

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Hunting The Dragon

Chapter 12 Hunting The Dragon

Well, enjoying an ordinary ice cream with my sisters was bliss.

Especially after three bloody years, I racked my brain, endlessly ran, cracked my bone, and shot like a maniac to become a proper magician.

"Brother! I also want that!"

Serena, my first sister, pulled my hand excitedly to approach her target.

Her stare locked into a spicy meatball, one of her favourites when we walk to street food near our home.

It's funny to see her crazy about the snack food while enjoying ice cream.

"Aren't you already eating that? Finished that ice cream first…."

I exhaled while wiping out the ice cream on her lips.

"But you promise us to buy any street food we want!"

"It doesn't mean you can eat like a greedy pig, Serena."

"No! I'm not a pig!"

I chuckled while seeing Serena pouting.

Serena is still young.

Her age will reach 11 years this year, but it always satisfying to tease her.


A small hand of a girl grabbed my right palm hand.

From her soft and low voice, I know it's my youngest sister, Citra.

"Hm? What's it?"

"I want that too…."

Citra pointed out the candy shop in front of her.

Compared with Serena, Citra is a silent and shy type of girl.

Her age is 8 years, three years younger than her sister.

Serena favors a spicy and salty snack, while Citra chooses sweet and sour snacks.

"Yeah, sure. After you finished that ice cream first."

I wipe Citra's lips, which are full of ice cream.

"Okay, brother…."

Citra nodded quickly as she fastened to eat her ice cream.

"Brother! Why do you give Citra so easy but not easy for me? It's not fair!"

Oh God, here we go again, the jealousy of Serena.

"I didn't say no. I will buy it when you are done with that ice cream."

Serena pouted once more, but Citra kept her silent, as always.

At night, I usually take Serena and Citra for a snack in the food street near our home.

They like a portion of snack food, which is cheap and affordable for this 'Weakest Knight.'

I know Serena and Citra do not feel like they are being left for three years since it's only three hours on earth.

But for me, it's different.

After I came home, I hugged both my sisters in relief because it was like a year for not seen them.

Having a rest with my sisters is short, though, because tomorrow I already planned my next journey as a Magician with Amdarais.

"Brother, are you still working as a Knight?"

Serena asks me in a concerned manner.

Citra also stares at me, curious about my answer.

While in medical treatment in the hospital, my sisters cried in panic.

They didn't want me to work as Knight because it was obviously life-threatening.

Well, as my life is changing from a Knight into Magician, I will not become a Knight anymore.

But that doesn't mean the life-threatening job stopped, especially when I've now become a Magician.

To be honest, life as a Magician is more terror than being a Knight.

"No, I want to start a new job."

Serena and Citra smiled with ease when they heard my answer.

"W-what kind of job you do, brother?"

Citra asks for more clarity.

"I guess online food delivery."

My sisters feel calm now.

I'm not fully tricking them since that is the job I want in front of people.

I planned to choose that job so nobody got suspicious of me as a Magician.

That's something I need to do since Amdarais wants my identity as a Magician to be kept secret.

The other reason is I don't need to kill someone who knows my secret, as Amdarais requested.

At this moment, let me enjoy the night walk with my sisters and put the tomorrow battle later.


In the middle of the night, the blue gate shine as Amdarais lifts his right palm.

Before we enter the gate, the skull magician looks at me.

"Rezvan, you haven't told me your reason for hunting the Dragons."

I paused for a while.

"Never thought you would ask that, though."

"Just answer the damn question."

"Because they're the ones who destroy your home city."

Amdarais hold his grin while pointing one of his fingers to my chest.

"You want to help my revenge? That's very sweet of you."

I shrugged.

"I know you're the damnable magician to these monsters. But if The Dragons can destroy your city, they are the challenging ones."

Amdarais can't hold his irritating laugh.

"Hahahahaha! Prepare yourself for the hell of a fight, then!"

We both come inside the blue gate in front of us.

As we passed the gate, the windy rain welcomed us under the cloudy and thunderous night sky.

"Their downfall is not eliminating you.

It is you who remains intact in the deep of destruction.

Your being who is always along with the universe.

Come to me, o, Soul's Spirit."

I recite the spell with a faint sound, so the magic barrier protects me from the wet rain and the upcoming challenges.

Looking from far away, in a glimpse, I see a mountainous valley covered by thick fog.

On the edge of the valleys lies a castle, which is almost invisible to see amidst the white fog.

"We're not going there. That's not the place The Dragons settle down."

Amdarais were aware of my attention towards the castle.

"So…they are in this mountain, huh."

I pointed out the top of the uphill road in front of me.

Amdarais nodded.

The hunting begins.

I run toward the top of the mountains.

During my journey, the voice of my steps and breaths dimmed because of the heavy rain.

My step slowed as the snoring became apparent in the middle of the raindrops.

I stopped my step and hid in a large rock near me after realizing the horrible sounds of snoring coming from a small cave in the east.

I look closely at the cave. There are two huge dragons, each a size about half of the giant golem I usually fight back then.

Those dragons are sleeping.

As Amdarais said, the night is a time for a Dragon to rest.

It means the night is the right time for ambushing them.

He also explains the sound of raindrops dampens my footstep and the dragon's voice so it will not make dragons in another area aware of my existence.

As I peek at the cave from the rock, I point my finger toward one of the dragons in the east cave.

"Aim for the-"

"- dragon's jaw. I know."

I jumped in before Amdarais finished his warning.

The raindrop makes my vision seem blurry, making my aim more challenging.

I breathe in, strengthening my right elbow to stable my aim.

The gray aura flies its magic bullet until it directly penetrates the dragon's jaw.

The first dragon opened his eyes in agony and had a bloody mouth.

But he can't shout his suffering because his cracked jaw breaks his voice.

My hand shaking because the first dragon trembling its body to survive.

I already prepared my second shot to eliminate if, by any chance, the first dragon knows who attacked him.

A few minutes later passed, and the first dragon fell hard with its mouth opened and covered in blood.

Is the first dragon already dead?

I'm waiting around half an hour to ensure the damn dragon is dead.

"It's dead! Go for the second target! Now!"

Amdarais repeatedly convinced me because he could feel my nervousness.

I took a breath, exhaled it for a while to calm myself, and then focused on the second dragon.

But I'm too late.

The second dragon awake with its red eye staring at me.

I'm waiting too long, which gives the second dragon time to realize the death of his partner and someone who attacked him.


The second dragon screams as he spreads his red wing and flies toward me.

In a glimpse, I can feel the heat of the fire that emerged from the second dragon's mouth.

Instantly, I rolled out, evading the dragon's breath of fire that almost plummeted me.

The second dragon turns around in the sky.

Even the windy and heavy rain make the second dragon hard to fly, that dragon still aiming at me from the rainy sky to eliminate me once and for all.

"It's useless! There's no way you can fight the awakened dragon!"

Amdarais yells at me to force me back to the magic gate.

I understand the instant death from that dragon's breath of fire, but it is still too early for me to give up.

It's difficult to penetrate the dragon's jaw accurately while the dragon is flying fast.

As I lifted both hands, I pointed out the dragon's red wing.

Since the dragon's red wing is wide enough, it is easy to shoot it while he's at the movement.

The second dragon opened its mouth to throw me a breath of fire.

But I'm faster than him.

Both of my shooting stars flew through like a barrage of a gunshot, hollowing out the dragon's red wing until the dragon cried out his pain.

The dragon fell hard and landed harshly in the cave until it crumbled.

In the middle of his suffering, the dragon raises its head, forcing himself to arise from the remains of the rock cave.

The dragon's attempt took only a few seconds, though, because my next magic bullet pierced his jaw this time, which instantly destroyed its remaining energy.

The second dragon stopped his breathing with opened eyes and mouth.

Looking for the blood that flooded its body, I was sure this menacing dragon was already dead.