
There is Only One Phoenix (6)

Understanding what He Lan's look met Su Mian helped Bai Feng up and walked him back.

As soon as Su Mian and Bai Feng left, He Lan went to seat on a more comfortable chair.

His eyes held a worrying look, he was thinking but it was the first that it shows through his expression. Just as he was thinking about what Bai Feng said his thought wandered back at what happened during their honeymoon.

Unknowingly his eyes were smiling.

Xu Feng who was in the shadow started to worry, his GrandMaster was not behaving normally should he go get Long Fei?

He Lan who was revisiting his memory realized that this behavior was not normal.

He caught himself thinking about the Xia girl and he was.....


No, she must have inserted some type of hallucinogen or poison to make him go mad.

'yes, it must be a poison. I need to neutralize it before it spreads...'

He crossed his leg and made a sign with his hands to cleanse his body, but there was nothing to cleanse!

"Long Fei." He finally said with a stoic face and cold voice that brought Xu Feng in front of him.

"Yes, GrandMaster." Xu Feng replied understanding that his grandmaster was asking him to go get Long Fei, his shadow guard in charge of medicine and poison.

In less than half an hour, Xu Feng was back with Long Fei. Unlike Xu Feng who was always wearing black clothes, Long Fei was wearing cyan blue clothes. His hair was tied in a ponytail, he was truly a beautiful man but his beauty was put to shame every time he would stand near He Lan.

"GrandMaster." He said while slowly bowing his head to show respect.

He Lan was seating in a chair and reading a book, ignored him but extended his hand give him full access to his wrist to do a diagnostic.

Understanding that He Lan wanted him to check if he was poison, Long Fei walked closer to He Lan but instead of checking his pulse, he had a teasing smile on his face.

"You are not poisoned, GrandMaster." He said while looking at He Lan.

"Oh?" He Lan's eyes diverted from his book to look up to Long Fei.

"However, I've got to admit your eyes colors are changing. It's no longer Azure but it seems to be turning to Gold?"

He Lan's eyes held a cold stare, he more than anyone knew what that meant. His dragon was awakening. However, this shouldn't be the case because the only way for him to fully awaken and access his dragon was after the ascension ceremony. He never heard that there was a faster way to do it if he did both the Shen with their laoying army and the Evil Tribe would have been eradicated.

"Cause." He Lan asked while standing.

"I'm not sure yet, there is much info on Supreme Titan that I don't know of but I will find out."

As soon as he finished talking He Lan walked out of Study and disappeared.

Inside Tong Shen Garden, Xia Lin was laying on the bed with her eyes closed; her sleeping face was so calming and attractive that anyone who sees her would be mesmerized by her beauty. Although she appeared to be sleeping, she was actually in her training ground with both Yang Yang and Yang Mi. Although she would appear as a hologram there, she needed to know how everything was going for her Laoying army.

"Big sis Lin Lin, how was your honeymoon?" Yang Mi asked teasingly when she saw her Big sis appearing.

Xia Lin blushed for a few seconds thinking back at what happened that night, however, her blushing face was soon replaced by her usually cold and expressionless face. Although she regained her composure so fast that her blushed face could be seen, Yang Mi was able to catch her blushing.

"How is the training?" She asked while looking at Yang Mi for an answer,

"Everything is going smoothly, this training ground is really rich in spiritual energy. Most of them were able to go up a rank."

"Hmm" she replied, " any movement from father's side?"

"A general from the Shen army was seen passing in the Demon Tribe the day you left Shen Territory. Also on your wedding day, the Demon tribe army attacked ChangGui causing lots of damage to the people."


"Anything else?" Xia Lin asked.

"It seems that ChangGui was lacking in soldiers as most of HuoHong army were not there but I haven't found out exactly where they went to."

"Ok, got it. Keep an eye out on the Shen army, I feel like this is a diversion. Don't let the Laoying army involved unless I say so."

"Have you found out anything about Father's spies.?" Yang Yang asked

"Not yet." She replied

"Seems like the Old man's spies won't be welcoming you there." Yang Mi added

"Stay safe, stay hidden." Xia Lin said