
Training Day

Did the Alpha just say what I think he said? A rogue attack was coming. I could hear some of the pack members gasping in surprise. Some even growled out of anger. "Do not worry. You warriors will get your chances to protect what is ours. I am taking some of our most skilled warriors to help diffuse the fighting. We leave in a few days. For now, everything will continue as normal."

I looked to Godric and Alex. They both looked unfazed by anything the Alpha just said. Maybe that was the role of an Alpha’s son. To seem strong when everyone else is panicking. Alpha Ken left breakfast along with the Luna and Beta. A few other people followed them out. No doubt to discuss the matter further.

"You should eat little wolf," Godric said feeling my eyes on him. "Training won’t be as easy. Especially for someone who hasn't trained in years."

I listened to him and ate my food in silence. All the while, watching everyone chatting with their friends. I missed my friends. I made a mental note to make a few calls when I got back to my room. My mom was right. My phone would be the outlet I needed. I would call Luke and my best friend Clara. Unlike Luke, she was respecting my wishes for space and privacy. She was sad when I left but didn't ask many questions. She was like me, a private person. So when I said, I will tell her why we had to leave in due time, she simply nodded and gave me the longest hug we ever shared.

After breakfast, everyone dispersed leaving a mess behind on the table. "Who is going to clean this mess?" I asked Godric as we made our way to the training field.

"We have servants to do that."

I frowned. "Servants?"

He could see my facial expression. "Yes. Servants. They were captured during battles. Those who were not formally a part of the battle but belonged to the other side were offered a chance to join our pack but as pack servants. Mostly they clean common areas. Some are specially assigned to people, like my mom."

"So, they are more like slaves?"

"No, they are not slaves. None of them are here against their will. They had a choice. Become a pack member as a servant or become a pack-less wolf, living alone for the remainder of their days. Then there is the third option. Becoming rogue."

"How can they be trusted?" I was curious about the whole servant thing. My parents told me stories about slaves in packs. Everything I heard was horrible.

"They can't at first. We keep them on a short leash for the first few years. They are not allowed to be in certain areas, like the Alpha's home. The weapons shed. Or even the dining halls and cooking area. They live in certain areas so they can be closely watched. After a while, once we feel like they can be trusted, they can start to live where they like. Even take on new jobs in the pack. But first, they must be completely pardoned by the Alpha."

We came upon a great field just as he finished teaching me about the servants. There were various training sections. I could see crossbows. Weights. And a sparring section. In the sparring section, young people were beginning to fight in smaller circles. When I was younger, my dad would take me out behind our house to run and wrestle. Until my mom said she didn't want me fighting anymore. Something about me not needing those skills in the human world. And drawing too much attention. But I continued to run every day.

Godric led me towards the sparring section first. We approached a man in all black. I could instinctively tell he was the teacher from his demeanor. His arms were folded across his chest and he was attentively watching the group. When I looked around, I could see there were at least three other teachers. They were standing near the weights and crossbows, giving instructions.

Godric whispered into the sparring teachers’ ears for a few moments. When he was finished, he looked at me and said, "This is Chris. He will take good care of you." Then he turned to leave.

I reached for his hand, pulling him back and a few people stopped fighting to stare at us. I quickly let go of his hand realizing that I had done something wrong again.

"You’re leaving. Where are you going?"

"I’ll be back. I need to change my clothes." I didn’t understand why. He was already wearing what looked like workout attire. His shorts now were completely dry from swimming in the lake. I watched him run towards the house before I heard Chris yell.

"Team!" He shouted. "This is Zaya. She will be joining us in training from now on. She is new and has not trained in a while. Make her feel welcome." After his announcement, he turned his attention to me and began giving me basic training information.

Once he was finished updating me, he looked around at everyone and pointed to a circle of three girls. "There. That’s your circle." He said to me. "You will train with them; until I say otherwise. Each of you will take turns sparring with each other. Go. Now."

I quickly jogged towards the group of girls. On the way, a few people patted me on the back and shouted welcomes. As I approached, I could see I recognized two of the girls already. One was Hailey, the Beta's daughter. The second girl, I remember from the festival. She was the one laughing and playing with Godric. I waved to them. "Hi, I’m Zaya."

"We’ve met. I’m Hailey." She pointed to Godric’s friend and said, "This is Sophie. And that is Anna." I waved to both girls but only got a friendly smile from Anna.

Sophie looked at me. "So, you haven’t had much training huh? Don’t worry, we will take it easy on you." She finally smiled. I returned the smile, appreciating her kindness.

Her attention was quickly adverted as something caught the corner of both of our eyes. When I finally turned my face to see what it was, I could see Godric reapproaching dressed in all black. 'He is a teacher?' I thought to myself as he took his place next to Chris. Sophie looked disappointed as Godric didn’t bother to look our way.

"Ok, let us get started. I don't want Chris making his way over here." I heard Hailey say. "We will go first so you can get an idea." She said to me.

Hailey and Anna walked towards the middle of our circle. They began circling each other for a few seconds. Anna reached for Hailey a few times but was unsuccessful. The next time she reached for her, Hailey turned and grabbed Anna from behind. She quickly picked her up and tossed her to the ground. I squinted my eyes at the thud her body made. Hailey reached her hand out to help Anna up.

"Again?" Hailey asked and Anna agreed. They went at it two more times before Anna decided she needed a break. I watched intently, trying to understand the moves and techniques they were using.

"Our turn," Sophie said as she walked to the center of our circle.

As soon as I stepped in the middle, she swung her legs towards mine. Knocking me off my feet. I heard a few people gasping as my head hit the ground. "That didn’t hurt, did it?" She asked taunting me. Her niceness slowly dwindling. I pulled myself from the ground and dusted off my clothes. "Again?" She asked.

I hesitated and nodded my head. I had to admit, I was a little scared. I couldn’t remember the last time I was assaulted in that way. We danced in the circle for what felt like minutes before she pounced at me, picking me up and throwing me to the ground. I lay there on my back trying to catch my breath. She was quick. And strong.

'Get up and fight back!' I heard my dad yell in the back of my mind. He would always say that when he saw the fighter in me backing down. I looked at Sophie as she was walking away from the circle. She thought I was going to give up.

I jumped to my feet and took my stance. "Again!" I said stopping her in her tracks.

She shrugged her shoulders at Hailey and walked back toward me. This time when she pounced at me, I jumped up. Just as she fell to the ground, I landed on her forcing my knee into her back. When she tried to push herself off the ground with her hands, I grabbed both of her arms. Pulling them back towards me, forcing her chest further into the ground. I had watched my mom do this move many times on my dad. And just as he would yell, so did Sophie.

"Okay! Okay! Get off me!" She screamed while struggling underneath my knee.

When she got off the ground, I asked her, "Again?"

Anna snickered a little. "Shut up Anna!" Sophie gave her a look with eyes as dark as night. Her wolf was trailing the surface. Sophie balled her fist and headed towards Anna. I quickly jumped in between them, shielding Anna with my body. I closed my eyes as I saw her claws coming toward my face.