
The Supreme Necromancer (DROPPED)

Art is not mine, if the artist wants me to take it down I will gladly do so. I'm an amateur writer and this is more of a passion project with an irregular update schedule but if you like it please let me know! The story is about a man who gets hit by truck-kun and is transported into a world of wonder and magic but the body he's in is the child of the Head Necromancer of the kingdom and the master of the black magic tower.

Galaxy_2941 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: Dungeon Clear

A Remnant, an undead creature that is the remnant of negative emotions all gathered into one place to be put into a physical form, it body corrodes any object that touches it and while it is undead it is not immune to necrotic damage and even benefits from healing magic; This is the thing that stands before me a black shadow that glares at me with its hollow eyes. There are several different eyes a remnant can have: Blue, Red, White, Green, or None. Blue lets it have control over water, Red lets it control fire, White lets it control air, Green has earth, and None can control Darkness and raise Its own undead. As I stared at this creature I knew that I could only damage it as it corrodes objects such as my skeleton and I started firing necrotic bolts at the creature.

The remnant screeches at me as it moves out of the way of my attack and rushes my way. I order my skeletons to block it and they do, using their shields they push back the remnant as a remnant cannot pass through objects even though it can corrode them and they can't harm it. Basically, this means magic damage = yes damage and physical damage = no damage. I fire another necrotic bolt at it and keep hiding behind my skeletons. I know usually these battles are intense and only end when the MC manages to pull off this sick move but this isn't what happened: I hid behind my skeletons the entire time while healing them and chugging my remaining mana potions as I killed it slowly but surely. When the thing is dead it drops a skull on the ground and I pick it up. The skull is a treasure or trophy which can be sold at a decent price since it's made out of pure crystal, it can even be used as a mana focus if its the right crystal but moving on a portal opens in front of me and I am met with my father standing there expectantly. I hold out the remnant skull and my father snatches it "You pass" my father says as if he was disappointed he couldn't punish me for failing.

I give a slight bow and finally, I start to realize that my father was a piece of shit. "Destroy those skeletons, your next assignment is to visit the basement and create your own by the weekend." he orders before heading in the opposite direction leaving me to my own devices. I speak the incantation to destroy the skeletons and they turn to dust, I didn't notice until now but the gate had turned red indicating that it was cleared and in the process of resetting. I sigh as the pressure released from my brain and soon I was heading to my room, the weekend was 3 days away so I had plenty of time to complete the task and just flop on my bed "Fuck Im so tired" I say to myself, even though I slept in the dungeon it wasn't a good one since it was more unconsciousness than being asleep.

I woke up to a loud screaming noise and I quickly get out of bed and look over to the noise, it was my book that was screaming and Delores who was holding my grimoire. I quickly snatch it away and it stops screaming "Get out!" I yell and she yells back "give me that book! It should be mine!" she grabs it again and it starts screaming again until my father comes in and pulls her away from it. I watched as she threw a tantrum on my father's shoulder as he carried her out like a sack of potatoes. "Fuck" I say and sit back down, the book scared me when it started screaming, I guess it's a safety measure or something.

Later that day when I went to sit at the dinner table with my family I noticed that Delores wasn't there but I didn't dare speak because I knew my father hates it. I feared that something happened to her since Im starting to realize how cruel my father was, he had never looked that angry before when he took Delores away. I hadn't seen him that angry before even before I got put into this body, something was up and I didn't know what.


Hello! This one was a bit of a shorter chapter since I have a bit of writer's block but I hope whoever is reading this enjoyed it! Be sure to comment cause I need constructive criticism to make this story better and if you have any ideas on where the story should go, lemme know!.
