

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

The Mysterious Deep Sea

Chapter 47 The Mysterious Deep Sea

"Rezvan! Focus!"

Amdarais yell at me in the middle of this wave of mayhem.

I can't see where my up, down, left, and right is.

My body was tossed around endlessly, getting carried by the rushing water that trapped me entirely.

It became worse when my chest felt tight since the air was gone in this tremendous water flow.

I can't think straight if I keep sinking like this.

I closed my eyes for a second, then held my shoulder tightly.

I forced the Soul's Spirit to resonate to strengthen my body for swimming out of this tornado of water.

As the blue aura of my Soul's Spirit emerged, I could feel the power emerging.

However, those powers felt slightly increased due to the force of water flow that trapped my body.

Even if I utilize all of those energies to get away from this water trap, it isn't strong enough.

Again, I tossed around in this water with a weaker resonance of Soul's Spirit.

These powerless feelings make me sulk into the depressing moment.

The anxiety that spreading in my mind makes things worse.

I accidentally opened my mouth to have that air even when I was in the water.

But I immediately closed my mouth seconds after that because that was a dumb act.

My chest feels like getting crushed, and my head feels like getting cracked.

Is this the end?

"You damn stupid, Rezvan! I told you to focus! Don't think about the water pressure! Focuses on how your Soul's Spirit tries to resonate with the water magic spell!"

Amdarais yelling sounds annoying, but it encouraged me to avoid repeating the same mistake.

Since the air in my body diminished, I stopped my movement to reserve the energy and the air.

I let my body flow accordingly with the brutal flow of water that trapped me.

Seconds after that, I closed my eyes and entirely concentrated on Soul's Spirit inside me.

Even though I can sense the Soul's Spirit sharper than before, I'm still not quite grasping why the Soul's Spirit is difficult to resonate with this water magic spell.

Rather than searching for the reason, I let myself close my mind for a second.

Surprisingly, I can feel something mysteriously creeping into my body.

From its flow direction, it is similar to the water tornado flow.

Without the sound that makes my ear almost deaf and the outburst that makes my eyes blind abruptly, that 'mysterious vibration' gradually becomes more apparent as I let it flow inside my body.

I don't know the meaning of that mysterious vibration.

Still, I can feel strongly that my Soul's Spirit calling that vibration to calibrate each other.

As the calibration succeeded, I realized my Soul's Spirit had just finished resonating with the Great Water Spell.

I reached the vibration like I tried to grasp the imaginable string that flew in front of me.

When I grasped the string, the Blue Aura of my Soul's Spirit enhanced my body stronger than before, so I could move freely in these unstoppable waves of water.

The moment my head was out of the water, I quickly inhaled a large amount of oxygen and let it out repeatedly.

I coughed for a minute while holding the narrowness in my lungs.

Of course, my body is still carried by the water tornado flow, but at least I can take a breath to recover.

Looking around, I see Vaeral on the other side of the water tornado also succeeded in resonating his Soul's Spirit so he could freely take the air he needed for a while.

I know it's relieving to free myself from this, but the water tornado still trapped our bodies.

We can't get out of this water magic spell until all our energy is drained, and we drown into corpses.

"Okay, now what I had to do?"

I asked Amdarais.

But there's no answer.

"Hey, Amdarais. Do you hear me?"

I asked again, then waited for a minute.

There's no response, let alone his annoying yelling.

I look far away toward Vaeral and then call him for searching the clue.

"Vaeral! Heyyy!"

Still, no answer.

It's useless even if I call him repeatedly.

This was strange as hell.

I can see Vaeral, but my sound and his sound are blank.

Under this confusion, I look closely at the debris of a building in the core of a water tornado.

In that place, I see Sundamar sitting calmly without remorse for making his son and me trapped in this deadly water magic.

"Sundamar! Just let us read the book of water knowledge!"

I tried to shout at Sundamar, but there was no response.

It's the same as what I call Vaeral and Amdarais.

I guess I'm in a different dimension, even though my body is still trapped in this damn water tornado.

I took a breath for a moment to think clearer and calmer.

Supposes this is another dimension because my Soul's Spirit succeeded in resonating with the Water Magic Spell, then what should I do next?

Should I forcefully stop the Water Magic Spell using my Soul's Spirit resonation?

It could work.

But after I think more thoroughly, it is not lead me to my main objective.

I came to the Royal Garden and faced Sundamar so I could have access to read the book of water knowledge and learn how to master the spell.

If I forcefully stopped this Water Magic Spell, I might be free, but that's it.

I only gain 'freedom' without anything.

There must be 'something' I should search on this core of water magic spell to understand what Sundamar wants to imply for Vareral and me.

Surely enough, staying in this water tornado trap for a long time could lead me to death.

But I should take this risk for the sake of my Magician improvement.

It feels lonely without Amdarais or Vaeral sound beside me in this chaotic mess.

Especially Amdarais yelling, it might be annoying to hear, but it contains valuable tips for me to move forward.

After passing my train of thought, I decided to look deeper into this water tornado trap using my Soul's Spirit resonation.

I took my breath as many as I could, then swam back inside the water tornado.

I'm not forcing myself to swim against the current flow of the water.

In fact, I let myself follow the current flow and strengthen the resonation of my Soul's Spirit.

Slowly, my body was diving by itself into the deep tornado water.

The torrent of bright yet deadly water that I had surpassed became darker than before.

The dark blue becomes more expansive than the tornado water, but it's not streaming like a wave.

I just arrived at the mysterious sea linked to the water tornado.

I continue my dive forward; even my breath is gradually gone.

I'm forcing myself to continue diving into the deep while keeping calm since the Soul's Spirit resonation pushes me to keep moving forward.

As I dive into the deep, I see from far away massive tower ruins on the deep-sea surface.

Only one wall remained visible and intact on the tower ruins.

I see a monster language carved on these walls, which means: 'the truth beyond the sea.'

Suddenly the blue aura emerges at the tower ruins.

I stopped diving for a second to look around since there was an excellent shake on the deep-sea surface.

Even just a second, the quake almost made the tower ruins crumble.

As I thought it was only a brief of the earthquake, I was wrong.

The earthquake comes from the deep-sea surface that was split by mysterious beings lurking toward me.

Even though the sounds are dampened under the sea, I can hear the screaming dragon come near.

As I pray, that's my stupid hunch, which is, unfortunately, true.

The giant blue dragon with an excessively long body dives its way toward me.

I was stunned when the giant blue dragon rolled its gigantic body inside the tower ruins, so my body was trapped there.

The giant blue dragon stopped circling the tower ruins after the way to escape from him was closed.

I froze and almost lost breath when the giant dragon's head came closer.

I know the blue giant dragon is scary as hell, but weirdly enough, I don't feel any murderous intent from his staring.

As the blue aura emerges from the gigantic body of the Blue Dragon, I can feel my breath gradually become routine, like I breathed without water constraints.

A few minutes passed; I even felt there was no water magic that constrained me in this deep sea.

I don't understand what the Giant Blue Dragon has done, but I choose to keep my silence.

At a glance, I remember the craving for the dragon on the stone wall of the Royal Garden Vanherice in my mind.

As far as I know, that dragon craving is similar to the Giant Blue Dragon that currently surrounds me.

Is he the dragon of wisdom that Sundamar and Vaeral talk about?