
The Supreme System: Jade Emperor Shangdi

#Note: The mc in this novel is so very overpowered, So if you don't like novel with overpowered MC then this novel is not for you....# After he created the planets which contained Humans, Demons, Demonic Beasts, Divine Beasts and other different species. He created the Stars, the Galaxies, the Universes. But above all he created Martial Dao. He who was formed from nothingness, he who created all and from him was all formed. He's name is Shangdi, the Jade Emperor. Afterwards, Shangdi fell into a deep slumber, But before he fell asleep he created a Supreme System to rule the universes while he was asleep. 999,999,999,999,000 Years Past, Shangdi woke from his slumber. [Ding! Welcome SUPREME ONE] [Ding! Transferring ownership of the system back to the SUPREME ONE] [Ding! Ownership successfully Transfered] **************************** Have you been looking for a novel where the MC is a God looking for love. Well your in the right place Have you ever Imagine a Supreme God coming down to his created world, just to find adventure. Well your in the right place. Follow the adventure of the Jade Emperor Shangdi as he journeys to find True Love. #Note: The Novels picture was copied and edited# *****************************

Advance_Writer7 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Star Source

When Shangdi saw the dragon's action, he smiled.

"Mighty one, no, great one, no, Supreme one, m-my-my name is Shili Shi" the dragon spoke while stammering.

"Be at ease little Shili Shi, I just woke up from my slumber" said Emperor Shangdi, with a smile.

Then he looked at the five youths and asked, "Do any of you want to be my disciple"

Unexpectedly, none of them responded in return.

Looking at the five youth, Jade Emperor Shangdi shook his head helplessly.

[ Ding! How dare this lowly beings dares to refuse the SUPREME ONES offer. This is unforgivable]

[ Ding! SUPREME ONE should Little Jah lay waste of this insolent thing...]

Hearing what Little Jah said, Emperor Shangdi asked 'What kind of creator would I be, if I were to force my creations into serving me'.

[ Ding! Apologies to the SUPEREME ONE...]

"Oh Great one, please make me your disciple. Although am a dragon, I don't see myself worthy to be at your presence much less become your disciple, yet I still ask that the Great One should make me his disciple" the dragon shouted.

The five youth were shivering, confused, scared, frightened. It was known that after the gods, dragons were the strongest and It was also known that dragons bow to no one including the gods, but when they saw how a dragon, full of pride, bowing it's head like a lowly servant before this being, how could they not be afraid.

"Hah! I will get back to you, But before that" then he looked at a certain location.

Suddenly, a voice echoed throughout the whole planet.

[ Ding! Star Source of this lowly planet, come before the SUPREME ONE, or else I will send you to eternal destruction...]

Those words echoed throughout the entire planet. The voice was so loud that it caused all mortals over the planet to faint...]

The five youths were startled by the voice.

'Little Jah, what was that for' Emperor Shangdi asked.

[ Ding! Forgive me SUPREME ONE, But it pains me to see a mere creation daring not to acknowledge its master...]

'Little Jah, Although your actions were right, But for causing my creations to faint, I won't take it likely. Being able to cultivate is good, but how about those who doesn't want to cultivate, I am their creator and their protector. Little Jah, You must be punished'

[ Ding! I will gladly accept whatsoever punishment the SUPREME ONE wants to give me.]

'Your punishment is to be a mortal, live like a mortal, bear children like a mortal, feed like a mortal, for 30,000 years. If you can survive being a mortal for that long, I might then accept you back as my servant'

[ Ding! Yes my lord.]

Instantly, Little Jah vanished from the dimensionless aboard.

After Little Jah left, Emperor Shangdi looked and smiled at the five youths. Afterwards, he looked back at that certain direction.


Suddenly, the sky turned dark, flashes of lighting could be seen. The flashes of lighting were so overbearing and intense that it was as if the world was suffering the wrath of the heavens.


Then a tender, feminine voice echoed throughout the mountains, Emperor Shangdi layed above.

"Who dares acts outrageous before my domai-"

Just as she was about to complete her words, she saw Emperor Shangdi floating in mid air, while staring at her.

'Who is he and how did he know where I was hiding, or am I just hallucinating'

Just as she was about to try something to confirm if Emperor Shangdi really knews where she was hiding, something unexpected happened.

*Pump* *Pump*

*Pump* *Pump*

Her heart starting beating intensively.

Suddenly she remembered that after she was formed 4,500,000,000 years ago by a mysterious being.

The mysterious being told her, saying

"When you see him, acknowledge him, follow him, bow before him and worship him. Because he is my creator and I am your creator, he lives in me and I lived in him. Without him nothing was formed, he who existed by himself, he whose power can't be measured, he whose words are power, he who lives in nothingness, his rage can destroy the entire universe, he isn't a being but a being, He is the SUPREME ONE, JADE EMPEROR SHANGDI"