
The Supreme Wolf

Agility, Strength and Cunning teamwork. Those traits make up a Wolf, but, what if there was a Wolf that had more? What if it could see things others did not? What if it could understand the forgotten? What if it had an ever growing intelligence that would aid it many a times in the future? Wolves are Leaders. Wolves are the rulers of the Forest. Wolves are Cunning. Created by Ancients, defying fate, fighting if he so desires, watch him fight and rise! Also, here is the link of a drawing of a friend called 'The Tempest', it is the drawing of the base form of the MC. I think that it looks really good. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469201063551959060/505890662747734027/20181027_194800.jpg Our discord serv: https://discord.gg/Mja6jam I do not own the cover as it belongs to the artist that drew it.

Wolfy_Charles · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs


He slowly woke up.

He was feeling really refreshed after that night of sleep. After all, he did so many things which tired him out.

He went to think about the happenings of yesterday's battle and found that he made some moves he shouldn't have made. He thought that while it was good to let the hobgoblin evolve, he shouldn't have tortured it so much. He didn't know why, but, he had fun fighting and torturing that beast.

He then excitedly looked at the stone door and thought 'Will they be stronger again?' He felt the auras from behind the door.

They were very crude and violent.

The weakest of the auras there felt at least as strong as that of the Fire-element Ogre.

There were once again five auras. The strongest aura was about thrice as strong as the Fire-element Ogre. They felt similar to it, but their substance felt differently.

The strongest aura there also felt particularly stranger than the others, like it was fusing with the air around it.

Their auras weren't as hot as the one from the Fire-element Ogre, but, they were more violent and raging.

He guessed that the beings behind that door would be Ogres or some kind of mutation since the auras were so similar.

He wanted to train a bit before going into that room. He wanted to learn how to extend and retract his claws.

Aside from that, he also wanted to learn how to activate and deactivate his fire-attributed claws. Having them constantly activated truly exhausted him to a great degree while waiting for the Hobgoblin to finish its evolution.

He first started to think about the fight with the Ogre again.

He was surprised to see some memories he did not go through.

It seemed like he could see the things of the Ogres perspective. He had some of its memories.

This hit him like a bolt of lightning.

It made his hair stand up due to his excitement.

It was an ability that allowed him to retract the memories of the corpses he ate. But the Wolf knew he shouldn't depend on it too much.

In a what-if situation where the enemy knows of this ability of his and gives their foot soldiers wrong information… that could end very dangerously for him.

He needed to hide this ability.

He then sorted out the memory fragments he got from those five and the Kitsune. The Kitsune was truly too young… 'What a pity' he thought. It turned out that it was even younger than he thought.

It was merely 5 months old.

It also had nearly no memories aside from living in that room and going to the other rooms to ask for food.

This made him curious. Where did those beasts get the food from in the first place?

Did they go out in a period of time to get it?

Did they wait for humans to go into their territory to steal it from them?

Was someone willingly giving the food?

Then something unexpected came from the Kitsunes memories.

It saw a group of humans.

The group consisted of eight males and two females.

The Kitsune used its ability to confuse their senses and killed them one after another.

It then went to a stone and opened a hole. There, it pressed something and the door opened.

He wanted to know what happened to those Humans to went into a cave such as this one.

The Kitsune asked the goblins to get the corpses into another room.

It seemed that they ate Humans. But, the Kitsune only gave those corpses away because it wouldn't be able to live in that place if it didn't do what it was ordered to do.

The beasts there and the Kitsune itself obviously didn't know how rare itself was.

He then went through the memories of the three Goblins and as he expected, they raped a few women in their past. They also attacked villages and killed kids that were in their territory.

There wasn't much else that was different from the Kitsunes memories apart from how they found this cave.

The Kitsune had no memories of how it went into this cave.

Whereas the goblins with their two brothers fled from their old headquarters because a group of Humans stronger than themselves attacked their base. Fortunately for them, they were only lightly injured and they were able to flee.

He then went through the Hobgoblins memories. It was a normal goblin at start but killed so many children and naive young adults that weren't guarded that it somehow evolved.

The rest was about the same as the Goblins.

He then went through the Evolved Hobgoblins memories.

They were the same as the other Hobgoblin's because they always were in a group of two and more.

He then went through its memories of the battle with him and was glad that the opponent wasn't thinking clearly. He was glad because he showed a few serious openings that could be exploited.

For example, his jump into the air. He could have been easily hit by a fist if the ogre had let go of the club.

He was greatly surprised by something when he saw the fire shield being created by the Ogre. It somehow used its own Spiritual energy and crudely created that shield.

He tried to imitate it and coated his spiritual energy on his claws.

He succeeded. It was a bit hard to maintain though.

He then tried to concentrate his spiritual energy into his paws and his claws extended again. They had the size of a small dagger again.

He stopped concentrating it and they reduced to their normal size again. He was awed by that. He could slash and pierce his enemies with those claws while burning them.

He thought that he could only scratch enemies with them before he saw them extend.

He got an idea.

He tried to coat the spiritual energy in his mouth.

His whole mouth got cold instantly. He didn't feel much of a difference, just a bit though. It was a bit uncomfortable, so he stopped it.

He then coated his teeth with his spiritual energy.

The result was that they extended a bit, but it was barely noticable. They also started radiating a very cold temperature.

It was so cold that he couldn't keep his mouth open in fear of it freezing together. He didn't stop though.

He moved to the remaining parts of one corpse and lightly bit it.

The corpse instantaneously froze. The speed at which it was freezing was amazing. Even after he let go, it continued freezing until it was completely coated in ice.

He was once again excited.

He stopped concentrating his spiritual energy after they froze into ice sculptures. His mouth was still a bit cold.

He wondered why it was the ice element instead of fire like with his claws.

He then realized something.

It was the spiritual energy he was using. He had different attributes mixed into it.

He tried using the ice attribute on his claws and they changed to a bluish-white color. He tried it on one of the remaining intact corpses and the result was the same as the one with his teeth.

He stopped shortly after as he was getting exhausted very fast.

He rested shortly before trying the same with his teeth.

The result was the same as the one with his claws when they were coated in fire-elemented spiritual energy. The only disadvantage with it was that he would burn his own mouth if he closed it while maintaining the spiritual energy concentrated.

He looked at the stone door again.

He moved behind some rock and pushed a pebble aside. The door opened shortly after. He knew how to open it thanks to the memories.

Inside were five creatures. Four were green while one was a dark brown colored one.They were all about the same size and their looks were roughly the same too.

Those were five ogres. He didn't know if he could handle so many at once. It would be a dangerous gamble.

So, he opened the door and waited in ambush for one of them to come out on their own accord. He would have better chances with this than if he were to fight all five at once.

He waited for a few minutes and saw one of the green Ogres come out after the brown one told him to look up why the door opened.

The Ogre didn't know about the Wolf lying an ambush for him, so, he blindly walked out to see why the door was opened.

They didn't know of the Wolf because the stone doors this time were as thick as a full grown tree. They hadn't heard any of the screams yesterday at all.

They felt the auras disappear, but, thought that they might have gone outwards again, instead of dying. They were a bit suspicious though as they wouldn't need to go out too much.

As the Ogre that came out saw those corpses scattered around, he rushed to them to see whether those were their allies or not.


He cried out in anger!

The Wolf was surprised by his loud cry and rushed to sneak attack him from behind with his Ice-coated claws before the others came.

The Ogre turned around after hearing someone running into his direction only to be stabbed by the Wolf's claws.

He roared again.


He roared that in his language before he was completely frozen.

The Wolf quickly rushed to his hiding spot again after closing the door to buy some time.

He saw the door opening and looked at the four angered Ogres. They looked around with a strong killing intend.

He waited for them to bypass him and go to the frozen Ogre.

He immediately rushed at his fullest speed to slash at one of the necks of the green Ogres. He chose that one because it was the one that was the nearest and had the weakest aura of them all.

The head shortly after fell to the ground, its neck still bleeding crazily.

He didn't use his ice this time to hide his presence a bit since he would need to use his spiritual energy which could be felt in near distance.

They could feel it in about a one meter radius because he wasn't able to fully control and hide it.

He quickly gained some distance so as to not be surrounded.

They looked at him, very enraged. They all stormed at him, believing they could catch and torture him in hope to get revenge. The Brown Ogre told the remaining two green ones to go to its left and right side respectively.

The Wolf activated his fire-coated claws as he saw this. He choose fire as it could to damage if the flames touched the nearby allies. He also activated his fire-coated teeth.

He felt a light headache from having both activated simultaneously and his spiritual energy being used at a huge amount in a short moment.

He rushed towards them and attacked the Brown Ogre with his claws, or at least that's what the thought after his claws extended again and he slashed at the Green Ogre on the right side.

The two Ogres followed that and also attacked the Wolf. They both threw a punch at him, only to see their punches landing into nothing but air. The Wolf dodged by jumping to the right side and finally met with the Green Ogres skin.

He slightly touched it and ran to his right side to create some distance again.


The Ogre caught fire and screamed.

The Other two looked at it in a stupefied manner. They just saw it being slightly slashed, leaving but a small scratch, and afterwards catching fire and burning like a torch.

The Brown Ogre Reacted Quickly and coated his body with spiritual energy.

His ability allowed him to create an armor as hard as steel while weighing nearly nothing.

The Brown Ogre could create a full body armor because it already had gained much experience using its ability, thus gaining better control of it. Whereas the Red Ogre just gained his ability and didn't have such precise control.

The Wolf then changed to his ice-coated claws.

He did that because he could at least make the Brown Ogre move slower with his ice in case he couldn't slash through the armor in one go.

The Ogres saw their brother burning and screaming, being unable to help him and just saw him suffering until the Brown Ogre finished him.

He did that so that his brother wouldn't suffer too much on his way to death. It was a decision it truly didn't want to do as it was his very own brother that he killed.

He was even more enraged than before and stormed at the Wolf.

He had never been as angry as he was right now. He threw one punch after another at the Wolf only to see him dodging them slightly before the impact came, thus reducing the punches might.

The wolf also bit the armor and scratched it a few times before he rushed away, trying to create distance again.

His body felt sore. Those punches didn't do much damage alone. But, the damage added up with each punch was something else. It wasn't enough to affect his speed too much,but it still hurt him a bit.

He then saw the Brown Ogre slowly going towards his direction. His plan worked. He couldn't cut through the armor with one slash alone, he also hadn't had the time and precision to aim at one position constantly, so, he used his ice-coated teeth and claws to slow it down.

Meanwhile, he charged at the remaining Green Ogre.

It also looked very angered while a bit scared, it was scared to fight against the Wolf. But, it needed to get revenge at least, even if dying was the price for it.

The Wolf just coated his teeth with his fire attributed spiritual energy and bit the Green Ogres arm while dodging its punch.

The Green Ogre also started burning and screamed in pain like never before.

The Wolf, this time however, beheaded it with his extended claws to not let it suffer too much.

The Brown Ogre looked on as it wasn't able to move at its highest speed right now, unable to save his remaining brother. He was so enraged that he roared "YOU BASTARD!!!" in its language.

The Wolf didn't mind its yell and charged at it.

He dodged the punches completely this time, looking for the Ogre to make an opening that he could exploit.

The Ogre smashed both of its big hands like falling meteroits onto the ground, in hope of injuring his opponent.

The Wolf dodged again and used his claws to slash at the Ogres hand joint with his ice-coated claws.

It finally took a hit and the Ogre froze to death shortly after.

The Wolf was exhausted after such a dragging fight.

He decided to look if the place was safe and rested for a bit before eating the corpses.

Well! I tried to not make it boring so I ended it earlier than I planned! It would have dragged out for another 1-2k words if I didn't. Hope you enjoyed the chap and look forward to the next chap! Because we will find his name out by then!

I consider it a big chapter because it has 2.615 words in it.

୧ʕ ⇀ ⌂ ↼ ʔ୨

I hope the chap wasn't getting boring midway, but please tell me if it did.

Wolfy_Charlescreators' thoughts