
Spending money like water

"Sister Lin, I didn't do it." Zheng Ren sighed and briefly explained what happened.

Lin Jiaojiao shook her head and sighed,""It's fine, let's just leave it at that,"

Su Yun stared at her, making Lin Jiaojiao feel very uncomfortable.

"Sister Lin, how's your side?" Su Yun didn't say anything and suddenly asked from a different angle.

Lin Jiaojiao also felt that today's incident was not a good one. She immediately said,""I've been watching, and the progress is good. Since we're using good stuff, there's no need to use formaldehyde, and it'll be ready to live in about 20 days. "

"Thank you, thank you." Su Yun said with a smile.

Zheng Ren felt that there was something wrong with this guy, but he couldn't tell what it was.

"Boss, the people from Chengdu said that the first batch of artificial limbs has arrived." "We've been making a lot of money recently, so uncle ning ordered a MYOV artificial limb,"Su Yun said.