
36 | Steak and Chaos


: damn this restaurant is actually really nice

: do you expect anything less?

: i don't know... you're kind of an infamous villain

: yeah for spreading glitter and donating stolen money to animal shelters plus villains have great flair so your point is?

: Okay right, can we calm down please. There's more than fifteen of us at this table.

: at least we're not on all on one side like the last supper by da vinci

: hey didn't i arrest that guy last week?

: no you didn't and you didn't see him

: i arrested him for petty theft

: no you didn't i don't hire criminals here

: oh would you look at that the food is here

: oh rao i'm starving

: You're always starving darling.

: it'd be suspicious if you weren't

: my weird kryptonian biology, the best thing of all

: i can eat anything and everything and still be able to throw a skyscraper into space

: wow this food is good

: yes my head chef is brilliant, she has skills

: well kudos to her then

: wynonna! stop pouring whisky into your tea!

: sorry

: is it usually this chaotic?

: is that even a question?

: tonight is quite tame actually mrs danvers

: back in my day me and my friends were a lot more dysfunctional

: this isn't dysfunctional??

: you remember aunt lizzie right? a group of us went out to dinner at a restaurant similar to this and got banned for life

: what happened?

: lizzie got incredibly drunk and danced on the tables while singing karaoke

: there was no backing track or microphone

: she slipped on a piece of turkey and fell.

: was she okay?

: oh yeah she was fine

: the poor waiter however...

: the turkey fillet flew right into his neck and he died instantly of a collapsed windpipe

: oh my god mom

: what even

: what a riveting story mrs danvers

: just kidding he escaped with just a bruise

: mom!

: mom why

: i'm sure that was an interesting bruise to explain to his partner...

: lucy!

: what? i'm just saying what everyone else thinks

: Kara slow down or you'll choke.

: ;)

: Must you turn everything innocent dirty? Honestly.

: veronica I swear to god i'm going to stab you with a spoon

: oh rao


: Anyway... this steak is wonderful Veronica. Who's the head chef?

: uhhh just a lady

: Yes? You got to give me more than that.

: uhh

: She's a criminal isn't she.

: livewire has serious skill cooking steak!

: are you kidding me

: Oh my god.

: my arch-nemisis is your head chef

: umm yes?

: okay kara chill your eyeballs

: livewire hasn't done anything bad in more than six months

: and this food is damn good

: i suppose...

: whew this tea has KICK

: because you ignored me and then proceeded to pour the ENTIRE FLASK into that tea just to spite me

: whoops my bad