
The Battle Ends (Day Two)

We enter the commander's tent near the wall and they all turn and stare at us. "What is she doing here." a few of the commanders noticed that Ada is the woman who broke the wall. "She is here to help and I believe we should accept it. She is well known in the capitol and very powerful."

When I'm trying to convince the commanders to let her help Liz grabs my shoulder and stares at me with a terrifying glint in her eyes. "Yes Conrad what is she doing here, and how do you know her." Sweat starts to drip from my forehead. The girls are staring at each other and I swear I could see sparks between them from the tension in the air. "Stop Now!!" we hear General Tobias yell at them with a mana enhanced voice. "We don't have time for this we have a battle to win and after this battle, a war." I nod and start to pay attention to the plan.

The plan is very simple a plan of attrition. In all honesty with the Crimson Nights and General Tobias it won't be so hard to destroy the attacking force completely. "General I believe we can use the Crimson Nights to our advantage. The Foreignclaws expect the Crimson Nights to be taken care of by the Grey Bear Mercenaries and that they are attacking our south wall. I believe that we should set a fire on the other side of the city so that they think the grey bears have succeeded. This will cause them to become overly confident and relax their guard and that they have successfully defeated the Crimson Nights. We can then have the Crimson Nights move behind them so we can pincer them." 

Although the commanders don't trust Ada all that much, we need all the help we can get to win the battle.

The enemies have shown on the Horizon prepared to attack the city. Hiding just out of the range of our mages and archers. We have decided to wait till the Girls get behind the Foreignclaws before we pretend the Grey Bears have succeeded in their attack. Liz decided to head over with the Crimson Nights and bring part of her troop with her since most of the bandits helping us are mages and need close quarter assistance. They will shoot off a small and quiet flare like magic to let us know they are in position.

I sit and watch the enemies come closer. As they come closer we can see some dropping for "no reason." I want this battle to end with no casualties on the legions' side. I am slowly freezing the Foreignclaws till they pass out. The reason for doing this is because I want the least amount of casualties to end this battle. They keep coming closer and finally the girls send up the flair. A few seconds later the fake attack at the south wall happens. In "panic" we send some soldiers to help "defend" the south wall. Instead they are headed outside the city to hit the enemies in their left flank. We sent most of the soldiers to do so. Some may find this move idiodic, but General Tobias and his bodyguards are still in the main force. This position is stronger than the soldiers moving to the flank. 

Realizing it is easier to assassinate the enemy general if I went with the girls or headed to the right flank, I turn around and teleport back to the soldiers headed to the right flank.

Back at the wall the enemies finally reached the legionnaires. They run into a shield wall not even making a crack. The enemies fall one after another and this continues until warrior practitioners attack the wall causing it to fall. At this moment is when the girls and and left flank both reach the enemy. Mages hitting the army with spells and warrior practitioners and normal soldiers writing them with arrows and their melee weapons. Watching over the battlefield I notice that the one who organized the attack is not here and that the camp seemed to move further back. I slowly sneak away from the back.

Once I get far enough away I teleport to the camp of the enemy. Most of the higher ranking officers of the enemy army are at this camp. I head to the first tent and kill the man in his sleep. Moving from tent to tent they are all doing different things as I kill them. Some are doing the deed and others are sleeping. Some with those who were willing and some who were not so willing. Those who were forcefully had worse endings and those who forced themselves upon the young had even worse endings.

I finally make it towards the commander's tent he is working on a report and looks up when I walk in. I take a seat. "What an honor to meet the great prince of Couth Empire. What are you doing here." 

I no longer have my illusion on my eye. "I have come here to end this battle with the least amount of casualties possible. Having said that I must say goodbye." after saying that I killed him and then teleport to the middle of the enemy forces. I once again have an illusion hiding my eyes to make sure no one knows who I am.

I start to assassinate all the commanders within the enemy force and then leave. Panic spreads through their rank "retreat to the camp" I hear one yell, but it is too late. The guards at the camp already found the bodies of their commanders and send a red flair into the sky. All of the Foreignclaws break and flee from the field all the way back to one of the that side with them.

Everybody helps with the cleanup. Not one person decided they need to take a break. Everyone is suffering together. Most lost loved ones and their homes. Although the city is bleak there is still an air of hope and relief. We are all happy that we won the battle.

With not much else to do after it turns dark and the cleanup is put on hold for a bit, I check the battle reports. The legions had no casualties, but quite a few people are injured bad enough that they will never return to the battlefield without some extremely powerful healing magic. The battle finally ends.