
There is Only One Phoenix (5)

"I know, but if I drink it, you will have your mental strength expand while it will boost my spiritual energy. It's a win-win situation, don't you see I'm drinking it for you." She said with a victimized voice.

"Right, then I thank you for your great sacrifice, you drunkard."

"Hmm, As soon as you are out, you should contact Tingxiao. He will be your bodyguard and help you get familiar with the land."

"Hmm, I know... I should give him a scolding because of the useless information he sent us back at Shen Territory."

Xia Lin nodded, her eyes filled with ideas on how Xiao Xie was going to torture Tingxiao. However, he can only blame his luck that it was Xiao Xie was punishing him because he will truly regret not having Xia Lin punishing him. 'Not like he will know the difference anyway.'

"I'm heading out, go back to sleep."

"Ok, stay safe." She said with a worrying voice.

Not giving Xia Lin enough time to shower her with motherly love, Xiao Xie flees away as if a kid running away from a stranger's embrace.

As soon as Xiao Xie left, Xia Lin went back to sleep.

In Geng Gao Royal courtyard, inside the Immortal study hall. He Lan, Su Mian, and his right prime minister Bai Feng came back from inspecting ChangGui to check the damage that was done by the Demon tribe.

"My Supreme One, I suspect that this attack has something to do with Zhao Ling plan to invade Geng Gao."

He Lan was sitting on his chair his azure eyes fixated on the Mapata Realm map, Although he looked absent-minded he was listening to them.

"GrandMaster is it possible that Your Phoenix has alerted her father that the wedding was moved so he took this opportunity to have the Demon tribe attack ChangGui?" Su Mian asked

Xu Feng was his shadow protector thought, 'Impossible, GrandMaster and GrandMistress had been together all along she didn't have time to her father know because she, herself didn't know that the wedding was moved earlier.'

"My Supreme One, I doubt that she could do this. Maybe Zhao Ling's spies within Geng Gao had played the biggest part in it. However, the fact that she showed up earlier to Geng Gao might be because she wanted to use the Supreme wedding as a cover for the attack on ChangGui."

He Lan who looked like the person they were talking to wasn't him, finally raised his head to look at Bai Feng. "Oh?"

"Forgive me, My Supreme One but I strongly believe that no matter how great Commander Xia Lin is, she doesn't have any force rooted in Geng Gao." As soon as he was done talking he realized his mistake. He Called the Supreme Goddess Commander Xia Lin instead of addressing to her by her Title as Phoenix.

He Lan eyes were looking at Bai Feng. Poor Bai Feng wanted to apologize so he raised his eyes but ended up meeting He Lan's eyes. He started to feel his heartbeat slowing, his vision was getting blurry, his breathing became hard. He knew this feeling very well because the few people who had been personally punished by The Supreme One all died from looking at him. He wanted to avoid He Lan's eyes, but his eyes itself was the problem. Once your eyes meet the Supreme One's eyes unless he, himself stop looking at you, you will keep looking at him until you die. His eyes were only meant to be harmless to the Phoenix, everyone else would end up either crying tear of blood until their body is dried up or their breath will be taken away, some even just forget to breathe and don't remember how to when looking at his eyes.

He Lan didn't know why he was so mad to hear someone called out Xia Lin's name.

Yes, she was now the Phoenix of the realm but it didn't change the fact that two days ago that was how people who have addressed her or that she was his enemy's daughter.

'It's her name for Dragon's sake, why am I being this irrational.' He couldn't understand why he was behaving like this, the general was just used to calling her that, true that he will need to change but there is no need for punishing him.

While he was trying to understand his behavior the poor right prime minister Bai Feng had been chocking, almost felt his spirit animal burning within him.

He didn't want to admit that hearing someone else calling Xia Lin or even general Xia Lin was upsetting him more than anything. Now that she became his Phoenix only he could call her name.

After thinking it through, he casually moved his eyes from Bai Feng to Su Mian as if directing him to take Bai Feng back to his mansion.

Hey, my dear readers...

Sorry for my long absence, but I'm back. From now the updates will be on Mondays and Fridays at 5:30 EST.

I never said this before but this is my first novel, so please bear with this inexperienced writer.

Thanks to all the readers...

InsatiableLooncreators' thoughts