
The Supreme Wolf

Agility, Strength and Cunning teamwork. Those traits make up a Wolf, but, what if there was a Wolf that had more? What if it could see things others did not? What if it could understand the forgotten? What if it had an ever growing intelligence that would aid it many a times in the future? Wolves are Leaders. Wolves are the rulers of the Forest. Wolves are Cunning. Created by Ancients, defying fate, fighting if he so desires, watch him fight and rise! Also, here is the link of a drawing of a friend called 'The Tempest', it is the drawing of the base form of the MC. I think that it looks really good. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469201063551959060/505890662747734027/20181027_194800.jpg Our discord serv: https://discord.gg/Mja6jam I do not own the cover as it belongs to the artist that drew it.

Wolfy_Charles · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs


'Why does he know? Did he start spying on us since the very beginning? Doesn't seem like that though…' Yami pondered.

"Will you answer me now or not?" He heard in his mind.

"...I will. Do you want me to start from the very beginning?" Asked Yami, still doubting Hati.

"I do." Hati responded.

"Okay then. It all started when we were just childs in our village in a forest near here.

A few of us saw an injured being that turned out to be a Human and led it to our village to help recover it.

The Human seemed very grateful for us lending a help to it.

However, one day after the Human entered our village, two childs went missing.

We, of course, suspected the Human since things like these rarely happened.

Our elders then went to the Village of the Lechys and asked them if they had seen anything that could help us finding those two.

They asked the Lechys because Lechys have their eyes all over the forest. Aside from that, our race was on friendly terms with the Lechys at that time.

What the Lechys said didn't surprise us much to say the least.

According to what they had seen, the two childs saw the Human wanting to go out of the village shortly and asked it where it wanted to go. The Human following that question took out a knife and killed those two unfortunate children.

That wrenched little Human dared to go even further!

He played dumb by saying he knew nothing about the disappearances!

It was unfortunate that the Lechys could only see everything in the forest and not intervene with things happening there when they were too far away.

Sigh, truly unfortunate.

The elders told a few childs what happened and told us to not go near the Human until it was taken care of.

The head of our village told the Human to either leave or die. It choose to leave.

At least, that's what we thought.

It appeared at nighttime again and killed another three children.

The elders and the Head were enraged to see the Human do something so shameless after getting treated by our village so good.

The village head decided to search for and kill the Human.

The Human was finally found after searching for a few hours. It seemed to be planning another attack at night since it was camping nearby and sharpening its knives.

The elders got furious once more and send one of our 'more experienced' elders to kill it.

The result surprisingly ended in a draw with both sides taking serious damages. The elders lamented the fact of them having been too arrogant to have send only one.

The Human managed to escape with its injuries.

We thought at that time that maybe it was done now.

How foolish we have been!

That wretched little asshole dared show up again after a few weeks! With reinforcements no less!

I'll tell you what they said at that time when we asked them why they came. They said 'To rid this forest of filthy beasts that attack us Humans.' They shamelessly said that after we helped one of them and he attacked us. They attacked us TWICE and got a backlash at the third attempt!

And THEY want revenge?! Our whole village got furious. We decided to kill them all. We killed about twenty Humans with five of our village dying in the battle.

We knew we screwed up since two Humans escaped and came back with reinforcements again. One of them being the shameless Human that started it all.

Another battle took place after we killed another group of them. We were proud to have killed so many of them while only suffering minor losses.

That was when it came. Those arrogant bastards came back with a whole whopping one hundred people to fight us. We only had about fourteen that were able to fight on our side!

We were originally thirty! The children still counted in! we were about ten children with twenty adults in our village. Even the Females bravely killed those Humans for wanting to harm their innocent children!

The Lechys told us how many of them were coming and our village decided to flee. We didn't want too many of us dying anymore.

We decided to flee in small groups in all directions to this place after planning for a bit.

You yourself saw how many managed to get here.

*Sigh* Yami continued to talk about his past after sighing again.He started to get depressed whenever he thought about his past.

They didn't stop after they killed so many of our members! You know that those that managed to get here were only childs, right? I was the oldest amongst them! I needed to take care of them to let us grow once more and take revenge.

It happened a few days later. Those wrenched assholes burned the forest down since they feared the Lechy's abilities inside a forest.

The village of the Lechy's was truly big at that time. It had more than seventy members of whom all were able to fight. Lechys can fight the moment they are born.

Part of their cores are the manifestation of the emotions of the forest while their body is but wood from trees.

Meaning, if the forest is angry because it is mistreated, the will be in a angry mood too. It doesn't even need to be the forest their core was made in. It only needs to be a nearby forest.

What is truly sad is what you also saw before.

You only saw four Lechy's, right? We don't know if others also managed to escape, but, those four were the only ones we saw since the burning down of the forest.

They found us and told us that the Humans burned the forest down to get rid of them. Their whole village started defending the forest until it was nearly too late to save it anymore. They also decided to flee to get revenge.

We all decided at that time.

If the moment arises, we will kill Humans. No matter what, even if we get massacred one sidedly. We didn't want to run away from those vile creatures anymore!

We swore at that time.

'Those brainless fools get blinded by their arrogance while boasting about their intelligence.They don't even know the basic emotions one should have like gratefulness! Even we beasts have them! So, what makes those savage fools think they're better than every other race?! It is nothing but their own arrogance! They have numbers and they know that. Exactly that is the reason they get so damned arrogant!

There is a reason that everything has gone to shit for us, and these...these WRETCHED Humans are the tumor, the cancer, the absolute worst...the root that caused this whole mess. Thereby, we swear to take revenge and give our best to eradicate this very root and rid the world of these imbeciles.'

I also only accepted your offer because you weren't Human. I would have fought to my Demise even if you were a thousand times stronger than us in case you were a Human."

Yami felt a bit relieved when he told everything to Hati. It felt good to have someone to talk to with such memories weighing you down.

Hati digested everything he heard.

He only had key fragments of their memories and could only confirm that all the memories he had were similar to what Yami said.

He thought back.

'Was I lucky that the Human I met before wasn't as evil as the one their village encountered?'

'Also, he seems to be missing some information. The Lechy's leader had one memory that he didn't mention. It was the reason for the Human to be injured while lying in the forest.

"Do you know why the Human was injured in the first place?" Hati asked Yami, doubting whether he just didn't want to tell him or if he really didn't know.

Yami was surprised by this question.

He didn't know what to answer to that.

That was because he didn't know it himself.

He only knew that it lay there, injured. He never got told how or why it was there.

The others didn't know either he thought.

'Wait a moment...did the Lechys know the reason? But why didn't they tell us if they did?'

He then told Hati "I don't know the reason for the Human to be injured and lay there."

"Want me to tell you then?" Hati said to Yamis mind.

'Was it him?' Was what Yami thought for a moment before quickly throwing that idea aside again. All these events happened way back in the past. They would have found out about someone like Hati if he had been there since the beginning.

But, why did he tell him that he knew the reason?

Well, I had a small writers block and Reili helped me a bit out. For that, I want to thank you again! Thanks a lot!

We already nearly reached the Goal again...you guys are fast...

Hope you had fun reading this chap too :)

Join our discord server if you want. It is fun ;3


Wolfy_Charlescreators' thoughts