ma'am."

"Ah thank goodness. You can't sleep thinking about Little Master. You want to go to the hospital, but you don't have permission."

"Hahaha never mind the most important thing now we have returned to this house ma'am Oh yes ma'am Atun, introduce this Chan, my college friend and also Emily. And Chan, introduce this mbak Atun, an inseparable part of this house"

"No Adelia. Good afternoon sir, nice to meet you sir."

"Good afternoon ma'am. Nice to meet you too."

"Please come in, everyone."

Chan pushed Nathan's wheelchair. Like a father to his son, Chan always ensures Nathan's condition in a comfortable position in his wheelchair.

"Om Chan, I have a new toy, will you play with me?"

"Hust, Nathan You're still sick boy. You should get plenty of rest."

"Just a moment, Mom. Please."

"There is no request Nathan, I will take you to the room."

"Em ... Adelia, I don't think it matters if Nathan plays for a while. He must have felt tired after the trip from the hospital earlier. Give him a little time to refresh himself before entering his room."

'Only this time has someone worried about my son's condition. And that person is you Chan, not Hendra as Nathan's father.'

"Adelia, how is it? Am I talking wrong?"

"Oh no Chan, there's nothing wrong. Well, Nathan can play with you for a second."

"Thank You Adelia. I know you are a good mother."

" Hooray " Nathan cheered. He seemed very happy.

One day has passed. Nathan and Chan know each other. Not only that, but the two of them got along very quickly. This time, Chan wants to correct his mistake to Nathan. She always wants to be close to her son, hoping to make up for her past mistakes a little.