

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

The Price of Forbidden Magic Spell

Chapter 53 The Price of Forbidden Magic Spell

"Like it or not, the Yinleth family are superior in Ice Magic Spell compared with us, father."

Vaeral said it after his long contemplation.

"…and that's the problem if you want to dig back on Ice Magic Spell knowledge. Yinleth family now conquered by Solaine's 'cold hand.'"

Sundamar replied while he stood as his magic regeneration had healed his injury.

His apprentice accompanies him when he walks toward Vaeral.

"Our family stays in the palace to protect themselves from the Derberos and Halflings. Many Venharices and Yinleth Magicians shift into Derberos families for having a different dedication rather than continuing their study as Magician."

Sundamar continues his explanation.

"Shifting to another dedication? What kind of dedication is it?"

Vaeral asked a question that I had a curiosity about it.

"Variety of dedication to Derberos Families… it could be a Warrior, Miner, or Gemstones Engraver. They didn't see any hope of continuing their life as a Magician either in Venharices or Yinleth. Another reason is that they feared Ice Queen's 'Eternal Peace.'"

Sundamar answered it with sorrow face.

"All this might not happen if both Venharices and Yinleth accept our marriage, father."

"Now you blaming us…? There's something wrong with your marriage, and you and Soliana are not admitting it."

"We have done what we can for the good of Venharices and Yinleth, but you guys just not accepting it because of the difference in our values. So how we strive together then?"

"…and now you leave us, and what happened, son? 'Eternal Peace' on your family who supported your marriage? It's insanely foolish. We've already warned you about your reckless decision and that Forbidden Ice Magic Spell is destroying our name, dignity, and apprentice."

"We were forced to do that at that time, father! It's because you and Yinleth want to emerge a large-scale war only for stopping our marriage! So we forced to use Forbidden Ice Magic Spell just for the sake of not making you kill each other with stupidity!"

"What's the difference, Vaeral? Forbidden Ice Magic Spell might not kill us but it destroys our influences. Opening a path for our Magicians to join the Derberos. Even the blood will spill; I rather died with the dignity and pride of Venharices than have this miserable life like a loser!"

"Father! Don't say such a thing! The life of families is- '"

"Shut your damn mouth, you idiotic Venharicess!"

Amdarais shouts very loudly for interfering with Sundamar and Vaeral, so they're both stopped debating.

"We had finished this bloody debate with your stupid Trial, stupid! It's damn done! Don't talk about it anymore! If you want a great change, it's time to stop the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell!"

Amdarais added his explanation, which I agree with that.

Vaeral and Sundamar were still silent.

It might be hard for them to rise and change anything that crumbled upon them without remembering their dark past.

"Yes… that's giving me an idea. Thanks, Amdarais."

Vaeral thanked Amdarais after a long pause.

I still can sense his sorrow, but his serious look shows his determination.

"You know who's the offering?"

Amdarais asked.

"It's Raenisa…"

Vaeral mumbled in the middle of his thought.

"You choose your sister-in-law for the Offering? Bah, she must regret helping you and Soliana."

"It was a complicated situation back then. It's Raenisa's decision to become the Offering."

"Put an end to her brainless decision as the Offering, then the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell is done."

"Almost done, apparently, since Soliana is the main caster on that spell."

"Hey, hey, hey…. Let me jump in for a second."

I suddenly intervene on Amdarais and Vaeral chattering.

"What the hell is Offering? What is it all about?"

I repeatedly asked because of my confusion.

"Ah, right… My Dear Daredevil has not yet learned about the Forbidden Magic Spell."

Amdarais welcomed my curiosity.

"Forbidden Magic Spell is different from the usual Magic Spell, Rezvan. Although even the magic damage or the effect is more outstanding than usual Magic Spell, you can't use it without a great sacrifice. This sacrifice is called 'The Offering.'"

Amdarais explains briefly.

"There's a lot of variances on Forbidden Magic Spell. In this case, the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell is cast by two great magicians with one Offering. At that time, Soliana and I cast the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell. Raenisa, Soliana's sister, was willing to become the Offering."

Vaeral added the explanation.

"Ice Seal is the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell that Vaeral and Soliana had cast on Venharice and Yinleth. It gives a tremendous Ice Magic power that could freeze people's life and the vast area around it in a split second. It also makes their Ice Magic Spell stronger than usual, with a lot of variety and deadly damage. However, there's a 'price' of this spell. You know this if you see the mind of the Ice Queen, Rezvan."

I'm thinking for a moment while remembering the Ice Queen's madness.

Her words about 'Eternal Peace' might be valid at some point.

Still, it becomes insane when she shoves all of that to become a total solution toward anyone else.

No wonder The Dark Elves and Halflings only demand the raw blue material from the Ice Queen rather than freeze to death because they are forcing her into their troops.

"The moment Raenisa was chained on Ice Prison as the Offering, I thought the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell would choose me for its Holder rather than my wife. But it turns out Soliana's the one who became the Holder, which made her instantly gifted with strong ice magical power. Yet, simultaneously, her mind and emotions become disturbed easily because of it."

Vaeral adds Amdarais' explanation more deeply.

"So that's why Soliana could create a raw blue magical gemstone for The Dark Elves and Halflings?"

I asked Vaeral curiously.

"Yes, because she doesn't want to spend all her time and energy driving out the Derberos and those Halflings for begging us to join them."

I nodded slowly since Vaeral's answer was the same as my prediction.

"It's depressing every time I remember those Forbidden Magic Spells. It prices a lot, and the outcome is destroying many of us. I should take back what had been taken from me. I need to save Raenisa first."

Vaeral encouraged himself with his determination.

"So… by saving Raenisa, we could stop the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell?"

I asked for confirmation.

"It's only cut the half power of Forbidden Ice Magic Spell, Rezvan. It's important, though, for reassuring our victory on a rematch with the Ice Queen later."

Amdarais answered.

"She's on the temple at the top of mountain Hexta. If Rezvan and I combined our Water Magic Spell, we could save Raenisa from its forbidden ice prison."

Vaeral tells us important information about our main objective.

It seems he's on fire for saving her wife from the darkness of the Forbidden Ice Magic Spell.

"It's not an easy task, son."

Sundamar suddenly commented.

"Since Raenisa is frozen at the temple at the top of the mountain of Hexta, the ice magic spread mysteriously to the rock material inside the mountain. As a result, lots of rocks and stones are formed into incomplete raw material gemstones. Many 'ex-Magicians' from Venharice and Yinleth families are on there for forming the incomplete raw gemstones into ready-to-use ones."

Wait, so does that mean the temple where Soliana's sister in there is similar to Ice Palace?

"There's a raw material of blue gemstones on there?"

I asked with a lot of thoughts in my mind.

"Yes, the Derberos Families and Halflings guarded the Hexta Mountain and the temple to secure their important material."

Sundamar answered in threatening tones.

"We still don't understand why the Offering had a capability like my wife's for generating blue gemstone raw material. However, in terms of amount, the Ice Palace is the one that generates a lot and is easier to collect than the cave of Hexta."

Vaeral replied.

"…but that doesn't mean those greedy Derberos and Halfling let that opportunity slide. It would be similar to Fortress at the Ice Palace."

Amdarais ended with his sharp and thoughtful mind.

Vaeral nodded without words, the same as me, who agreed with the preparation for saving Soliana's sister.

I think there's still needed to discuss how we break through the cave into the temple at the top of mountain Hexta to release Raenisa from the Forbidden Ice Seal.

Perhaps I, Amdarais, and Vaeral could form the plan more accurately in the Amdarais' Clock Tower.

"Vaeral, if you want to go there, there would be a lot of ex-Magician from Venharice. They would be surprised to look at you freely come to that place."

Sundamar said with a flat tone.

"Good, then. I'll show to ex-Venharice and Yinleth that Venharice is still surviving. They will regret becoming Derberos' lapdog rather than being loyal to Venharice."

Vaeral replied to it confidently.

"Heh… that would be funny since you're the one who left us all, son."

"But I'm back, father. I'll give them a chance if they want back to Venharice as a pure Magician. But if they don't, they are the enemy that I don't mind demolishing for the pride of Venharice and Krismenar."

"Not giving up on your own family's name, eh? Fine. Prove it if you believe that would change this chaos on us."

Sundamar smiled faintly, hearing his son's determination.

It was a rare moment for him to smile after long sorrowful faces since I first met him.

Hopefully, that is a sign that Vaeral succeeds in gaining Venharice's trust again.