

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

The Dragon's Advise

Chapter 48 The Dragon's Advise

"A human…?"

The Giant Blue Dragon finally speaks in a calming tone.

Even though he speaks the monster language, I could understand its meaning.

"Thousand years had passed after the Supreme Magician was chained into eternal torture in the human world. Now… it's the human who visits our place. What an interesting moment…."

The Giant Blue Dragon continues his speaking casually, which is surprisingly good.

"Don't hold yourself, human. You can speak like usual, even if you're underwater. I'm already covering you on my power."

Since the dragon answered my doubt, I could start my conversation.

"I thought I couldn't talk properly… sorry about that…."

I said it politely, which I found awkward to hear when I was doing that to the dragon.

"So…umm…Hi? I guess? Ah, yes, introduction first. My name-"

"Rezvan Alvarendra. I know you well, young human…."

Why the dragon knows my name?

How in the hell could that have happened?

Man, I wish Amdarais in here to explain this weird and awkward situation.

"Your name had been on the eyes of the Dark Elves and Halflings at this moment. You had involved too deep that you bravely fought the Ice Queen."

The dragon seems amazed.

"…but it is not normal to do as a human, am I right, young human? Your decision to link your Soul's Spirit with Amdarais is quite reckless yet impactful. For the sake of your people or to become stronger than your past, that purpose is in your hand. Use that drive wisely."

I nodded as I was impressed by his wise word.

"Are you the dragon of wisdom?"

I asked for clarity.

But the dragon is not directly answered it.

He's showing his enormous sharp teeth with a little chuckle that almost made me tremble.

"It doesn't matter, young human. The sea is halted, waiting for your truth on this occasion. It is you who take a life and death risk for diving into the deep and limitless sea rather than save yourself from the water magic spell that trapped you. What drives you might be anything, but what made you consistent in this decision really is something to me, young human…."

"My Soul's Spirit directed me to these ruins of the tower. So I'm simply following it, even though it could be death."

"Yes…yes… Many Magicians forgot about the importance of their relationship with their Soul's Spirit. They think it is just a tool for giving them power. Then again, your tenacity is one of the many that bring us together here. I'm convinced you're the one who will bring change to Magician. You're the special one, human."

I paused my answer for a while to think it through.

The dragon speaking feels ambiguous, but I can slowly grasp what he wants.

"That's too much appreciation. I'm not that special. I'm just a man who needs to survive my second chance at life."

"Great. Keep that humility on your mind, human. So many Monsters and Humans crumbled upon their actions because they lacked it."

Whoa, the dragon of wisdom is really wise as his name.

The dragon knows many things about humans and monsters, even though I can't imagine how the dragon does that.

"If you know all of that, I guess you know well with my intention in here."

I said it to hook his interest.

"If you have the magic power you want to search, the way is already paved for you, young human. But it's a small thing to achieve than the truth."

The dragon answered my hook.

"The truth? What kind of truth?"

"The untold truth, that it couldn't be said, heard, or even seen. Keep striving, then you will reach that miracle."

"Regarding of 'striving' thing, it's already on my heart and my mind. I can guarantee you that since it's my only choice."

The dragon nod while one of his giant hands gradually comes closer to me.

At first, I almost dive to evade it.

But I choose to keep firm because I don't sense any harmful intention from the dragon.

The giant dragon's hands stopped in front of me.

I know my body would be shattered if that gigantic hand crushed me.

I'm intuitively prepared when one of the dragon's fingers softly touches my head.

Suddenly the blue aura of My Soul's Spirit emerges from my forehead.

The blue line of magic craved on my forehead as seconds passed until it stopped at the scar on my right eyelid.

"I can sense the Red Dragon's Eye from you, young human. But it is locked completely with Ice Seal magic."

The dragon analyses me while staring at my eyepatch.

"It happens so fast and unpredictably. But I believe I could finish this matter if I succeeded in learning the Water Magic Spell."

I said it confidently.

"Such a good spirit, young human. But when the Ice Seal opened, you better be careful on the Red Dragon's Eye. If it grows stronger, it could control your soul entirely."

"Well… you're right. I can sense the dragon's rage whenever I use Fire Magic Spell. But…would that be the same if I use Water Magic Spell later? I mean…it might be there's any Dragon's intervention from you, right?"

"I'm different from the dragon's mortal beings, young humans. I'm the observer and only show you the way."

"That's… very appealing to hear…"

Honestly, it needs a lot of thought to grasp what the dragon wants to convey.

"Everything from the mortals had its consequences, young human. Use it wisely."

The dragon warns me.

"Then, can I get 'the advice' from the immortal dragon? You know the complicated problem of Venharice, Yinleth, and Dorberos family, right?"

I ask the dragon's advice because he is wise.

"There's one of my pieces of advice."

"What is it?"

"Don't ever choose the glory or chaos of their family."

"Umm…. That's it? No further elaboration?"

"No, young human. Take it as a message from me."

Again, this dragon is ambiguous in every word.

Despite the dragon's unspecific answer, I'm still curious to ask him many questions.

But the curiosity should be delayed after the blue line of light magic on my forehead crept across my right eyelid, which made me instantly close my right eyes for a moment.

It's not painful as it seems to be.

As I slowly open my right eye, I can sense the deep sea more clearly than before.

The sound, the color, the water, and the depth of it, everything feels connected with me.

I feel the sea is now under my grasp.

What is this miracle?

The blue light of magic on my right eyelid slowly gathered at my right eye, changing my brown eye color into blue eye color.

Even though I can only see with my right eye, it currently resonates easier with my Soul's Spirit.

With this, I can now face the depth of water and sea magic more confidently than before.

"I hope I'm not going astray with this."

I mumbled over this new power because after I mastered Fire Magic Spell, the dragon's rage seemed to influence my state of mind if I used it too often.

"Interesting thought, young human. Keep that in mind if you want to settle the commotion between those Dark Elves' noble families."

The giant blue dragon circled around me with an emerging blue aura on his gigantic body.

"Let the journey continue, Rezvan Alvarendra. I will watch you from the unreachable realm. Billions of Magicians that had met me fell by their own disgrace. The choice to fall into that endless darkness always is on yourself. Have a deep thought on that."

After his last words, the dragon gradually disperses into millions of blue magical fragments that diminish in the sea.

I don't understand why, but I feel sad when the dragon is gone.

Moving from my sadness, I'm focused on my Soul's Spirit that firmly resonates with the vibration all over the sea.

Every flow of water and any movement inside the sea feels like in my grasp that I could lift or throw with the help of Soul's Spirit resonation.

The emergence of the new power from the dragon led me to dive more deeply into the floor of tower ruins in the sea.

On the main floor, I see a craving for monster language.

Regardless the craving is cracked or unclear, I can read it with the help of My Soul's Spirit resonation.

"There's none to seize

On the airless world

The flow is your path

Stream, O Water Realm!"

My first water magic spell recitation flows smoothly.

The constant quake all over the sea and the change of water flow into a circular.

As I tighten my grasp on the strings of magic linked with my Soul's Spirit resonation, I opened it like spreading the strings into my left and right sides.

From there, the water on the sea moves circularly, separating itself from me and the tower ruins.

I landed on the floor of the tower ruins since the sea was no longer there.

The circling sea is still about 3 miles around me.

As I look up, I can see the debris of wooden houses on the land of the royal garden surface.

"The Supreme Magician Apprentice had met the dragon of wisdom…."

The sudden sound of Old Dark Elf took my attention.

Around 1 mile east of the tower ruins lies a collapsed house where Sundamar was sitting on that rooftop.

Now, Sundamar landed on the ground and stared at me intensely.

Between Sundamar and me, Vaeral and Amdarais are still amazed at the circling water around us that steps aside to give us space.

Now I understand the content of the book of water knowledge is not like the usual book form, but it is hidden in the tower ruins under the sea.