
The Surrogate's Downfall

"I'm Pregnant!", Alice declared with a smirk on her face, "What did you just say?", Max asked while running his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time. Amelia was in shock as she dropped the glass she was holding, making the coffee spill on the tiled floor. "I said I'm pregnant", Alice said with so much confidence this time, making Amelia's body shiver as the thoughts of her being pregnant for her boss clouded her mind. A jilted billionair tries to salvage the emptiness his fiance left in his house when she left him standing at the alter. He feels it's time to take charge of his life and the big decision was to get a son who would carry on with his empire when he died. He was far too hurt to trust women now. Presents Alice Richardson, a sweet, humble girl who the agency chose for him because they were the perfect match. Are they? Find out more in the surrogate's downfall...

Fash_Lois · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 5

Maximilian's POV

After the preparation of the documents, signing and all, we ate dinner together and Amelia left for her place.

I had a nice time with her, but she wasn't in my mind.

All these while, I was bent on getting revenge for what happened to me some weeks back.

I think I need an heir, a child to continue my legacy, it was going to be tough and I had no idea how to do it.

Amanda POV

You could call me evil but I was desperate, I don't hate Max but I couldn't marry him, not yet.

Not until I finish draining him, I wonder how he didn't get arrested even when I told them he was a rapist.

He is a Billionaire, I didn't expect him to stay long on the issue.

Very soon, something would hit him, he his just too good a man, he has so many features and he is extremely kind.

I didn't expect this of a billionaire, that's why I decided to rip him off some cash

But now that I've started, I'm not sure I can stop anymore.


Maximilian's POV

It's over a year now and everything seems to go on smoothly, now I needed an heir, I'll be 29 soon, but how do I go about it.

Flicking my fingers severally, an idea popped into my head.

A surrogate!, that would be the best thing at this moment.

I couldn't trust anyone enough to get them to bear me a child, who knows what they might to the child.

I have to move on, after the past year of sadness, my personal secretary has done a good job helping me with so many things, I was fond of her.


I walked into the Surrogate's Agency, I could see few people from were I stood.

I headed towards the office, I had to be in disguise because I was widely known, my sun glasses did a good job of hiding my face.

"Hello, good morning", I met a woman who should be in her 50's. "Good morning sir, how may I help you?", She had replied.

"I need a young lady in her 20's, I'll need her to be a surrogate mother, can you do that for me?", I asked calmly.

"Of course sir, I won't disappoint, you'll get her by tommorow, but let me show her to you". "Okay then, I'll be waiting".

I was served a cup of coffee as I awaited the young lady.

Looking directly at the door, she emerged with a smile on her face, "Hello Sir, I'll love to work with you", she had said while smiling.

She was not bad, I could make use of her as my Surrogate. "What's your name young lady?", I had replied her with a smile.

"I'm Alice Richardson by name sir and I'm 25 years of age". She said with a beaming smile.

I turned to the woman in her 50's and nodded my head, she was to contact me later for payments.

I gave her my contact and house address, in order for Alice to be brought to my home.

I'll communicate better with her and involve my rules in it.

I left with a positive feeling, a problem has been solved....

Jake's POV

Last night was insanely fun, I had my way with Bianca, she was my best friend, though we were sex partners, sometimes, we called Emily, making it a threesome.

I even got paid for satisfying her lustful desires.

"Jake, I need to go home now, I heard my dad is sick", Biance said getting down from the bed in a haste.

"Oh My God!, I should come with you, I hope he gets well fast" I had replied her.

"No, it's fine, I'll just go alone, you could come next time", she said and left in a hurry. The situation must be very serious, she never leaves me for anything, I hope her Dad gets well soon.

Bianca's POV

I woke up to 7 missed calls from Mum, and 2 text messages, 1 from Mum and 1 from Max.

"Biance, your dad is sick, you should come home to see him", read mum's text.

"Bianca, where are you? Dad is sick" was from my brother.

I had just finished making out with my best friend Jake, I had to rush home, I left the hotel in a jiffy and told my driver to take me home.

Maximilian's POV

I had just finished from the Surrogate's Agency when I saw a call from Mum.

i ignored it with a hiss, she would never listen to me, why should I pick her calls?

She kept calling, the 6th time I picked, "Hey Mum?, What's the problem?", I asked with a hint of arrogance.

"Max, your Dad is sick, he is diagnosed with cancer", I heard my mum say, she was panicking and it was obvious that she was extremely scared.

"Mum, calm down, I'm on my way home now, Dad would be fine"

"Okay Son, the doctor is here too, make it snappy please", mum said in fear.

"I'll be home now", I said and cut the callz I messaged Bianca immediately, she was just like Mum, with her wayward lifestyle, but she deserves to know what's happening to her Dad.

I texted her immediately and headed for my parents house.


I met my Dad asleep, my mum was holding his hands and sobbing softly, if only she could be a good wife like this, I'll be the happiest son on Earth, but she choose to be Wayward.

"Mum, he'll be fine", I told her assuredly, she smiled and nodded her head.

While talking, Bianca rushed in heavily breathing, "Dad!, get well fast", she said in tears as she ran to his side.

"Bianca, Dad would be okay, you don't have to worry", I told Bianca assuredly. Even tho i wasn't assured that he would be fine.

All i had to get him to do is to take his medicines and get enough rest. I was a billionaire with a good heart. No matter how hard i tried to be heartless, it didn't suit me.